Archive for June, 2013

Kevin Trudeau Review: Whistleblower or Scammer?

After writing “Kevin Trudeau Scam, What’s Really Going On?”, I saw all the negativity being written about him over the Internet. If I’m going to put my name on the line to support him, it’s important to have an objective look at this from both sides. And, since most of the information you can find online about him is negative, this will provide a more balanced view-point.

There is indeed lots of critics about him online; too much to be only media propaganda. You can view the reviews of The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, Mega Memory and Consumer Affairs Complaints. I totally support him, and obviously this cannot be ignored. Let’s go through it together.

For the book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, I haven’t read that book myself. The reason for it is that I didn’t have any health problems or taken any medicine for years, so I don’t need it. The reviews are pretty consistent: it works, AND it’s not as easy as he said. Now I understand why the judge said he didn’t find his cure easy. All the reviews are around that theme. Those leaving negative feedback found it too hard and didn’t try it.

For Mega Memory, I have gone through the audio training of it (not the book). Memory was an aspect I had to improve and this training has been very helpful. It gave me a few headaches …Read More

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Kevin Trudeau Scam, What’s Really Going On?

On Wednesday, Kevin Trudeau, founder of the Global Information Network, is back into court and the FTC wants to lock him in jail. Here’s the news coverage. I really have to step up and say what’s really going on, because there so much propaganda and disinformation around this. I’m absolutely 100% willing to put my name and reputation on the line to defend this man, and you’ll understand why by the end of this article.

Why is he put in jail? He got sued with 37 million $ for his book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About, because he said in an infomercial that the cure was easy and the judge read it and said it didn’t sound that easy to him, so it’s false representation. He got fined 37 million $ in order to refund the 12 million people who purchased the book! Only problem is… nobody wants a refund and the government spent over 10 million $ of YOUR tax money to silence him.

Here’s what his clients think of him.

So what’s really going on? The government getting crazy and spending incredible sums of money to silence someone for ‘scam’ who is totally supported by his clients? Here’s the obvious key: it has nothing to do with what’s being discussed on the surface. Just like Julien Assance’s rape lawsuit, it obviously has nothing to do with rape either. Who did he “rape” anyway? I never heard anything directly or indirectly from …Read More

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Decentralizing Wealth – Back Into Your Hands

10 years ago, the whole media and information industry was totally centralized. You got fed the information others wanted you to believe. When Facebook and YouTube came out, it changed the game by decentralizing the way information is being shared. Now it is us who decide what information, products and services get out there, because we share good experiences as well as bad experiences, and by creating ripples, it affects lots of people.

However, the wealth being generated from it is still totally centralized. Companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, Angry Birds and others who built or leveraged a social grid grew to ridiculous proportions in the Billions of dollars each. Why do the benefits of it have to be so centralized? After all, you’re the one making these companies grow by sharing.

Well… someone got tired of Angry Birds making billions off the back of those making the company grow, and believed the ripple effects he caused were valuable, and decided to build a new social sharing platform. The idea is very simple, yet very profound: giving the financial outcome of these ripples back to those who caused them to begin with! Social media provide a way of decentralizing the way information is being shared. Decentralizing the way wealth is being distributed is the next logical step.

It looks like this is striking a deep cord. The system has NOT been released to the public yet and there’s already over a million people into it, and I spoke with several random people …Read More

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Sexual Polarity Explained

In the article The Mystery of Sexual Polarity, I raised some very interesting questions in regards to sexual polarity. As I’m getting ready to produce the Force of Life Blueprint, I have to reach a higher level of mastery on these topics.

I can use clairvoyance perceptions to read someone’s energy in different ways. With the Sexual Polarity reading, I read a person’s Masculine/Feminine Physical/Emotional/Spiritual energies in the solar plexus. Now, this is a type of reading where people rank in very funny (and fuzzy) ways. One of the reasons people rank so weird in this reading is because those who spend a lot of time improving themselves usually focus on one of two areas while mostly overlooking other areas. There are also several common beliefs that get in the way of properly developing these polarity energies.

Here are 2 very interesting observations I made:
– Women have no physical masculine energy, and men have no physical feminine energy!
– Masculine Emotional is the only of these 6 types of energy for which I don’t know any perfect model! Tom Cruise extends to the moon. Obama extends almost to the moon. Hans Zimmer extends to the cosmos. None of them extend to the stars.

Here are the sexual polarity readings of some famous people. The wider it expands, the better it is.
To the sky (100km) = Expert
To the moon = Mastery
To the cosmos = Semi-Enlightened
To the stars = Enlightened

David Hawkins (when he was alive)
Physical: Masculine 80km. …Read More

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Psychic Attacks from Dark Forces

There is an astral field inter-connecting everything in the world, and the movements of energy within that plane affect your thoughts and behaviors in many ways. The concept of psychic attack happens whenever someone projects negativity onto you. If your intuitive perceptions are open and someone in a different country gets angry at you, you can literally feel the aggressiveness affecting your state in the moment. This brings a new dimension to the old debate as to whether emotions come from thoughts or thoughts come from e-motions (energies in motion).

Now, the concept of psychic attacks from dark forces is a topic very few people and even teachers talk about. Some say it’s nothing more than your own excuses manifesting externally – which is true in many cases. Others say that dark forces are part of duality which is an illusion, and dark forces should not be a reality. Theories are nice, and this is where we have to make the difference between theory and reality.

The reality is that various high-conscious people who are playing a big game such as myself, Kevin Trudeau of the Global Information Network, my Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian and many other Alchemists, are dealing with psychic attacks from dark forces on a regular basis. In extreme cases, Jacques once had a psychic attack that paralyzed half of his body for months, for me it once turned into a physical attack from a random guy of the Montreal Chinese mafia right when I got into a bar, …Read More

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