Posts Tagged consciousness

The Cautionary Tale of Old Gods

This entire war is about old gods developing mainly into 2 categories. First are the godless gods like Lucifer and Satan. Here I’m going to talk about the other type of old gods: those who bend and hijack God’s Universal Laws.

I spent all night unmanifesting a wide range of parasitical entities and old gods, and got this update in the morning.

“God gave decree of total dissolution of Chaos. Chaos had created his own dimension with total ownership, like a state in a state. Considering this + his increased ferociousness and destructiveness, God gave the decree. His minions and allies will get a final 1-2-3 warning to give up their contracts and Chaos’s ways: if they accept, will go through reeducation, if refuse will be taken immediately to dissolution, no more questions asked. So there will be a number of sudden deaths worldwide

Chaos’ modus operandi proved to be extremely dangerous for the whole Creation and for the implementation on God’s Will – walking the very edge of Universal laws but in his favor, staying consistently at around 2% accordance with The Universal Laws – that’s unacceptable. God is going to instate a new minimum threshold + has created a committee that will analyze to the core the acts and decisions of those who consistently walk the edge of Universal Laws. Those like us who are striving to stay as close to 100% as possible will get priority in getting support in implementing our choices, decisions and leading people, teaching others, our …Read More

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A New Era for the Omniverse

Throughout the ages, through various worlds, “Ascension” has been a Pleiadian code word for “Harvest”. It makes you feel like puking and cleaning your mouth after realizing that.

What about the solar flash everybody has been waiting for? The solar flash is the Great Harvest. Don’t wait for it. It’s not coming.

Actually there might be a minor natural event. They coincide the harvest sequence with that natural event, embedding fancy harvesting techs into that flash. No thanks, I’ll pass.

We’re marking a new era for the Omniverse. Up until now, the only way to survive and stay relevant was to harvest souls, planets and entire Universes. Either you harvest to compete with the big guys, or you get harvested. God was always laughed at.

Back in 2016 when I was battling Atman, he was playing the same game of harvesting consciousness, and said there were much bigger threats out there to look for. He was only trying to stay relevant. Abraham Hicks and others were just doing the same in their own ways: share some knowledge in exchange for your soul.

We’re now proving that God and genuine Heaven Mandates can be more powerful than any amount of soul harvesting. It’s a complete Omniverse reset. New management, new rules, new era. Soul alignment with the one true God is now where the game is at. Only the one true God can compete; not the myriad of false gods.

Welcome to a new era!

For now I’ll be focusing on energy readings. God & Money Reading if you …Read More

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The Order of the Black Sun

After dismantling UniMatrix, our next stop is Todd Medina of Soulogy. I lost 90% of my left eyesight after being interviewed by him 1.5 years ago. I never fully recovered. It’s time to deal with this unfinished business. He’s been very aggressive in interviewing everyone in the spiritual industry.

As I looked at Todd Medina, I saw a very very tall white wall. On top of the wall is a white castle that belongs to Todd. The walls appear as light and guidance. In fact, there are walls everywhere around the communities. Where does the guidance lead towards? A giant cage, with planet Earth 95% in the cage.

They were getting ready to close the cage in 2 to 3 weeks, at which point, Earth would fall fully into the Black Sun Matrix, where the people start worshipping their enemy. Sweet.

Going above it all, this whole situation is enclosed within a bubble, so it’s a trap within a trap. The Order of the Black Sun is above this.

They possess absolutely incredible technologies!

As for Todd Medina, 50% of his incarnated essence is a fragment of the King of the Black Sun himself. The other 50% is a human soul to better infiltrate the communities. He was born with 15% Black Sun King essence, and during a psychedelic experience, it increased to 50% while he gained great powers.

This is not an operation I could do on my own. I was assisted by just the perfect team for the craziest badass mission ever!

They knew we …Read More

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Eros = Eye of Sauron

Upon digging into the various layers of Thoth, our investigation led us to working on the Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan, a natural gas cratter that has been burning for over 50 years. Seriously bad energy and related to Thoth. We had an opportunity to close it at the 22-02-2022 gateway.

Now… compare that to the energy of the Eye of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. Same energy. It’s one of the main feeding points of Thoth on the planet. The other locations are the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and perhaps Yellowstone supervolcano?

Upon identifying another Thoth fragment, we also came again upon this energy. Gillian Pothier is apparently very popular in the “femininity” industry, is 100% a Thoth fragment, and embodies exactly this. She calls it Eros. Compare her picture to the 2 pictures above. Same energy.

Does “Eros” = “Eye of Sauron”? I measure yes 100% accurate. It’s also about being the perfect submissive vessel to embody the Great Thoth.

This is really something big. It’s at the core of a lot of the corruption going on.

As of writing this, the Gates of Hell feeding is 92% reduced and its power is 98% reduced. The Great Pyramid of Egypt feeding is 85% reduced and its power is 92% reduced. The Yellowstone feeding is 75% reduced and its power is 80% reduced.

There is 5% of Eros left in my timeline, 38% left in Sophia’s timeline, 14% left in Irlanda’s timeline. Depending from whose perspective I look, I get different …Read More

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Energetic Infection and US Election Take-Over

As you probably know, Joe Biden is trying to steal the US elections with corruption. At the same time, we’re dealing with a huge energetic infection push Universe-wide. Those two are directly related. The forces trying to overthrow Trump are the ones pushing the energetic infection agenda.

The energetic infection is an emerald green energy emanating from the Black Cubes that have been corrupted. It is a corruption of the Rays of Creation. The cubes were created to prevent various parties for fighting to control the root of the Rays of Creation… but the Cubes eventually got corrupted anyway. The Emerald Snake with golden eyes guarding it is dead. We’re dealing with the Cubes and the infection.

They are basically hijacking the original rays of creation to corrupt the ascension codes. Even in Royal Alchemy, the Emerald Green sceptre used to re-organize energies is corrupted. The Orion constellation doesn’t seem to be affected by this corruption of the rays though.

This is an operation that has been planned for a very long time, with agents infiltrating all important communities, including the P2P group, and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Now, this energetic infection completely takes over your will and discernment. If you ask questions about this and can’t see clearly, that’s a big red flag.

Furthermore, it feeds you with power, but not your own, so you may be feeling even better with this infection growing. That’s why many will reject the truth.

It infects all the dimensions up to 25D. Crystals are very vulnerable …Read More

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