Posts Tagged energy healing

A New Order

Finally some good news. Sometimes a bit of show of force is all that’s needed. After one-shotting Baphomet, other parties are stepping down and surrendering. From now, we’ll alternate between rounds of negotiations and rounds of eliminations, with ever-increasing forces on our side.

We have agents going around making an inventory of all parties left, asking whether they want to continue to fight or switch side, and filing them up in 3 columns: joins our side, not yet decided, to be eliminated. I told all of them that ANY support for Kamala party will automatically sign them up into the elimination column. I gave them 24h to withdraw any support before this new law takes effect. Then this happened.

Whoever wins the war gets to rewrite history — literally. We’re going back in time to enforce new laws across the entire time spectrum. The main of which: the practice of Planet Harvesting is strictly forbidden. Gradually, this practice, and all associated forces, will diminish from the timelines spectrum.

Also, supporting the big demons is now strictly forbidden, both at a personal level and at a society level.

Enforcing new laws is one thing; for us to go back in time to enforce new laws retroactively, you can be sure it’s for something serious.

We’re rooting them out retroactively in time, down to their points of origin through time. We’re establishing the Hanuman Foundation as a new entity to enforce these new laws across the entire time spectrum, rooted in the origins of time.

Since yesterday, …Read More

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Spiritual Warfare October Status

Woah it has been a heck of a week! Had to leave town for a few days. Let’s check the status of everything. First off, in the September landscape chart, there was a neutral Pistis large mass at the middle-bottom that’s not visible in the chart , but Jason, Fractal Guardians and Light Pistis fed from. That large mass has surrendered to God. Now we have Belzebub, Mammom, Mephisto, some Beast aspects, and this large Pistis mass on our side. In fact, I’m now working more closely with Mephisto and this Pistis mass to build a much stronger central pillar.

Meanwhile, their ability to steal US elections was 95% last week! It dropped to 12-17%, which can still raise up to 32%, but they still have the ability to cause massive damage. Can’t let our guard down! The next US elections is a milestone event we cannot afford to miss (like last time). It’s not so much their “actions” that must be countered; but rather, the forces leading them must be dissolved back to the void.

I also started working with a new technique, Infinity Infinity Snap, which is proving pretty effective. It’s like Thanos’ snap, but on rapid-fire. A billion snaps in a row.

Meanwhile, many people are expecting the worst chaos during October. Millions of convicted criminals have entered the country illegally and have been put in position in various spots in the USA awaiting orders. Dozens of groups doing everything they can to assassinate Trump. And more. October is …Read More

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Spiritual Landscape Chart of September

After drawing a graphical chart of the entire spiritual landscape last month and in 2019, the landscape already shifted radically in a month so I drew the chart again. This time, I worked extra hard to scan up to the edges of all reality, to try to draw a finite view of pseudo-infinity and get a complete picture. This has been a LOT of work!

This time, instead of simply measuring “force”, I’m measuring EEE__, where E means ‘x digits’, so all these numbers are extremely large and include 3 levels of exponentiality.

This chart is like turning map hack on. Much easier to fight with a map.

As I was expanding and exploring the edges of reality, I found very far-out sectors that have higher connection to God. These are like Krishna universes. Also the Varanasi monks have stronghold Universes around there, and will grow greatly in power as we connect to those. I called for help. This is making all the numbers go up. Ain’t this chart beautiful?

The whole upper part is almost cleared!!!!!

Thoth, Chaos and Alobar really look weak and out of resources. Need to finish up Thoth and Chaos.

In the lower-right corner, we can clearly see Pistis’ anatomy. Ain’t that beautiful? Can see all the organs.

Certain points are combined. Allah is Baal. Rion Kati is now under Ashtar Commands. David Wilcock and Sabine Messner are under the same entity, probably still some Sith Lords left but much less than before. Georges Soros and Bill Gates are the …Read More

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Spiritual Warfare for Our Freedom

Current sales and donations is just not going to be enough to cover my needs, and I’ll need time and resources to finish Unlock Your Soul Power. I now have 6 videos ready to watch, and a lot more to do.

I have just created a funding campaign on GiveSendGo: Spiritual Warfare for Our Freedom. This will be a good way of reaching new people. It will also give some visibility for the video series I’m currently producing. 2 hits with one stone.

Even if you’re not in a position to be able to donate, could you do this for me. Go on the GiveSendGo page and send a small donation, even if it’s just $10, or even $1. By creating activity, and increasing the amount of people giving, it will give momentum and visibility to the campaign, and others will be able to see it.

The goal here is to reach a new group of people, and small donations will help a lot. Let’s show them that this movement is active!

Go here and send just a small donation.

Last time I created a campaign on GoFundMe, they banned me and refunded everyone (actually I had received some money from them, so not sure what happened with “refunding everyone”). The Freedom Convoy also got banned by GoFundMe in a similar way and moved to GiveSendGo. This looks like a reliable platform by good people.

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3 New Videos Published

I have just published 3 new videos in Unlock Your Soul Power. Fixed “forgot password”, and allowed to unlock Module 4 with a donation when it’s ready.

Videos published so far:

I. Making Sense of The Pandemic
II. Break Science Boundaries to Discover Your Power
III. Break Matrix Boundaries to See Beyond the Veil
IV. Avoid Traps to Stay Alive
V. Overcome Fears to Step Forward With Confidence

> Register here for free!

(This is really a lot of work… but it will be worth it)

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