Posts Tagged love

Spiritual Warfare for Our Freedom

Current sales and donations is just not going to be enough to cover my needs, and I’ll need time and resources to finish Unlock Your Soul Power. I now have 6 videos ready to watch, and a lot more to do.

I have just created a funding campaign on GiveSendGo: Spiritual Warfare for Our Freedom. This will be a good way of reaching new people. It will also give some visibility for the video series I’m currently producing. 2 hits with one stone.

Even if you’re not in a position to be able to donate, could you do this for me. Go on the GiveSendGo page and send a small donation, even if it’s just $10, or even $1. By creating activity, and increasing the amount of people giving, it will give momentum and visibility to the campaign, and others will be able to see it.

The goal here is to reach a new group of people, and small donations will help a lot. Let’s show them that this movement is active!

Go here and send just a small donation.

Last time I created a campaign on GoFundMe, they banned me and refunded everyone (actually I had received some money from them, so not sure what happened with “refunding everyone”). The Freedom Convoy also got banned by GoFundMe in a similar way and moved to GiveSendGo. This looks like a reliable platform by good people.

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3 New Videos Published

I have just published 3 new videos in Unlock Your Soul Power. Fixed “forgot password”, and allowed to unlock Module 4 with a donation when it’s ready.

Videos published so far:

I. Making Sense of The Pandemic
II. Break Science Boundaries to Discover Your Power
III. Break Matrix Boundaries to See Beyond the Veil
IV. Avoid Traps to Stay Alive
V. Overcome Fears to Step Forward With Confidence

> Register here for free!

(This is really a lot of work… but it will be worth it)

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First Unlock Your Soul Power Videos Released

I’ve been working hard on preparing the Unlock Your Soul Power interactive training. There’s a lot of work on preparing the videos (11 videos written), a lot of work to prepare the PowerPoint presentations, a lot of work to prepare the videos (3 videos done), and a lot of work to prepare the interactive membership platform.

The interactive platform is now ready (except the sharing feature) and I published the 3 first videos.

– Introduction
– Making Sense of The Pandemic
– Break Science Boundaries to Discover Your Power

>> You can sign up here, totally for FREE (free for you, and some financial support is always welcomed as this is considerable expenses on my side; but this will be mint-class training to build the business for the years to come)

If you already registered, you should have gotten an email with your access link (make sure to check your spam folder). When I sent the first email, there was a technical issue that has been resolved, now the link should work.

Also wanted to update you on Alchemist Gems products. There has been long delays due to issues with labeling. It’s taking much longer than expected but it’s progressing. Also, I had issue finding a good helper. Almost all those who applied had 35%+ demonic infiltration in their core! Something big is roaming area the area, so I got to be careful with who I work with. I finally found someone good, so that’s major progress. My helper will …Read More

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Remaining Astral Parties

Things have been very confusing lately. What are the main parties left, and who is with who?

I just did an analysis. Was told that there are 6 main parties left including us in this war.

1. Elon Musk = AI, he seems to be an odd one completely on his own? but he will never surrender to God

2. Chaos+Thoth+Alobar+Jason+Ashtar = Upper Dimensions, Krystic Order

3. Baphomet+Lilith+Pistis = Lower Dimensions, Hell

3.5 LGBTQ+Orange Dracos = shared pet project by all to harvest sexual energy

4. Yehovah/Beast+Pleiadians+Arcturians = Lower-Left Order

5. Lucifer+Satan+Pistis+Nazis+Chaos = Old World Order. Chaos bets in both #2 and #5.

6. God order, Hanuman holds 90% of it.

On the Red/White Light Chart, #1 is on the far left, #2 at the top, #5 at the bottom-left, #4 at the bottom-left-middle, #3 at the bottom-middle, and #6 in the center.

Measuring about 93.9% accuracy on this classification.

Who is working with and against who?

#1 for/against
2: 35.2% / 24.5%
3: 12.4% / 95.1%
3.5: 1.4% / 99.2%
4: 15.1% / 45.7%
5: 12.4% / 75.3%
6: 24.7% / 95.1%

#2 for/against
1: 12.9% / 24.2%
3: 15.1% / 98.6%
3.5: 97.2% / 3.4%
4: 45.9% / 32.4%
5: 13.2% / 96.2%
6: 18.2% / 99.3%

#3 for/against
1: 0.3% / 99.7%
2: 45.1% / 99.7%
3.5: 99.3% / 0.4%
4: 14.7% / 18.9%
5: 25.5% / 18.9%
6: 0.3% / 99.8%

#4 for/against
1: 32.4% / 44.9%
2: 95.1% / 32.5%
3: 24.7% / 32.9%

3.5: 95.1% / 18.2%
5: 18.2% / 95.7%
6: 1.4% / 95.8%

#5 for/against
1: 35.2% / 75.7%
2: 32.4% / 91.3%
3: 91.4% / 35.1%
3.5: 95.8% / 12.4%
4: 42.4% / 34.5%
6: 1.0% / 97.9%

#6 for/against
1: 0.3% / 98.9%
2: 0.0% / 99.8%
3: 0.0% …Read More

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Analysis of Demonic Donors

As I’m preparing Unlock Your Soul Power training, I’ve come into very interesting data. I just completed writing module 2… already at 46000 words so far, jam-packed with information. This is like writing an entire book. You can register to be added to the wait-list, and ideally contribute financially to help cover the expenses and unlock a bonus module.

Btw I just hit a massive pot-hole on the highway to Playa del Carmen. I didn’t just lose 2 tires this time; 2 rims completely broken in half. These are more expenses to cover on top of preparing this video training and preparing the oils product labels. Any support is very welcomed! Once this video training is ready, and Alchemist Gems business is properly launched, then I’ll be able to say that I have a business. Meanwhile, I’m pretty damn busy.

When you look at an entity or a movement, the donor is the mega-soul that it is built from or that backs it up. I started analyzing the donors of various actors. This brought very surprising data.

Let’s look at the donors for the Pleiadians, Arcturians, virus, jab, Chemtrails, and LGBTQ

As we can see here, the Arcturians and LGBTQ+ are 2 things where all the main demons are still strong and collaborating together. There is still a lot more to deal with than I thought.

LGBTQ+ is their fuel source, and although I suspected Baphomet was behind it, all of them are heavily invested in it. It’s their food source, harvesting …Read More

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