My intuition told me to give a few individuals a draft copy of the book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times. The feedback is absolutely phenomenal.
Thank you for sharing this with me, Etienne. I’ve never read anything with such energetic power and carrying such truth.
I approached this reading from a standpoint of open-minded skepticism and come away 100% assured of the truth and awakening power of this book.
This clarifies a lot of what you’d been posting, which at times appeared disjointed or even contradictory. The message rings true, though I confirmed the distortion % you reported. I also confirmed this distortion in no way impacts the truth of the overall message or its awakening impact.
I’ve never seen pictorial representations emanate such pure energetic power.
If a reader consumes this with an open mind and clean energy, the reader will receive an awakening. I’m convinced of this. Whatever a person’s role is in the universe, this will awaken the reader to that mission.
On a more personal level, this helps explain the power of the crystal I have which contains a Lumerian soul and why it keeps telling me using it as a crystal, even a highly attuned crystal, is vastly underutilizing its power. Your book, and the wand, were manifested into my reality at this time for a reason – I’m being called to take on a MUCH larger role, and to bring strong conscious energy to every level of my expression. There is a very …Read More