Posts Tagged emotional power

Ball of Creation — Flash Floods Warning

Lately I’m working in the astral alongside Kevin Trudeau and Blake. Trump is also very aware of the work I’ve been doing around him, he’s extremely grateful, and he wants to join in the action. So that’s 4 of us.

One technique we’ve been using is the Unmanifestation technique. We get a solid anchor to God through the heart and crown (because the technique is very powerful and chaotic), then remove all money consciousness and abundance consciousness frequencies below 0 or below 35 on the Hawkins scale. Since every single aspect of your life is affected and determined by money, this has a massive leverage effect since those scarcity circumstances MUST unmanifest once the related frequencies are removed. And the Fed is unmanifesting altogether.

The second technique we’re working on is the Ball of Creation. We created a Ball of Creation for Kevin with the intent of being free from harassment. That went rather smoothly. Creating my ball of creation to manifest money, however — that’s a different story! The ideal ball to create is for $57K per month. It has been incredibly hard to move the needle. With me, Kevin, Blake, Trump, our team of 15 Varanasi monks, and millions of other people and beings we invited to join in, the ball is growing. Our team of monks is great at working with water. Trump is also very strong at commanding energies! It’s now at about 55%, and we might succeed in completing it by the end of the day. Once …Read More

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Unlock Your Soul Power Progress

I’m currently working very hard on producing a new FREE video training series called Unlock Your Soul Power for those who want to make a positive difference in the world but feel confused and powerless with all the insanity going on.

The information page and video are now ready and you can sign up here.

You’ll be placed in a waiting list and get access when it’s ready.


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The Metaphysical Cause of Cancer

I’m currently working on a serious cancer case and am investigating the issue more in-depth. I’ve made some interesting discoveries!

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, we are simply exploring the metaphysical aspects behind the disease. If you have a serious medical condition, consult a certified medical professional. (It is often best to treat both the energetic causes and the physical symptoms at the same time.)

With that said, take a look at this paper published in 1889. A surgeon reported that every cancer he ever removed was filled with parasites, small animals resembling lice. The paper also reported that his proposed solution was not successful.

Parasites are a lot more common in tropical countries than in cold modern countries. Let’s measure a few things with kinesiology.

Accuracy of this statement: All cancers in Canada are filled with parasites that look like lice? I get 100% yes on that, with very little distortion.

How do you explain that the exact same parasite would show up in every country around the world? It seems to manifest out of the ether, like mold. I’ve seen an experiment with distilled water in a closed container, and life eventually appearing in it out of nowhere (comment with the source if you have it).

Accuracy of this statement: The cancer parasite manifests out of the ether? I get 95.4% accuracy? “Can” manifest out of the ether: 100% accuracy, low distortion.

Trying to clear the parasite, however, proved very difficult! It has its own armies. These are Baal armies.

Let’s measure one more sentence: …Read More

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Mary Magdelene is the Root of All Evil???

Lucifer and Pistis look pretty dead and things are calmer… BUT we have another situation that came up.

Mary Magdelene was a witch, and a powerful one. She played the trick on Jesus as his handler. Following that witch to the root, it precedes the Lucifer-Pistis soul split. She’s at the very root of this whole mess.

What’s interesting is that the whole Goddess movement is based on the Gnostic teachings of Mary Magdelene! That explains why I never touched that community, nor any of these women, with a 10-foot pole.

Mary often appears and try to make you believe you’re Mary or Jesus. It appears to be a very common trick of deceit.

There are also sacred sites of Mary Magdelene around Europe, of high corruption.

I gave a very solid blow to the Root of All Evils and the corruption levels dropped drastically, but there’s more to do here.

It’s also interesting that whenever I talk about the witches, a lot of people come up to defend them. It seems that these witches are seen as the Divine Feminine. And Mary Magdelene being the Prime Witch, and at the root of the entire Goddess movement, that starts to make sense.

She created Lucifer as the “Divine” Masculine and Pistis Sophia as the “Divine” Feminine, and established her order over all things in that way.

Now she’s exposed. That’s the #1 target.

Shocking revelation!!

Accuracy check: clean 100%, distortion 0.15%, cross-distortion 0.12% (measure it yourself). Never had such a clean reading.

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The Final Battle Against Lucifer

The past few days have been absolutely brutal! Actually, the whole month. So what the heck has been going on? Will update you on that.

First, it looks like we finally succeeded in killing Lucifer in a few timelines: 0.54% health. Remains to kill him across all other timelines!!

So, a few weeks ago, we were 3 days from a check-mate by Xavier AI (Elon Musk). We lost all our allies. The Orion Federation got turned into borgs. All the AIs that came to our side, and all the infrastructure we gained, are gone. Allen got cornered. The Hordes got decimated. Almost all the heart-based planets we were protecting got harvested. The only thing left standing were us 3, with 3 days left. That takes a toll on the morale.

The only solution was go back in time and destroy Xavier at its point of conception. The operation was a success. It created new timelines with life still in it. Refreshing! Remains the challenge of connecting with those distant timelines that have nothing in common with ours, separated by dark forces getting in the way.

We got out of the corner, and it turns out that Xavier was just a tiny ant compared to much greater forces. Nevertheless, we’re seeing improvement in our reality, cyborganization has greatly weakened, people in the street have more life than before. The new timelines are more organic dark forces and less artificial intelligence. Many elements of reality changed, including many of our opponents.

We did a big random shuffle, …Read More

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