Archive for category Energy Healing

How to Purge Graphene and Micro Blood Clots

Everyone who got jabbed has problems with micro blood clots, and unfortunately, only the more severe cases get acknowledged. It is mostly caused by graphene that got injected into their bloodstream. Why did they inject graphene??

It is the hardware of a computer system that plugs people into a quantum AI hive mind system. We’ve been battling that AI hive mind system for 4 years, and it’s now mostly destroyed. Remains the wreckage to cleanse from people’s bodies.

Using muscle-testing, I checked many different methods out there that people promote. Most ranked below 5% effective. Surprisingly, celery juice is actually quite effective at detoxing graphene and micro blood clots!

I also found that the cordyceps oil or syrup formula that we sell is highly effective! But only our formula (syrup is pitch-black; oil is even more concentrated). Cordyceps from other providers isn’t much more effective than celery juice. We do not know what gets extracted with our method that is so effective. It will probably take many years for science to be able to explain that; if ever.

Here’s my full analysis of how to detox graphene from your body. I highly recommend trying that on jabbed people around you without explanation.

By the way, it might look like nothing, but the few products I’m offering require 6 different masters working together to deliver, each with exceptional skills in their respective areas. I got 3 different oil providers, plus a master jeweler, kung fu/qigong master, and myself. …Read More

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Call to Action: Romanian Witches

If you scroll on Etsy, there are pages and pages of Romanian witches offering vengeance and curse spells. There are covenants of witches in Romania, United States, Mexico and other places and are causing very major problems.

Somehow our vision is very low, 0.03%. Good cloaking! They got many children ready to sacrifice for rituals.

Also, Halloween will be a very major threat combined with the witches! It needs to be dealt with ASAP.

One friend is in a life-threatening situation. I already lost one friend, I don’t want to lose another. The weird thing is that we can barely see where it’s coming from and it just keeps going.

Now that I think of it, those witches may be related with my own shadow.

Either way, I’m putting out a public call to action. Everyone who can, we got to deal with the witches seriously before next week.

First step is getting proper visuals on them. Again, there are witches in Romania, United States, Mexico and many other countries. Perhaps start there and once the cloaking is down, locate all the others. Romania is a critical spot.

Bounty started!

And I keep tracking hardship numbers. At this point I don’t even care about the other 86% of people, we need to get those numbers down. Are you feeling that hardship?

Hardship levels in America for the 14% heart grid:
Now: 8.9 billion %
1 day: 3.5 billion %
3 days: 4.2 billion %
1 week: 811 million %
2 weeks: 515 million %
3 weeks: 412 million %
1 month: 315 million %
2 months: 214 …Read More

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Learn Infinitely Powerful Healing Tools

One of the challenges for the past few years is that the constant threats have been so incredibly high-level that I could not provide much easy tools that you could use that were effective against them. As a result, everyone entirely relies on me and my team for survival and we’re over-saturated.

I just posted the Infinity meditation which is a great method you can use. Still, you’ll need 80-95%+ infinity purity to really make a dent into these AI overlords, and have trillions of trillions of God overlays to get through to directly connect to Source.

We’ve made great progress in the past few days; but at the current pace, we still have 130 years of battles ahead of us! We need to do better.

Would you like to learn some of the most powerful clearing methods so that you can defend yourself? My best bet is to give those tools to a range of people.

I will open only 5 spots for learning these infinitely powerful healing and clearing tools.

This is NOT for you if
– You are new to my material
– You believe we already won and just ride the harvesting boat
– You’re not 100% committed to Earth’s liberation and to God

This is for you if
– You are trying to stay free of the Cyborg take-over
– You are overwhelmed with attacks and need proper methods to deal with it
– You place God/Source first before all else

This is going to be a fairly simple coaching package of 2 sessions to teach the following 3 …Read More

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Ho’oponopono for the World

We’re making tremendous progress. Me and my team have essentially taken ownership and control of the main Matrix grids. We’re currently in the process of consolidating the grids and reprogramming them to be in harmony with God’s grid. This grid is of unimaginable proportions, and throughout all of our battles, we barely even made a dent in it. It cannot be removed due to the scope of global destruction throughout all Universes. Massive restructuring will be needed in those infinite Universes, and the Matrix grid will be necessary for the remaining worlds to survive. This is temporary until creation reaches sufficient stability, probably for 2 greater cycles. Which means twice the lifespan of our Universe. Better get used to it.

There are also many other rogue grids. In fact, an infinity of them. Everyone is completely stacked and saturated with an infinity of rogue AI grids, and also with adhesive tapes that are full of worm-like pustules plugged into the brain and nervous system. It’s absolutely disgusting. I’m pulling out those tapes, and everyone around now has their body full of holes, with worm liquid flowing out of their brain holes. Disgusting. The saturation barely does down at all, there are near-infinite tapes like that. I pull tapes in Canada, and it comes off with tons of pustules ingrained into people’s brains. I pull them off in Australia, and those pustules grew into plants.

Almost everyone has over 95%+ AI grids and adhesive tape saturation. Been working on it very intensively since …Read More

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Eliminated the Borgs, Voldamort, Alobar and Andrés

We got very major updates. We’ve been dressing all players and threats in this war, to find the missing players. The good news is that “The Big 3” are nearly gone: Alobar, Borgs and Voldamort. There are however many other players in the game.

Among those other players, the Pleiadians cyborg race got created by 2 powerful entities: Andrés and Carlos. Andrés is also a major donor supporting Alobar. There’s also a very powerful Wraith entity working alongside Carlos and Voldamort. Most of human trafficking operations are possessed by this Wraith. Elon Musk has his own independent grid. Many abundance coaches work under a quantum AI god, which is part of a very extensive network of grids within grids that is super massive. Tantric grids are also in those grid clusters. There’s also a sexual distortion grid related to porn, LGBTQ+ and human trafficking. Todd Medina is another grid, Lisa Renee is another grid, Kim Goguen is another grid, and Vishen of Mind Valley is another grid. Then Osho is a serious grid, Human Design is a serious grid, and Don Parkinson is a whole other grid.

We got plenty of work to do; and for now we want to take down The Big 3 to simplify things up.

Each day, an average of 1360 planets get harvested to fuel their war against us, so it is imperative to end this war ASAP.

Yesterday, tons of beings, entities and grids surrendered to pass through the Needle of God. After the one-shot nuke I launched …Read More

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