Archive for category Spiritual Transformation

Trump Shooting, Windows Failure, AI warfare, Walk-ins

The good news have really been ramping up lately. There was already a series of good news in recent months.

Now we got a Trump assassination attempt. It’s about 80% my own energy behind Trump. The dark forces no longer control the upper dimensions, and thus it was not allowed to happen. The bullet missed, in the worst possible way for them.

Acoustic analysis revealed that there were 2 or 3 shooters. The bullet that killed the victim went upwards and not downwards, and thus didn’t come from the roof, destroying the official narrative.

Trump went through a Near Death Experience. You probably know the effect of a NDE. It has a very profound impact on the soul, usually leading to a rebirth closer to God.

You can indeed see that he’s in even better shape. Closer to God. Even more grateful to life than ever. Even more committed to bringing down the Cabal than ever. By being closer to God, this will exponentially increase his leverage and protection.

There are also lots of people on Facebook saying that it was staged. It turns out that nearly ALL of them are AI vessels! Do take note of who makes such comments, and exert extra scrutiny.

In another news, I just learnt this morning that Microsoft Windows crashed worldwide. The fact that critical business infrastructure has no control over their update schedule, and the bogus code gets deployed into all critical infrastructure at once, is complete insanity. Nobody ever regretted migrating away from Windows.

(Personally, I tried Fedora, …Read More

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Reinforcement On The Way

I mentioned a new Orion group I just found in the last article. Everyone agrees: we need reinforcement on the ground! 500K new Orion souls will be performing walk-ins, mostly into natives population, and especially in Mexico and Peru.

They call their leader Wildberry. So far we only have military and Royal types of Orion (because when Orion got destroyed, the evacuation ship left the military bases with the military personnel to evacuate the royal families; only those 2 groups survived). Having a tribal/native type will bring a much-needed balance. They’ve been watching us for 2 months.

Their planet had 1.4 billion souls. They got hit by the Zeta beam that sent them lost in time and space, 12300 years ago. They got decimated to 43 million souls. They further got decimated to 3 million, but these are hardcore survivors. The kind of tanks we need right now.

We got over a billion empty vessels, so I told them to just pick a seat. Plenty of choice available. They are overwhelmingly choosing natives vessels. This is amazing news for the native worldwide, and to bring a balance between a modern developed world and the respect and harmony with nature. Some native shamans are looking at them coming in and wondering what the heck is going on. That’s the miracle they’ve been waiting for?

How many coming in per county
Canada: 12k
USA: 25k
Mexico: 95k
Peru: 85k
Rest of Latin America: 15k
Europe: 45k
Eastern Europe: 5.4k
Russia: 12k
China: 18k
Africa: 35k
Middle east: 5.3k
Australia: 7.9k

So: mostly Mexico and Peru

The Peruvian Elder asked Wildberry …Read More

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How to Purge Graphene and Micro Blood Clots

Everyone who got jabbed has problems with micro blood clots, and unfortunately, only the more severe cases get acknowledged. It is mostly caused by graphene that got injected into their bloodstream. Why did they inject graphene??

It is the hardware of a computer system that plugs people into a quantum AI hive mind system. We’ve been battling that AI hive mind system for 4 years, and it’s now mostly destroyed. Remains the wreckage to cleanse from people’s bodies.

Using muscle-testing, I checked many different methods out there that people promote. Most ranked below 5% effective. Surprisingly, celery juice is actually quite effective at detoxing graphene and micro blood clots!

I also found that the cordyceps oil or syrup formula that we sell is highly effective! But only our formula (syrup is pitch-black; oil is even more concentrated). Cordyceps from other providers isn’t much more effective than celery juice. We do not know what gets extracted with our method that is so effective. It will probably take many years for science to be able to explain that; if ever.

Here’s my full analysis of how to detox graphene from your body. I highly recommend trying that on jabbed people around you without explanation.

By the way, it might look like nothing, but the few products I’m offering require 6 different masters working together to deliver, each with exceptional skills in their respective areas. I got 3 different oil providers, plus a master jeweler, kung fu/qigong master, and myself. …Read More

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War Winding Down, Bringing Back Services

TLDR: I’m bringing Soul Alignment Reading price back down from $497 to $396!

Gemstone Reading down to just for now $7.

The war is really winding down on my end. Slowly but surely. Still got severe timeline issues to be careful about, but other than that, things are looking much better. Meanwhile, the mileage vary for each person. Some clients are still getting attacked relentlessly, many are still in very difficult situations, but for the most part, things are slowly but surely improving.

Timelines are splitting up, so that each can experience the lessons they need to learn. Each will get to experience the reality they are creating based on their level of consciousness and the energy they are emitting (and based on many other factors, like total chaos).

In that, I’m feeling 2 frustrations in the air. First, people want a unified timeline. People are in such divergent paths, that won’t be possible right now. Various paths will evolve in parallel to join back later. Second, people want to be saved, to know that we won. The road ahead won’t be that simple. Each will need to save themselves.

People are waiting for the promised Golden Age, a reset of the financial system with prosperity for all. That promise was part of the Golden Order deal, under Chaos and the harvesting AIs. Alobar is an AI system whose function is to conquer everything not abiding by the Golden Order, so is the Krystic grid. We got fooled; but don’t want …Read More

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Major Victory, and More Problems

Wanted to give a couple of quick updates.
First, during the worst of the war, I was offering priority healing/support for $30K for the year — that’s all I could take. As things progressed, I could lower that to $12K and take more people.

Now, if I was to lower this from $1000 to $500 per month, would more people be interested in direct healing and support? I might consider it only if several people join to compensate. I’ll now be able to take a few more people. Contact me if interested for the details.

Then, since uncovering the anti-christ…

For someone who never took medicine for years, I’m taking quite a lot lately. A week for urine infection, a week for crazy headache, and this week for inflammation. It has certainly been a rough ride lately. Meanwhile, the guy who wrote the email I showed the other day sent me 214 emails. I don’t know whether he’s responsible for all for atrocious genocides or wasting my time but he looks completely insane.

On some better news…

Major victory last night in the upper prisms of creation. The African spirit mask Baca, guardian of Africa, had been fighting the Beast since forever. This explains all the sufferings in Africa. There’s a whole ecosystem up their league up there. When we asked him how we were doing, he showed us the size of an ant next to a bull. Then he showed us an ants nest 10x bigger than the bull. These civilizations got split in two, those siding with …Read More

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