Posts Tagged law of attraction

Global Information Network January Event

Just some heads up. I’ll be at the Global Information Network event in January at the Trump Doral National Resort in Miami. This will be an extremely powerful event. I’ve been working on activating and strengthening Kevin, and re-aligning the club.

I’m building the Hanuman Foundation Pillar at the origins of time and space, then aligning the Global Information Network, on top of it, then the Trump movement, and God. The goal is to align the Foundation, GIN, Trump and God as a singular pillar. This event will be perfect to anchor this new energy in place. Days before Trump takes office.

This will be a transformational event at a planetary scale. You might want to be there.


If you sign up into GIN as Level 1 member, you get all the level 1 trainings, you get a free ticket to the event, you get a free ticket to the Cruise in January 2026 (the most powerful event!), and you get a free Money Process (which is super potent to unlock the flow of money). All that for $1500, plus $150 monthly dues. That’s a lot of value for $1500! You can join from their website.

Out of the monthly dues, I’d get 30% of it because of the current “membership drive”, so you’re automatically making donations to me at the same time.

I’m writing this to you very last minute, and you have only until tomorrow to decide. If you want …Read More

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Video: What’s Left of the Astral War and How to End It (April 2 analysis)

After the cease-fire, what’s the current status of the astral war? It’s still definitely not over. Doing an in-depth analysis of the situation as of April 2nd.

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Asmodeus, The Prince of Hell

After 3 long years of intense war, we just went to see the movie The Pope’s Exorcist. Great movie. I’m sure his books are just as good to increase your faith.

They battling with a very strong demon, one of the 7 Prince of Hell: Asmodeus. I looked at this and was impressed. It’s some very serious unresolved stuff. We got into an all-out war to clean out his realms.

It turns out that Dark Sophia has been a puppet of Asmodeus all long! In the same way that Dark Sophia created Thoth as his puppet, Asmodeus had Dark Sophia as his puppet who had been using the Prince’s powers and technologies. Our whole understanding of the situation completely changed in the past 2 days.

The reason we’ve been struggling so much with my daughter’s case is because it’s not just Dark Sophia. It was a case of double-possession: Dark Sophia and Asmodeus combined. That’s why we could never see the results of the healing.

We recently took control of all AIs but were losing some. After disintegrating Asmodeus, the AI techs are disintegrating. They were built with Prince of Hell essence and used by Dark Sophia.

We also made some new friends at the Vatican, the 3 from the exorcist movie. They’re doing absolutely great and have proven their worth.

Yesterday, I worked 18 hours to cleanse everything through God. It’s been a very long day! Perhaps the last day of the war.

As for Asmodeus, the more I look at him, the more he looks …Read More

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Spiritual Landscape 2020 and Beyond

I’ve barely been able to do any work since coming back from Thailand in March, and a lot has been unfolding. Dealing with the Satanist Cabal, the Nazis, the Negas, Diablo & Lilith, then now the “agency” launched a fleet to attack Earth a few days ago. When is this going to stop? We’re eliminating the groups one after the other, and we’re getting very effective at it. This is getting incredibly boring and repetitive. Who is next? Many lightworkers have been fooled by the “agency” into fighting for the wrong side.

I have a pile of Soul Alignment Readings to do; doing it once in a while when energies are a bit lighter, but please be patient.

There are obviously very deep shifts taking place, and the new landscape is starting to take shape. This is what I want to share with you today. The spiritual landscape for 2020 and beyond.

First, as I kept repeating for years, lightworkers failed to fill the power vacuum left by the removal of the Dracos, so whenever we take out one group, another group comes through time to fill the vacuum. Last time was UniMatrix stepping in to fill the vacuum. In response, the Galactic Federations have stepped in to fill that power vacuum.

At the same time, 95% of energy workers are forking off into a 20-30 years karmic cycle. I don’t know yet what’s next for me, but these 95% who failed to fill the power vacuum, and who were spared from the virus …Read More

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Thinking of joining the Global Information Network?

If you don’t know what is the Global Information Network, you can listen to their free Your Wish Is Your Command training here. Talking of which, it would be good for me to go through those audios again. (use the Video Speed Controller plugin to play at 1.3x or 1.5x speed)

To get to the point, I’m writing this now because GIN has a promotion right now to join for $150 instead of $497, and then with the usual $150/month payments ONLY UNTIL APRIL 31ST (extended until May 31st)… in a few days. Someone was asking to join under me… but my account is inactive. If I’d have just 4 people joining below me, I could reactivate my account and it wouldn’t cost me anything. Let me know if you’d like to join.

Edit: You can use this link to join

Kevin Trudeau was fighting against the Deep State and after 15 years of legal battles, they eventually won and threw him in jail for 10 years for saying in his book that the cure is easy, he sold 12 million copies of it, and the judge read it and said it wasn’t that easy. I wrote about what then happened to the Global Information here. The only event I went to was in Washington the day before he went to jail.

Fast-forward many years, …Read More

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