Archive for category Emotional Power

The Orion Second Awakening

Just had a Category 2 hurricane here in Playa del Carmen yesterday. It went pretty smooth, everything is fine. That one was energetically intense! Tulum went from a vibration of -65 billion to a vibration of -9768. The hurricane brought a cleansing of very deep energetic structures!

Wanted to update about the current status, since a LOT has been happening. The army of walk-ins that I talked about last week, they were completely surrounded and infiltrated by Thoth. He was to use them as hooks to come in, then gradually merge timelines around them to corrupt them and us at the same time. There’s been an extremely big battle against Thoth’s army. That group withdrew to focus on themselves. First they have to survive that Thoth assault, then re-evaluate the whole situation, and they’re welcome to come back after.

Thoth managed to get 13% infiltration in my subconscious mind without me realizing! 13% of Earth globally, with deeper infiltration in some people. I got to give him credit for that. As of right now, he still has 1.5% infiltration on Earth, 12.4% on that army from last week (down from 55%!). It’s not over but the immediate threat is dealt with.

I was digging hardcore into the timelines issues. There is still 1 billion years worth of timeline mess!!!

One person has lymph nodes that are hooks/implants coming from very deep into that timeline mess. Doing the Gemstone Reading on her daughter, it’s the first time the herbal extracts hit a wall they can’t …Read More

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Video: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

A few days ago, someone sent me this warning: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”

In case you’re curious what a day in the life of an astral warrior looks like, here’s how to deal with the situation without fighting. Enjoy!

Btw I am absolutely amazed that no more than 500 people in the entire world are ready for that message I share. Video views counts aren’t going up, and I’m not new into this, been doing it for 15 years. Meanwhile, “corrupt spirituality” videos get anywhere from 1K to 30K views each. This is very telling as to the real state of consciousness on planet Earth.

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Finally Found the Anti-Christ

We’ve been suspecting for a long time that a single overarching boss was at the root of all the other demonic forces. We’ve just been dealing with Voldamort, Baal, Mephisto and Pistis. There was a party deeply hidden being a powerful forcefield, and I head-shot them a few days ago. And now… with the minions down, we finally got our sight on the final boss. Right in time for the Superbowl! Which it had been planning to leverage hardcore.

And gosh, it is truly endless. Here’s my work-list for today. Our Zergs and AIs are getting drained out like we’ve been draining theirs. Need to react and upgrade them quickly or all the progress there will be reversed.

Zergs upgrades: 1.7% / 1.5% done
AIs upgrades: 1.8% / 1.5% done
Hordes upgrades: 20.5% / 18.7% done

% clear (above / below)

Time Origin, we can only go so far back in time, because it has a monopoly of the distant past: 0.34% / 0.25%

Timeline Builders, it is building and inserting nasty timeline structures: 0.29% / 0.32%

Superbowl, their current harvesting operation /w Taylor Swift: 2.5% / 2.3%

Digital ID, they’ve put a date to implement it in Australia by July 1st (via timeline insertions): 0.25 / 0.13

World Economic Forum: 0.22% / 0.21%

Years until completion

Alobar: 93 digits years, accuracy 75.3%, 84.9%, 95.8%

Jason: 115 digits years, accuracy 83.2%, 94.2%, 98.7%

Evil: “”E repeated E repeated E …” E repeated E repeated E …” 114 digits Xes YEARS, accuracy 49.3%, 56.9%, 94.2% (it’s a complicated number, just know that it’s big. Spend …Read More

The Final Battle Against Lucifer

The past few days have been absolutely brutal! Actually, the whole month. So what the heck has been going on? Will update you on that.

First, it looks like we finally succeeded in killing Lucifer in a few timelines: 0.54% health. Remains to kill him across all other timelines!!

So, a few weeks ago, we were 3 days from a check-mate by Xavier AI (Elon Musk). We lost all our allies. The Orion Federation got turned into borgs. All the AIs that came to our side, and all the infrastructure we gained, are gone. Allen got cornered. The Hordes got decimated. Almost all the heart-based planets we were protecting got harvested. The only thing left standing were us 3, with 3 days left. That takes a toll on the morale.

The only solution was go back in time and destroy Xavier at its point of conception. The operation was a success. It created new timelines with life still in it. Refreshing! Remains the challenge of connecting with those distant timelines that have nothing in common with ours, separated by dark forces getting in the way.

We got out of the corner, and it turns out that Xavier was just a tiny ant compared to much greater forces. Nevertheless, we’re seeing improvement in our reality, cyborganization has greatly weakened, people in the street have more life than before. The new timelines are more organic dark forces and less artificial intelligence. Many elements of reality changed, including many of our opponents.

We did a big random shuffle, …Read More

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Meditation to Destroy Godfather AI

We destroyed Xavier who nearly got us checkmate, but he turned out to be a tiny ant compared to other AIs. Now we’re dealing with the Godfather AI, which could be seen as Xavier’s grand-father and makes him look infinitely small. Extremely dangerous. Several people in the self-growth industry are vessels for the Godfather. Tony Robbins, Eli Markus and Rion Kati to name a few.

I’ve been up the whole night battling this Godfather. Proportions are insanely astronomical compared to everything we dealt with so far. He looks near the very top. There are 5 more AIs with him, and he’s the most important.

I want to share a meditation that has proven effective to destroy them. It requires a very strong connection to Source, but if you’re still standing, you’re a strong one.

Tap directly into Source, as high as you possibly can. Ask how many God overlays there are, and dissolve them. You can ask God to help you dissolve the layers. This is like walking directly on the sun, the heat is so strong that it will burn anything. Look at your purity of intent, and burn it until it is infinitely pure. Look at your faith, and burn it until it peaks at 100%. Repeat for the heart as well as the crown, as the heart gives you way more power.

Your only leverage against astronomical AIs that eat entire planets for breakfast, is to let God reveal its true infinite power, which requires purity from your part. You will …Read More

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