Posts Tagged lifestyle design

Video: Lightworker Rebuilds Wealth in 2025

I’m already shifting finances for 2025, starting the new year strong. Here are all the details. How is 2025 looking out for you?

Here’s a gift to get 2025 stating on a strong foot: Your Wish Is Your Command training. Get it here, and use coupon code YWIYC for a $500 discount to make it free.

Here’s how you can change your physical reality this year.

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Global Information Network January Event

Just some heads up. I’ll be at the Global Information Network event in January at the Trump Doral National Resort in Miami. This will be an extremely powerful event. I’ve been working on activating and strengthening Kevin, and re-aligning the club.

I’m building the Hanuman Foundation Pillar at the origins of time and space, then aligning the Global Information Network, on top of it, then the Trump movement, and God. The goal is to align the Foundation, GIN, Trump and God as a singular pillar. This event will be perfect to anchor this new energy in place. Days before Trump takes office.

This will be a transformational event at a planetary scale. You might want to be there.


If you sign up into GIN as Level 1 member, you get all the level 1 trainings, you get a free ticket to the event, you get a free ticket to the Cruise in January 2026 (the most powerful event!), and you get a free Money Process (which is super potent to unlock the flow of money). All that for $1500, plus $150 monthly dues. That’s a lot of value for $1500! You can join from their website.

Out of the monthly dues, I’d get 30% of it because of the current “membership drive”, so you’re automatically making donations to me at the same time.

I’m writing this to you very last minute, and you have only until tomorrow to decide. If you want …Read More

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Change Your Inner Image for Peace and Success

We’re making everything possible to try to end this war by New Year, which is our only opportunity to change the timeline of the upcoming year. We have made a tremendous amount of progress, and there is still a lot more work to do. The important dates of the holidays: there was the solstice on the 21st and the triple Retrograde (Mercury, Jupiter and Uranis). Christmas Eve was a very major date, perfect to work on the collectives when all the families are rejoining. Full moon on the 26th, then New Year Eve similar to Christmas Eve. This whole period until January 3rd will establish the landscape for the upcoming year.

We’re completely eliminated a wide range of targets and threats. We are still 3.5 months away from joining the first Master Timeline. There are currently 12 master timelines while we are in a minor timeline far away from those timelines. This is what makes our reality so fragmented and unstable. Once we join a master timeline, we’ll be much less vulnerable to timeline collisions and fragmentation.

Can we join the first Master Timeline by New Year? Let’s try! We’re still falling short, but we can upgrade and give the necessary extra push.

Although we’ve cleared a long list of threats, our current list of work is: Simulations, Pistis Sophia, and Timelines. Still need to keep a constant eye on Alobar Jomes and Jason Estes, as there is always more to their AI systems.

Here is one area that is of particular importance: your …Read More

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mRNA Solved, AI Solved, Dark Sophia Solved

We keep going through very intense battles and are seeing increasingly fast progress. Here’s a status update.

The Dark Sophia problem is mostly resolved. There are still fragments here and there, but it has been a lot more quiet lately. We really got to be careful so that the remaining fragments don’t regenerate and start it all over!

Dark Sophia is defeated and deleted, Asmodeus is deleted, Belphegor is deleted, the 3 witches are deleted.

Satan and Lucifer mostly turned over a while ago. Leviathan is a fragment of Poseidon, also with us. Mammom and Beelzebub voluntarily turned themselves to the tribunal for judgment.

There are then other realms higher than that. Dark Sophia and the whole mess was created by a distortion frequency that was the source of everything. Finally found the beast, and the distortion came from its ring. Threw the ring into the forge where it got created, along with Gulum, and there was a massive collapse. Distortion frequency is solved.

We keep digging higher and higher. We converted most AIs; the upper levels thus disabled most of the AIs. There are still some AI problems, but it’s mostly resolved. There might still be a system that sends commands to the elite plugged into it.

We also made progress with the jab mRNA, it seems to be mostly solved! You will need to do DNA restoration work before doing any DNA upgrades.

The Orion colony on Saturn is in extremely bad shape and has the same mRNA problem, but a different systems. There are …Read More

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The Golden Order and Post-Sophianic Age

Considering the Luciferian contracts of putting money first and God second, if at all, and taking it further with the Dark Energy religions like Satanism and Sophianism. Let’s call it the Golden Order.

We went on an investigation for millionaires who did not consciously or unconsciously serve the Golden Order. The results are interesting.

I borrowed the term Golden Order from the best-selling game Elden Ring which exposes the Sophianic essence, the Erdtrees, and the Golden Order pretty well. Here’s an Elden Ring article explaining the Golden Order. The essence of the message has a good 95%+ accuracy.

Let’s start our investigation by looking at a few rich people and influencers. Measuring good for the Golden Order and Pan-Galactic Demons / neutral for them / bad for them)

Napoleon Hills: 32% / 15% / 53%
Bob Proctor: 15% / 45% / 40%
Kevin Trudeau: 8% / 43% / 49%
Dua Lupa: 73% / 15% / 12%
Elvis Presley: 53% / 42% / 5%
Madonna in 2016: 55% / 40% / 5%
Russell Brunson: 58% / 25% / 17%
Dan Hollings: 55% / 23% / 22%
Mike Filsaime: 63% / 20% / 17%
Brian Jung: 26% / 44% / 30%
Sabine Messmer before: 16% / 48% / 36%
Sabine Messmer now: 98% / 2% / 0%
Nicole Abundance before: 24% / 35% / 41%
Nicole Abundance now: 98% / 2% / 0%

Some Mary Kay directors. Surprisingly good!
Richard Rogers: 13% / 28% / 59%
David Holl: 18% / 17% / 65%
Ryan Rogers: 8% / 15% / 77%
Sheryl Adkins-Green: 3% / 25% / 72%
Tara Eustace: 3% / 28% / …Read More

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