Many people told me that they tried everything in self-development and don’t see results. I explained some reasons why in the article How to Get RESULTS Instead of “Gathering Information”, in the video Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work for Everybody and in the video Why Self-Development Brings Unsatisfying Results. I just realized another reason why many people aren’t seeing results.
I was pondering about why some people have huge resistances to some of the concepts I talk about. Many women get on their defenses and jump off the boat whenever I talk about femininity. I also lose some people when I say that positive thinking and living in unconditional love isn’t enough and that you have to directly deal with problems. For example, many lightworkers are being attacked psychically (or even physically) and simply focusing on love will not resolve the challenges that this brings.
Many people don’t progress because they identify themselves by their problems. If it defines who you are, removing those problems would be killing your identity of self, which your subconscious mind won’t allow to happen. In order to let go of problems and limitations in your life, you have to shift your sense of identity towards what you want to achieve in life and your unique experience of life.
What I just realized is that something very similar happens to people in spirituality and energy healing. Many people identify themselves by their spiritual principles such as unconditional love and positive thinking. Instead …Read More