Posts Tagged wealth

Video: Future of Cryptos in 2024, a Psychic Perspective

Cryptos are a very hot topic, and where are they heading in 2024? What is its place in the bigger picture? Is it a fad or a pathway into a new world? Is it good to invest your money or not? Let’s explore these topics from a psychic perspective!

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New God & Money Readings

I’ve been working on completing the God & Money Reading profile, and it has expanded beautifully.

My promise is that if you manage to go high on these charts, you will see wealth.

I also measure aspects causing issues at home, as you can’t generate wealth without first getting your house in order.

Compared to the Soul Alignment Reading, this reading profile is more practical, whereas the Soul Alignment Reading is more abstract. A few important aspects are shared between both reports, but most aspects are different.

You can get your God & Money Reading here for $197. I will write the actual sales page later.

The reading comes with a book explaining it in details.

Corruption levels
Negative fuel
God Connection (6 centers, crown, heart, sex above/below):
Money consciousness:
Purity of money consciousness below 100:
Abundance consciousness:
Purity of abundance consciousness below 100:

Resistance to look within:
Holding onto stories:
Anger, including hidden layers:
Field saturation:
Need to be right:
Need for validation:
Need for security:
Need for control:
Control fuel source:
Fear of failure:
Fear of success:
Timeline fragmentation:

Coachability index:
Willingness to learn:
Divine Spark or Burning Desire:
Fatherhood or Motherhood:
Pillar of Heaven:
Ownership of your living space:

> Get your reading here.

What gets measured gets improved.

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Isagenix 15% OFF Until August 15th

I wanted to wait a bit longer before getting back to the topic of Isagenix due to the intense energetic backlash that followed; but they’re 15% OFF right now from August 11 to 15 (due to a live event happening now).

I spoke about Isagenix already here and here as a solution to food problems; and also as a potential solution to the incoming food crisis.

The Isagenix prorducts have an energetic vibration between 8000 and 12000. It’s hard to explain why it is so high! This plant-based product vibrates at 25000! 

Here’s the feedback so far: “I am loving the isagenix products, first they actually taste good to me unlike most shakes. The extra minerals give me more energy (not like life changing cuz I was doing OK, but a noticeable difference). Don’t need to eat as much and digestion is better. I’m gonna do the body challenge they have and see how ripped I can get!”

I had the exact same experience myself. Others have also stated that it tastes much better than other products they tried in the past.

Now, in regards to all the emotional baggage that got thrown back. I know that many of you got burnt by MLM companies in the past. Let me make this clear:

If you get into a company to try to make money, instead of to get a product that you really want, then you’re getting off the wrong foot.

You should only ever refer a product or service IF AND ONLY IF you would …Read More

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Meditation Video: Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022!!

For the first time in a long time, I’m finally proud to be Canadian. And, the results of our hard work is finally starting pay off. What’s happening in Canada is big.

Here I recorded a meditation to give a boost to our fellow Canadian Freedom Convoy! With a lot of very useful information from an astral perspective.


Go Canadians!!! (and I’m not talking about hockey)

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God, Money and Purpose: Understanding the Flow of Nature

This is part of module 1 of the God & Money Masterclass. This is very groundbreaking insights that will really shift everything if you apply it. I wanted to share this part publicly.

There is only 3 days left to join before we start! We also won’t repeat such a class until next year. Join here >>

Let’s consider this idea. God is the Light. Money is the Water. Your project is the plant. The Purpose is the Flower. The product or service is the Fruit.

The light instructs
the plants how to grow. Plants need both water and light to survive,
and then plants purify and
circulate the water. The flower
is the consequence of having the plant aligned with the light.
Flowers turn into fruits. People feed themselves from the fruits.
Some of the fruits evolve into more plants.

Let me say that one
more time.

God instructs the projects on how to grow. Projects need both money and God to survive, and then projects circulate and purify money. The purpose is the consequence of having the project aligned with God. Purpose turns into products and services. People feed themselves from the products. Some of those services evolve into more projects. And thus, the garden grows.

if you focus only on the flower, skipping the light and water, all
you’ll get is a dry plant.

If you focus only on
the purpose, skipping God and money, all you’ll get is a dry

The purpose is the
byproduct of having a project aligned with God, not the other way
around. You can grow flowers in …Read More

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