Archive for July, 2013

Talking About the Force of Life With Others

For years it has been a challenge to talk about the spiritual knowledge I’m sharing related to the Force of Life. It is very different from what most people are used to, even in the spiritual community. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’re also probably having a hard time talking about it with anyone so you keep it to yourself. I keep hearing this over and over again.

However, things really start to grow much faster once you start sharing ideas and breakthroughs back and fourth with friends. You are then creating a mastermind. When two minds join together to talk about this, it doesn’t bring twice the results, it brings 5 times the results. If you continually share with 3, 5 or even 10 people, then you’re really creating a different reality at lightning speed.

So how can you find people who are aligned with where you are going? Although the friends you currently have may not understand anything when you talk to them about this stuff, I’m sure some of them are open to new ideas. The Force of Life FREE Training I’m hosting on August 3rd is designed to reach people who are totally new to this and get them to understand this new reality.

I’m sure that at least 2 or 3 of the people you know would be open to at least check it out, and then you can ask them their opinion about it. Don’t try to convince people. Just speak your …Read More

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Doing Clean Jobs with Energy Healing

I’m just done hosting an intensive Immersion Celebration Party with Rion Freeberg with guys flying from all over Europe. I’m extremely energetically burnt out today, and the shift has been very profound for everybody.

There are lots of healing techniques out there and the way most people see it, it brings slow, gradual and intangible progress. You keep releasing and hope things will someday get better. Many people still aren’t happy with their lives after years of releasing. I would like to bring a different perspective and understanding on energy healing.

When I energetically work on an issue, I’m not just sending energy to feel better and raise the energetic frequency, which would make part of the effect only temporary. I’m completely transmuting the issue until it is 100% clean. This is work of precision to do clean jobs. For example, whenever I find issues about myself (a lot of judgments came to my awareness over the last 2 days), I write them down on a list. I take each item on my list, clean it until it is 100% gone, put a check-mark next to it and move on to the next item on the list. That way, I don’t keep bumping over the same issues and I don’t get mental noise because of the remains and “energetic debris” of past issues.

This is really about raising the standards in the field of energy healing. General healing that brings slow and gradual progress makes it hard to measure the progress, it doesn’t …Read More

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What Is Depression

There’s an important part of my journey which I don’t think I ever really talked about. When I grew up, I was very depressed. Depression isn’t being sad because of external circumstances. Depression is being sad even when everything external seems fine, and there doesn’t seem to be any way out. You even get numb to it after a while.

How did I overcome my depression? At the end of my studies in Quebec, when I was 19, I went to do my practical training abroad, and I asked not to go to France so I ended up in Finland. Out of 60 students, 4 went to Europe and I was the only one to go outside France. Why did I specifically wanted to go to a country that didn’t speak my language? Because the culture I grew up in wasn’t providing the answers I was seeking.

There is this idea that I could just have found the answers within myself, but here’s the thing. How can you find something within you that nobody around you has? Let’s say you lived in a country where self-love didn’t exist. How could you find self-love if you never saw or experienced it in your whole life? Traveling allowed me to get a broader experience of life.

So, what is depression? There are two types of depression. The first type is when there is too much anger and fears that have been stagnant for too long. The second type is when there is a sense of …Read More

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Is It Really Worth That Much?

Someone asked me a few questions, and in case you’re asking yourself similar questions, here are some answers to these doubts.

First, here’s what Greg has to say about our 1-on-1 work
“My experience working with Etienne has been great. Over the last few months, I’ve been able to overcome the worst kind of crippling social anxiety, which was holding me back in virtually every part of my life. Because I’ve never sought this particular kind of help (when it comes to personal development), I had to suspend a bit of disbelief and commit myself to the process, but the results were profound. I don’t think I could have experienced such a massive weight off my shoulders by any other means in such a short period of time. Even for someone like me who was skeptical and resistant to the process, the shifts that were made were undeniably huge. I no longer feel that deep longing for emotional support from others, nor the overwhelming need to micromanage people’s perceptions of me.
With the huge progress I’ve made in a short time, and with the tools I’ve been given to push my development even further, I’m glad that I made the decision to get coaching with Etienne. His methods are unconventional, but very potent, and above all, the results are concrete. If I was offered triple the money I invested in this process to go back to how I felt months ago, I wouldn’t take it.”

Q: I have doubt the Force …Read More

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Stillness vs Force of Life

The Force of Life FREE Training I just hosted was really powerful. Here are a few interesting things that happened since
– The next morning, I energetically felt cascading beliefs systems collapses; collective illusions crumbling and causing ripple effects
– Various people messaged me with questions as to how what I shared fits with what other highly conscious people are teaching
– Just this morning, I cleaned 140 energetic attacks. I’m ready for the next wave.

Let’s clarify a few things when it comes to how the Force of Life relates with the connection to stillness. If you look at Eckhart Tolle, he is extremely connected to stillness but not nearly as connected to the force of life and the physical and emotional polarity energies. In contrast, Elvis Presley was very connected to the Force of Life… but he almost doesn’t have any connection to stillness. He had a strong connection to power but also a strong shadow side. So, both aspect are important.

Simply put, here’s how the Force of Life and Stillness relate with each other. When you remove the emotional noise and reconnect to stillness, it removes what prevents the natural expression of the Force of Life energy. But if you don’t directly value and tap into that Force of Life energy, it will only awaken indirectly and you will only be connected to it to a certain extent. For example, in Thailand, there are lots of Buddhist monks and they focus only on their connection to stillness, …Read More

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