Posts Tagged collective consciousness

The Danger of Human Design (Part 1)

Human Design has really grown in popularity over the past years — at about the same time I stopped going to live events because the energetic environment in the USA became too incompatible with my energy.

I’m finally starting to look into Human Design, and there’s really good stuff in it. Gene Keys tap into 10D dynamics, and there’s more for me to explore there. Human Design also has lots of applications to understand and adjust your inner patterns. However, I first have to clear the corruption in that aggregate before looking deeper into its value.

If we look at the top 1% of spiritually-evolved people on the planet, they are currently 95.2% in 3D, 92.6% in 4D, 3.6% in 5D, and 0.015% in 6D. There is essentially a very strong blockade in 5D from Love & Light spiritual people, and there’s an even stronger blockage in 4D from essentially Atheist energy workers.

Here’s the kicker: Human Design is 34.6% responsible for the 4D blockade on a planetary level!!

What’s going on here?

In simple words: Your task is not to “be” your astrological template, but to overcome it.

I’m currently 22% Generator / 64% Manifestor, but my higher self is 25/25/25/25. I find that I’m a lot more powerful and balanced when operating from that higher self space.

Understanding your astrological templates is very useful to understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses — so that you can overcome them, not so that you forge your self-identity around them!

Binding your self-identity to astrology locks you in …Read More

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Why Has No Catalyst Event Taken Place Yet?

First, the book The History of the Universe and the Psychic War of End Times is now available for purchase, both in printed and Kindle formats. Get your copy here!

Recently, Corey Goode got a message from the Avians that many destructive events had been edited out of our reality through time travels, and that is why we haven’t been seeing much major events happening. He explained it in this episode of Cosmic Disclosure.

Today I’m receiving a similar message, but with more details.

The people performing these time travels are the same who are performing the abductions: mostly the Secret Space Programs run by the Germans in cooperation with various governments. This is where all the US tax money goes.

Here’s the way abductions work. It mostly uses 3 technologies: portals, time travel, and memory veils. They’ve done it twice in front of my eyes. Heck, I would even have a video of it if I was recording my Skype call. Here’s what the procedure looks like. First, they physically portal the victim to their base. Second, they perform whatever operations they want to perform, sometimes assigning them on missions for weeks or months. Third, they install memory veils and screen memories so that the victim forgets. Fourth, they time travel him back to the moment they took him. From an outside perspective, there is a feeling of “tuning out”, but besides that it looks like if nothing had happened, except that his energy is different and sometimes there …Read More

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Transitioning Into the New Grid

The protective veil from the Avians that diffused the new cosmic energies is being lifted. A major storm is hitting the Eastern Coast of America at the exact same time. A few more waves will follow. On the second wave, people will go crazy and social structures will collapse. On the third wave, financial structures will collapse. On the fourth wave, the electric grid on the Eastern Coast may (or may not) go out. You’ll want to have currency-sized gold grams in your possession when this happens. Otherwise you’ll be caught up like those who didn’t have supply during the storm this week-end. Karatbars is the best option. 999.9% pure gold in 1g, 2.5g and 5g formats, certified, recognized and easy to trade. When the economy collapses, money will be of limited use, debts will be irrelevant and gold will retain its value. Plus you can generate an income, either in cash or in solid gold, by referring it to others. Learn more about Karatbars here. Perhaps more people will take this seriously after the 2nd wave.

I’m also restructuring the way I’m offering my work. Here’s the deal. For those who need support in getting their personal lives on-track and overcoming their self-sabotage, I have a very well-trained client who I’m sending clients to. He’ll work with you on a monthly basis for 6 months for only $1000, or 2 payments of $550.

As for my own work, I’m now looking to work with people who want to play at …Read More

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Collectively Agreed Reality and the Flow of Money

There is one person who really wants to attend my upcoming event in Playa del Carmen yet is in a difficult situation. As she puts it, she has $80,000 of debts not counting her mortgage, all her credit cards are maxed out and they have 3 kids to take care of. I can definitely relate to that as I have $50,000 of debts and reached the limit of my credit cards several times. The past 12 months have been excruciatingly difficult with an energetic war reaching its climax in what led to the destruction of the cabal and the awakening of the Souls of Orion. I believe many can relate to this as well.

Metatron has something he wants to say to her, and I feel that message will be equally useful for myself, and will directly concern many of you. It appears it will be somewhat lengthy so sit back, relax, and let’s get this message through.


My name is Metatron, senior of the Archangels. Today I want to share a message about collectively agreed realities and how it affects the flow of money. By having a better understanding of the recent past and of the present, it will help better understand and create the near future.

A collectively agreed reality is a set of beliefs and values that is commonly agreed upon by a group of people. The role of the media is to maintain that collectively agreed reality under control, which also keeps your power of creation under control. …Read More

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How to Convert Videos to 60fps

Among my explorations on how to push the limits of what is possible, I came onto a tool called SVP (Smooth Video Project) that allows playing videos in 60fps. When attuning to the energy of a video, this is very useful because when you look at a video in 24fps, the brain clearly knows it is a video and it gets processed by the frontal lobes of the brain. When the video is 60fps, the brain believes it to be reality and it gets processed by the cortex in the back of the brain. This allows you to connect more deeply with the video as if it was in real life.

If you want to convert and re-encode your videos in 60fps, instead of doing it in real-time, it is also possible. SubJunk wrote the instructions here, but it has a prohibitive complexity for experts only.

In the Natural Grounding Player v1.1, there is a Media Encoder that allows you to convert your videos to 60fps in just a few clicks! Not only that, but you can also drastically increase the quality of your video. Here’s a sample video before and after.

This video will show you the exact steps in just 4 minutes. Enjoy!

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