The Ascension process has officially begun. There is a giant vortex of light that is currently affecting 87% of the population and 58% of global energies. I’m told 97% of global energies may be affected within a matter of days.
As Corey Goode recently revealed in Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV, the last time he met face-to-face with the Avians, they had a long discussion. One of the things the Avians said is that there were currently 300000 people on Earth ready for ascension, which shocked both Corey Goode and David Wilcock, and which was met with some fear and a lot of denial from their viewers.
The number seems accurate to me. What they didn’t tell Corey is that out of these 300000 people, only 25 are in North America. When we say “ready for ascension”, all that means really is that they’ll be moving upwards. The rest will tumble down the stairs at first, which is why what we’re going through is called a backwards ascension: people falling down as the staircase opens.
I think the actual number is more 327000 people who are ready for ascension. 8 currently located in Canada, 15 in United States, 2 in Mexico, 7 in Central America, 15 in South America, 4 in Western Europe, 4 in Eastern Europe, 41 in Africa, 16 in Australia, 42 in New Zealand, and 1 in Antarctica. 162000 in China (only 42 of which in Hong Kong, mostly concentrated in certain locations and subcultures), 58000 in Russia, …Read More