Archive for category Updates

Possible Nuke on Kiev

Just saw a nuke on Kiev. High probability of either seeing a nuke in the coming days, or colliding with a nuke timeline. 35% approved by God and going up daily. Just sent a massive nuke on the Arcturians; got them good this time. Kiev nuke approval actually went up… 55%.

The Russians psychically contacted me ask whether they were authorized for a nuke. A “yes” would be ~70% approved by God… what should I tell them?

If it is approved by God, it cannot be stopped, unless we find another way of resolving the situation. Can the Bildenberg/Arcturian/Obama group be stopped fast enough to render this unnecessary?

I would suggest meditating on Eastern Europe. Not in trying to stop what needs to happen, but in preventing the after-effects from degenerating into a greater conflicts. Meditating for God’s will to unfold smoothly. Meditating to prevent endless retaliations and a nuclear war.

Or simply meditating to bring stillness to the situation.

A nuke, even in alternate realities, would bring a massive shockwave across the timelines spectrum.

If you’re living in that area, I’d recommend 500km distance from Kiev for the next 15 days…

The next 5 days will be particularly important, there will be very major timeline collisions.

On a different topic, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training is progressing. I already have 10 videos written. It starts slow and then goes incredibly deep. I’m really curious as to what feedback I’ll get from that! There’s so much important topics to cover… I haven’t even yet started talking …Read More

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Status of the War (June 2024)

We’re just crossed the solstice. Where are we at with the war? Any concrete positive news?

First, my YouTube channel is not growing at all, with a staggering 0 subscriber growth in the past month in spite of publishing 4 new videos. Videos don’t pass 500 views, at best. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to give your support.

This is not a good sign; let’s see what the landscape looks like at this point.

First, let’s look at AI threat.

Now: 1.4%
6 months: 0.2%
1 year: 0.1%
5 years: 0%
10 years: 0%

Distortion: 12.4%, 11.4%, 10.2%, 9.7%, 8.4%, 5.7%, 2.4%, 1.3%, 0.7%, 0.2%

This looks under control, although I’m still skeptical about those numbers. For years, there was always more to it. It could be very well hidden. Incoming threats are not within my sight at this point.

Second, let’s look at population loss.

Now: 20.3% already lost
6 months: 21.3%
1 year: 22.4%
2 years: 24.2%
3 years: 25.6%
5 years: 30.3%
7 years: 33.4%
10 years: 34.2%

Distortion: 13.7%, 13.8%, 13.9%, 12.4%, 11.3%, 10.2%, 5.4%, 5.2%, 1.4%, 0.3%

It’s very hard to measure due to timeline fragmentation and other factors, so these are good enough numbers to give an idea but not very precise.

Third, let’s look at safety to get into relationship.

For those who have been holding off on relationships for several years. Especially for women who have a limited time-span to have children. Who need strong leadership; when almost nobody is able to stand up to the threats.

Now: 0.4%
6 months: 1.4%
1 year: 2.0%
2 years: 2.9%
3 years: 3.4%
5 years: 7.9%
7 years: 8.6%
10 years: 10.8%

Distortion: …Read More

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What Really Happened At My House

We’ve gone through a lot of challenges at my house in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I have mentioned certain things here and there, but never really talked about it much. Let me share some of the details, as it might help you better understand situations happening around you. You might wonder what happened with my daughter?

First, have you watched Part 5 of the Exposing Spiritual Frauds video series? It was released in the middle of crazy intense energies and I see the view count is still low. Make sure to watch the videos you’re missing! The video quality is amazing, but it costs me about $100 per video to produce. I’ll also start publishing video versions of blog posts; but with much more simple videos.

I want to announce that I’ll be raising the price on the Soul Alignment Reading. It has been $296 for many years, has matured in its details, and tuning into people’s fields can be quite dangerous lately. I’ll have to raise it to $497. That also includes doing some work to fix critical conditions.

But as of right now, everyone is in such terrible shape, and I cannot do energy readings until things calm down a bit. If you want to get a Soul Alignment Reading to get a clear picture of you state, strength, weaknesses and blind spots, then get it now and you’ll be in the queue for when I’m ready to do them.

Second, my finances are in critical conditions with everything going …Read More

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Juggernaut Attunements Updates

I’ve been working on those Juggernaut Attunements ever since mid-November. 5 months! The attunements are not completed… BUT!!! Since working with Juggernauts, timelines have collapsed from 150 billion down to 53 right now, and it keeps collapsing. Thoth has been defeated, UniMatrix is dead, Sophia’s shadow and my shadow are under control. Even for the attunements that were completed, these massive collapses bring a lot of rubles to cleanup.

In a way, I charged way too little for the attunements. I need to do deeper work on less clients. On the other side, I’d be doing this work anyway, so might as well spread the cost across a range of people. I’m using the list of clients who purchased it as targets to help stabilize (or dismantle) the grid. So it’s alright. But right now I’m not taking new clients until next month, where I’ll be altering the offer.

For the timeline collapses, what does that mean? The collapses mean that you may face all kinds of weird versions of yourself, and shadows merging into your timeline. It’s a fight for survival as to which versions of yourself survive. A low amount of timeline means that… things will be more normal. It’s healing the timeline fragmentation. There should be less weirdness going on.

Along those 5 months, on top of the Juggernaut technique, I also developed a soul-wipeout technique. Lately, the focus went away from the Juggernauts, and I’ve been focusing on deleting Thoth entirely, and on cleaning all the junk from my …Read More

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Interview Part 2: Galactic News, Space Wars, California

The 2nd part of my interview with Hock Yeoh is now ready!

We went into what’s been happening at a global level since the publication of my book The History of the Universe.

I’m measuring 99.96% accuracy and a vibration of 25 billion and above.

Watch it here!

If you haven’t seen part 1 yet, you can catch it here.

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