There is a war in the energetic planes, a war among the elite, and a war in space that has been raging on for the past few years. It basically boils down to those who want control vs those who want freedom. In order to get peace, it is important to understand the parties involved.
First are the Dracos, which I explained in the last article. They are an alien energetic parasite that takes possession of souls and feeds from fear. Perhaps it would be good to distinguish between Dracos as an energetic entity and Draco-possessed physical beings, who have installations across the solar system and a presence in many other planets.
Then there are the Avians, who a 6th density alien race who has no agenda of its own besides helping spread the light. They showed up in Egypt before, and their head looks like a bird. They are the source of The Law of One Series. They tried to share their knowledge with us twice, and both times it was corrupted for power and control. They are back for their third attempt.
In Asia, you may or may not have heard of the Asian Elders, or the Dragon Family. They are a very ancient and very powerful group of people who has massive influence in China and Asia. Apparently they also possess the largest stocks of gold that aren’t counted in the known gold supply. They are another alien race and they can live for thousands of years. Where do …Read More