There are lots of things shifting. We had a lunar eclipse that was particularly brutal. Sunday my laptop blew up (probably the power supply or battery) and energies were super super dense, yesterday was super light and flowing. Things alternate between super super heavy and light & flowing.
I’m also going through major shifts, closing a major chapter and waiting for what’s next. I’ve withdrawn my astral position and energetic presence, so 15000 other energy workers are instead taking that weight on their shoulders. 5% of energy workers will work on building things forward, while 95% will go through a karmic cycle to learn to deal with things and address reality without fear.
I’m also getting to a place where I’m fed up of spiritual people. I’ve had my dose of dysfunctional behaviors, people wanting attention instead of help, people with completely screwed up thinking around money and power, people doing nothing with their gifts, and people not dealing with reality.
Up until now, my path was 75% White Light and 25% Red Light. It seems my path is shifting towards 65% Red Light and 35% White Light, to compensate for a world that is tilting too much on the White Light side.
Which makes this a perfect time to write on this topic that is way overdue: White Light vs Red Light.
Most spiritual people are focused on the White Light, which is your connection from your crown into Oneness. Most entrepreneurs are focused on the Red Light, which is your connection from your …Read More