Archive for category Conscious Ressources

Coming Soon: Unlock Your Soul Power

For a long time, I’ve been looking for a way to approach new people. I finally found an angle that looks pretty good.

There are many people who want to make a difference in the world but feel confused and powerless.

I’m currently designing a full training program so they can create a plan to build their lives in full alignment with God, in just 1 week.

I talked about that to several people who are more at the curiosity phase of their awakening, and they are highly interested. It will be called Unlock Your Soul Power.

And best of all, it will be FREE. I was originally planning to do a 3-video series, but I just can’t do it in just 3 videos. It will be 3 full modules, and basically an entire interactive training that normally could be sold for $197.

I’m counting on that to introduce new people into my business so that’s why it will be free.

One detail though; just for video production alone, with cheap labor from India, it will be at least $600 of expenses for a free program for 20+ videos.

I already have the content of 4 videos prepared, and it’s going to have pretty damn big impact. I’m also planning to programming multiple features on the training to ensure its success. It’s going to be big work.

To help finance this work, you can purchase some Alchemy rings and oils here, or get a Soul Alignment Reading. I’m feeling hopeful that soon we’ll be able to …Read More

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How Do I Know It’s That Potent?

I regards to our fungu extracts formulas at Alchemist Gems, how do I know they are that potent? After all, I haven’t got my hands on them yet, and oils/extracts cannot be shipped to Mexico directly. I should have them in August (shipping to USA then carried over through the jungle).

My Kung Fu teacher in Thailand had been looking for Cordyceps extracts for a while and tried many different brands, until he found that one. If my Kung Fu teacher says it’s good, it’s definitely some good stuff. He’s even requesting 2x concentration on Hyper-C extracts, 3x on Natural Himalayan Cordyceps Oil, and 5x on Crown Chakra Oil. As a martial artist, he wants to feel the potency right away, and wants his students to feel the power right away.

Some may find the prices a bit high on the extracts (actually the jewelry is very low-priced!) but consider that 6 different Masters are involved in getting those to you, and the products have to pass through several hands! Myself, my Kung Fu teacher, the master jeweler, and 3 herbal alchemy grand-masters.

When you consider the potency of the extracts, it is really excellent value for the money, even when you consider shipping.

For example, let’s check one person that got absolutely crushed by the Alobar / Mephisto saga. Barely survived.

Physical health
Now: 5.9% / 5.7%
1 month: 5.7% / 5.6%
3 months: 5.2% / 5.4%
6 months: 5.1% / 5.3%
9 months: 5.2% / 5.2%
1 year: 5.1% / 5.1%
1.5 years: 4.7% / 5.2%
2 years: 4.4% / …Read More

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Very Powerful Activation – Template Ceremony

I’ve sent a lot of content today, but wanted to share this while we’re still in the solstice energy. Randomly remembered this video from many years ago. Now that the war is winding down, it’s the perfect time for such an activation.

It is an extremely powerful activation. You don’t find pure knowledge like this anymore. It can activate a virus of consciousness that will lead to a collapse of the mind-control programs. The more people go through the activation, the more it will help globally.

That was just part 1. There are more parts to it.

Back then I wondered where this knowledge came from; totally beyond anything else out there. These people are Aquaferions. Very few surviving Aquaferions out there!

Their Facebook is inactive since 2019; website inactive since 2022. I wonder whether they survived. Just reached out to them, let’s see if I hear something back.

Enjoy a dose of Aquaferion wisdom!

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Video: Which Linux Distros are Best for Lightworkers in 2024

With Microsoft starting to screen-capture everything you do on your computer to train AIs, and Windows 10 support coming to an end very soon, the only option for many will be to migrate to Linux. But there are hundreds of different distros, where to get started? As a lightworker, which distro is best to get your things done without getting sucked into a “Linux nerds black hole”?

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How to Find the Right Supplements for Your Health

Most people consume a few of their favorite supplements. Is it actually helping you or wasting your time and money? How to find the right ones? The truth is, there’s a LOT of crap out there. There’s also some really good stuff. The challenge is to find them.

I’ve been working hard on the Supplements Efficiency List. I added a lot more companies to it, and tweaked the score calculation formulas. It’s getting to be a pretty comprehensive list!

I also will have a few more Hyper-C(oncentrated) extracts available. I had Hyper-C Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi. I can also have Snow Fungus and Lion’s Mane. Snow Fungus is ranking incredibly well!

You can view where my various extracts rank here.

I also added the information about Moxa-6 Spagyric Tincture and the various other extracts.

Now, the first several orders are definitely taking longer to get ready. Everything has to pass through several hands. The Immunity oils leaked and have to be replaced; but she ran out of oil so need a week to prepare a new batch! We’ll be switching from 10ml to 14ml bottle format. Furthermore, shipping oils without labels is against the regulations so I must prepare labels for the Hyper-C oils. Once my processes are setup, then things can be mailed out much faster.

I also just realized something that is a bit ironic… so far I mostly sold Immunity Oil, Crown Chakra Oil and Cordyceps Hyper-C. Those are actually the 3 lowest in the benefits score list! Really got to …Read More

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