Who loves internet drama? This is the result of a war that has been going on for way too long. I worked alongside Alobar Jones on many important missions including taking down the Shapeshifters and the Pleiadians before he back-stabbed my team. We’ve been battling him intensively ever since.
In this article, I’ll expose what’s really going on with Alobar Jones, and share the experiences of various other people.
“I’ve been on one of his courses since Oct. It has now finished. He threw up a couple of red flags for me which I let slide. When you went into ‘Battle’ against him, if it was around the course day he wouldn’t show up for teaching. No warning, apology week later.”
If you have experiences or evidence to share about Alobar, please send it to me. I would like to produce a video sharing all the evidences, either anonymously, or via video. If you got screenshots or videos, you can send them over.
Alobar doesn’t leave direct evidence though, but what he does is
1. 100% oppose the work we’ve been doing
2. Say that me and my team are all completely insane
3. When people share life-threatening problems coming from him, he’s in complete denial and says you’re just imagining things. That’s the double-punch effect, you get punched and then get blamed for being punched. (I’m also getting tons of that by my daughter when she’s possessed)
The above is 100% certain, and the rest is up to interpretations.
Personally, I don’t mind being called insane. But when …Read More