Absolutely crazy things are happening. There’s too much wild stuff coming out in the news and on Facebook to list them. As of right now, here’s the vibration on the Hawkins Scale of…
Earth: -64 512
Federal Reserve: -42 million
GCHQ: -93 trillion
Canada: 98
USA: 43
England: -15 million
Australia: -42 trillion
Montreal: -14 615
New York: -92 493
Los Angeles: -16 325
Cancun: -23 495
France: 402
Poland: 492
Moscow: 592
China: 100
Hong Kong: -102
Thailand: 913
These readings can go up or down a few thousands points within mere seconds.


And please, verify these readings on your own using muscle testing. The system is going to melt-down in a BIG way.

I hope you have plenty of food and water supply, and ideally some gold.

If I ask Source what is the greater purpose of this melt-down, here’s what I hear: “The people need to learn the importance of spirituality, and spiritual people need to learn the importance of taking care of their physical reality. 99.3% need to learn that lesson… through fire”

This guy also explained the situation very well, and this is what brings the Wrath of God to unravel on such a scale.

By comparison, when Moses freed the slaves of Egypt and the plagues hit, Egypt had a vibration of -12 493. What we’re seeing now is on an entirely different scale.

All of my predictions so far, even the craziest ones, proved to be 100% accurate.

Some are asking me: what’s going to happen …Read More

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