Posts Tagged energy field

Why Hurricane Irma is Hitting America

I heard a lot of people talking about geo-engineering, but recently we installed many large metaphysical root chakra generators around the planet to unroot dark forces and allow the light to take roots. I was hesitant to do so because the previous generators caused very bad reactions from the population, but I was requested to do so by Source. The number of such generators went from 38 to 130 during the solar eclipse. When I did some large clearing work back in 2015, there were 3 large hurricanes in the Pacific simultaneously (5 worldwide at the same time).

Three major hurricanes pictured together over Pacific for first time – ever

— Independent US (@IndyUSA) September 1, 2015

These 130 generators have an energy output 32 times higher than our planetary electric consumption. These are expected side-effects. According to Fairsight Institude who use remote viewing to predict the major events of the upcoming month, Irma *will* hit America and will be worse than Katrina or Harvey.

Many ‘lightworkers’ are trying to calm the storm and fight against it. It will only make it worse. We’re dealing with an overflow of unintegrated high-vibration energies. You can’t avoid it by fighting against those unintegrated energies. You soften it by integrating them. Each individual can serve as a channel to integrate those into their environment and network. Many generators were installed into the oceans where energies can shift more fluidly, and thus America is being hit from the coasts. You’re …Read More

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Definition of Chakras

One very fundamental concept in spirituality is a chakra. We can consider there are 7 main chakras in the body, with a Yang polarity in the back and a Yin polarity in the front (14 main chakras), and there is an infinity of smaller chakras within your soul and body, an infinity above your head and an infinity under your feet. There’s also 999 sub-chakras within each chakra.

To understand how your energy field work, and to understand how to reprogram your reality for more joy, better wealth and closer connected relationships, you must first understand what are chakras because your reality is a direct reflection of the data stored in those energy centers.

Since this is a very important and fundamental topic, I created a dedicated page for this on the main website.

>> Read here: What Are Chakras

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Psychic Energy Reading for Accelerated Growth

Over the past few years, I’ve been studying and reading the energy fields of many people, role models and clients. The Alchemy work allowed me to clear up my third eye which allows me to see everything clearly and read anyone’s energy field. Let’s talk about how you can accelerate your growth and get faster results through an energy reading.

The basic idea is this. Every aspect of your being shows up in your energy field. Your energy field doesn’t lie and all the cracks show up there. What does this mean practically? It means an energy reading brings your blind spots to the surface and you know exactly what has been sabotaging your success in any area of your life. Very often, traumas from childhood that you may think were forgotten a long time ago are actually seriously impacting your life right now. Sometimes that can feel like a slap in the face, but in a good way.

When it comes to studying role models, a simple way to evaluate someone’s energy is by reading the sexual polarity energies on a 0-10 Hawkins Scale, where 7.5 = 750. Keep in mind that David Hawkins considered anything above 7 to be enlightened, but we’re setting the bar higher when attuning to role models. Here are two sample readings.

Bob Proctor
Physical Masculine: 7.8, Feminine: None
Emotional Masculine: 7.6, Feminine: 7.2
Spiritual Masculine: 9.6, Feminine: 9.4
Connection to Stillness: 9.3
Egolessness: 9.6

Morning Musume
Physical Feminine: 9.8, Masculine: None
Emotional Feminine: …Read More

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Social Matrix Fracture

Wow. Lots going on. Not sure where to start. I just went for a mastermind event with my coach Eiji Morishita in Los Angeles and stayed at Rion Freeberg’s new apartment in Hollywood as he just moved there. Then, finally made it to Quebec after a torturous series of flights.

Let’s start by talking about the Philosopher’s Stone, which is the ultimate goal of Alchemy. The Philosopher’s Stone is an energetic structure that crystallizes your energy field as you reach enlightenment and provides the power of absolute transmutation and absolute protection. The Philosopher’s Stone is composed of 3 parts and I am currently working on solidifying the first 2 parts. Very few people ever complete this work in 20 lifetimes. How I got to this stage in just a few years is beyond me.

As I develop the Philosopher’s Stone, it provides the power of absolute transmutation of anything that affects my energy field, path and purpose. Once the stone will be completed, it will provide the power to create absolutely anything. Now, my purpose is to help ground the new spiritual energies into the planet and there are MASSIVE counter-intentions both on a geopolitical level and on a sociocultural level. This is both a blessing and a challenge, as let me tell you that it’s not pleasant to energetically get affected by wars. Now, as I develop the Philosopher’s Stone, it transmutes anything that gets in the way and powers shift on a worldwide level. I’m mentioning this because a LOT …Read More

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Make 2014 Your Best Year Ever

What would it take to make 2014 your best year ever? What if you could use this year to build the foundation of a whole new level of lifestyle that will permanently change the direction of the rest of your life?

Sure you want to break free of money issues, scarcity, worries and limitations. Sure you want better relationships, not only intimately but also with people who will support you with your path and growth. Sure you want to leave behind old stories of doubts, unworthiness and shame.

And although each of these are really great goals in and of themselves, these are not really what you want. What you want is the lifestyle that goes with it: free of doubts, free of constraints, supported by like-minded people and with lots of resources to make your dreams a reality.

What if, instead of learning techniques here and there to remove pains and improve your life, you could adopt a different lifestyle that would set into motion a whole new direction for your life?

What if you could deepen the very foundation of how you think, feel, act and present yourself in every aspect of your life? You can only rise as high as your foundation is deep. It’s not about replacing a foundation that already provides some success, it’s about deepening it and removing the cracks.

Here’s the thing. You can only see possibilities in your life based on the foundation of your self-identity, values and beliefs system. The illusions and limitations of that foundation …Read More

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