Archive for April, 2018

Force of Life Training Repaired

Several people wrote me saying the Force of Life Training videos were down. Apparently Google decided that these videos were violating their terms of service? Not sure what is prohibited, embedding Google Drive videos on my website, or having videos of myself? Or it’s just part of the increasing censorship. The MP3 link at the bottom was still working though.

Well the videos are up again so if you couldn’t go through it now it should be all good.

You can sign up for the Force of Life Training here.

I also started working on a new version of the training that brings it to a whole new level — but like many other things, it’s taking a while to get it done. Need to clear up a lot of messy energies first before things can get done.

Anyway, things should be good for now. If you encounter any other technical issue, just let me know.

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Remembering vs Learning: A Blueprint for Memory Recovery

In this series of channeled book summaries, here’s another one coming from Andromedia: “Remember vs Learning: A Blueprint for Memory Recovery”. I’ve been using the new knowledge on DNA and memory structures to recover memories of an unknown past life in China, and got the memories of the whole lifetime with somewhat good clarity. However, remembering to speak the Chinese language is a different story. It requires changes to the brain structures, and 40% of the “brain cells” required for language are actually in the stomach. Thus, this article will help clarify what role the brain has in relation to the DNA memory structures.

A blueprint for memory recovery. In advanced nations, incarnation often comes with a partial loss of memories. This is due, in part, to the dissonance between the old and new environment of past and present incarnation, creating a gap in memories, and a dissociation of realities. The other reason is that many aspects of the psychic function not only through the soul but in a finely-tuned coordination between the physical body and ethereal soul.

The simplest way to look at it is this. The body is the container and the soul is the content. Let’s say you speak English in your current incarnation and Chinese in your past incarnation. Let’s say English has a round shape and Chinese has a square shape. Your body is wired to take a round shape in. If you try to put a square within the round container, it won’t fit, or you’ll …Read More

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Overview of Mind Erasing Technologies

The goal of the previous article DNA Structures & Cellular Regeneration was to prepare for this article: exploring the various mind erasing technologies being used by the SSP (Secret Space Program) and some alien races. I would estimate 12.4% of the population has had close encounters with either aliens or the SSP, and in 99.6% of cases, had all memories of it erased. This measures as 100% accurate.

In order to recover such memories, it is important to first understand how such technologies work, and in order to understand how they work, it is important to first understand how memories work. Thus why the first article on DNA structures. We’ll explore the mechanics of memories as pure DNA constructs.

This channeled article is mostly a combination of 3 books assembled together based on our current context. The first book is “Mechanics of Mind Control: How Hive Minds are being Engineered” from Andromedia. The second book is “Collective Memory Clusters, An Overview”, author unknown. The third book is “War of Minds, Methods and Techniques of Control” from Orion.

Lost memories on Earth result mainly from 5 causes, besides natural causes. First we will explore a mind erasing method that was applied to protect advanced souls many thousands of years ago from invaders who destroyed the Ancient Civilizations. The Avians, Orions and Lemurians all participated in this collective sealing of memories, for if they were to survive, they knew they had to hide. Although each soul group has slightly different methods, the procedure …Read More

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How to Create Wealth with Liquid Currency

Channeled from the Orion library: Foundation of Liquid Management Systems, a Blueprint for Global Wealth Generation.

Wealth, as a constituent entity, is defined as an abundance, or overflow, of energy and/or resources. Abundance of water is seen when it flows in an unrestrained way within a healthy ecosystem. When you hold onto water, it becomes stagnant, stops carrying life, and starts developing microbes. The essential characteristics of a healthy ecosystem include inter-connection between individual cells, and a bi-lateral exchange between those cells. Within the body, health is directly proportional to the degree of exchange between individual healthy cells.

Thus, we have movement, individuality, and exchange, as being the 3 main components for global wealth and economic health.

How do we achieve individuality? Through education, and training people how to use their mind and spirit to achieve what they want. God also has its own humorous way of training us.

How do we achieve movement? By giving it a purpose, a common direction. A fragmented society sees no cohesive movement and stagnates. During economic recessions, war is often used as a way to bring a common purpose for the people, and thus achieving a shared movement. If you’re riding a canoe, with ten people peddling into a different direction, it goes nowhere. It takes something to make them peddle into a common direction, whether God, a shared project, war, a common enemy, or anything else.

The recommended approach is to increase the connection with God, but for the people who aren’t ready for that, it can …Read More

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DNA Structures & Cellular Regeneration

Channeled from the Orion library: summary of DNA functions and its role in cellular degeneration and regeneration.

The role of DNA structures is to hold the fabric of life, as an ever-evolving and ever-expanding expression of life (life meaning Source Consciousness). It is a highly intelligent arrangement of particles and nano-particles in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th densities that define every aspect of one’s life. A common error for DNA researchers, in their quest to perfect their DNA heritage, is to look at it from a 3D perspective, and this is like looking at a 3D maze as a flat image: a lot of things don’t make sense, with dead-ends everywhere.

The most obvious role of genetic codes in its 3D composition is to hold physical traits of a living sentient: the color of its eyes, the shape of its head, as well as genetic deficiencies. Many researchers try to manipulate these genetics for optimal health by assembling chosen traits like the pieces of a puzzle. Some pieces fit, others don’t, and there are often unforeseen reactions and side effects.

Beyond the obvious, the 4th density holds the memories of that living sentient within its structure. Many think memories are stored in the brain, and this is a false premise. Memories are entirely stored within the genetics, within its structures in the 4th and 5th densities. The brain is a complex antenna that interacts with these genetic structures, and with other energetic constructs. After all, the brain entirely operates in the abstract …Read More

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