Archive for June, 2020

Interview Part 3: Fall of the SSP 5th Reich

I’ve done the 3rd interview on Super Soldier Talk, with very surprising developments this time.

The Nazis have lost grip of the Secret Space Program due to a timeline shift.

The Earth Alliance controls 37% of it… the rest now belongs to the Negas, a race of Black Supremacists that originally seeded planet Earth. Think of the movie Black Panther. We’ll have to learn to work together — but so far, negotiations aren’t going very well. (this is extra stuff that clarified since the interview)

Basically, if let the Negas have it their way, they’ll fall back into slavery in 1300 years and the Nordics will take the planet. If we roll over them, we’ll be fine… until the next great cycle of 25000 years where we’ll repeat the same karmic cycles and the Nazis (or another group) will come back then. Neither option is acceptable.

The Nazis relocated at other points in time and space, trying to come back into our reality. But now the Nazis have been removed from time and space altogether. All they have left is a group that took 37% control of China, and that group is particularly psychopath. China will collapse anyway.

I still find it hard to believe that we made so much unexpected progress with the SSP!

Now one of the most important point is: reducing racial division, that’s being pushed by groups like BLM and Antifa, funded by Georges Soros. But also the Negas are pushing racial division in different worlds… Anything that supports racial division needs …Read More

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Interview Part 2: Deep State Virus vs Earth Alliance

Here’s the 2nd interview I did on Super Soldier Talk with James Rink and Marko last week. After this 2nd interview, the Nazis / SSP really went full-in with the attacks. They really went over-board this time. The good news is: the Germans or Nazis no longer control the SSP due to timeline shifts. I’ll talk more about that in the next interview that we will stream live tomorrow.

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