Posts Tagged masculine

The Battle of Araghart

Thousands of Norse are pouring in from upper Universes, with King Araghart at their lead. There is a major battle coming, of proportions that have never been seen before in this Universe. We’ve eliminated the Dracos, Archons, Arch-Demons, Cyborgs and Atman from this Universe. The Theta Universe above is frozen because it is completely infested with demons, Dracos and Arch-Demons. The 5th, 6th and 7th Universes above us are extremely dark, and those dark forces are being threatened by what’s happening here and are launching a full assault. They are the ones who completely destroyed the Theta Universe, and 1/3 of their forces are frozen there.

This whole Universe is going to turn into a bloody battlefield.

See The History of the Universe to understand the context. This may sound like science-fiction but it’s not, and many are feeling the chaos already.

They are targeting the gate-keepers first. The King 2 Universes above us who is guarding the gate to the Theta Universe has just fallen, and I snabbed him from under their grip and brought him here.

They will target Andromedia and the Galactic Federation first, to throw this Universe into total chaos. The Archives and Lemurian Crystals have been evacuated from Andromedia and brought here, and the Royal Family has been evacuated. If Andromedia gets destroyed, it will be mostly civilian death with no cascading effect on the Universe. The Galactic Federation has been disbanded until new orders.

We’re expecting the siege to begin in about 2 days.

Ancient military bases have …Read More

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What Happened at the Chiang Mai Event

For those who missed it, what happened at the Chiang Mai event on June 16-17th? It definitely was a different experience than the Mexico event in December where several of my most advanced students where there and Atman showed up with his magic. This time, 3 people made it to Thailand: 2 from Sweden and 1 from Trinidad y Tobago (3 days of travels to get here!!)

The energy on the first morning was extremely heavy. There was a *lot* of stuff to clean up. One was new to all this and was carrying a whole lot of anger and negative stuff, one was carrying a whole lot of baggage and stories, and one had his chakras completely fractured and pulverized. This event was definitely life-changing, and we’ve been working on releasing a *whole lot* of baggage!! Kind of healing 6000 years worth of pains in 2 days.

While at the last event, great powers where awakening right away I would basically sit back and let them work on each other, this time it was very draining for myself. I’ve given a whole lot of energy. Like using massive lightning bolts to fuse chakras back together and jumping around the room with the intensity of the bolts.

Here are the testimonials from Andreas and Maria. I further improved the quality of the videos with my video encoding magic.

Natural Grounding Player Installation Instructions

1. Uninstall any codec pack you have

2. Install K-Lite Codec Pack BASIC to support all video formats.
Since MPC-HC video player is also included with SVP and K-Lite Codec Pack Standard also includes it, we don’t want to install MPC-HC several times. Chose the BASIC version.

3. Install SVP. During Setup, check the option to install MadVR.

SVP allows playing videos at 60fps while MadVR allows rendering videos with higher quality. Warning: these greatly increase video quality but can push the best graphic cards to the edge. MadVR requires more configuration, read its documentation.

4. Install the Natural Grounding Player
It should automatically install .NET Framework 4.5 and SQL Server 2014 LocalDB

Note: As of now, any changes you make to the database (adding your own videos) will be lost when future versions are …Read More

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Grounding for Spiritual Transformation

I’m getting ready to travel again to Los Angeles for the Speak Your Genius event with Eiji Morishita. Energetically, barriers are falling down and the path is opening up in big ways. Somehow I feel this trip will be very interesting… will be staying at Rion Freeberg’s apartment and Nicole Abundance will also be flying in from Vancouver and staying with us (she’s one of the rare women who “gets it” when it comes to feminine energy). I might even meet up with Gina Cloud who is one of the only authors who really talks about feminine Shakti energy and who lives in that area. Lots of interesting things coming up. It’s not just about living out of the matrix; it’s about reconnecting with the matrix like a holistic virus.

The work we’re doing here is all about connecting more deeply with the force of life and embodying those spiritual energies into your concrete physical life to life a terrific lifestyle with vibrant health and juicy relationships. One way of doing so is by attuning to picture of videos that have a high level of embodiment of those energies. I came up with a way of precisely evaluating resources by measuring the 6 polarity energies on a 0-10 Hawkins Scale where 7.5 = 750, and also reading Stillness and Egoless values. Sometimes I’m also looking at the vibration of the 5 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Aether on their Masculine and Feminine polarities.

Now here’s a shot I’ve been working on …Read More

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Kevin Trudeau Review: Whistleblower or Scammer?

After writing “Kevin Trudeau Scam, What’s Really Going On?”, I saw all the negativity being written about him over the Internet. If I’m going to put my name on the line to support him, it’s important to have an objective look at this from both sides. And, since most of the information you can find online about him is negative, this will provide a more balanced view-point.

There is indeed lots of critics about him online; too much to be only media propaganda. You can view the reviews of The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, Mega Memory and Consumer Affairs Complaints. I totally support him, and obviously this cannot be ignored. Let’s go through it together.

For the book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, I haven’t read that book myself. The reason for it is that I didn’t have any health problems or taken any medicine for years, so I don’t need it. The reviews are pretty consistent: it works, AND it’s not as easy as he said. Now I understand why the judge said he didn’t find his cure easy. All the reviews are around that theme. Those leaving negative feedback found it too hard and didn’t try it.

For Mega Memory, I have gone through the audio training of it (not the book). Memory was an aspect I had to improve and this training has been very helpful. It gave me a few headaches …Read More

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