I want to talk about some of the ancient civilizations that were here on Earth. Why should you care? Because we’re not empowered to create our future unless we have an accurate understanding of our past. I also want to make the point that everything that was available back then, including the knowledge, technology and wisdom, is still available to us today. Which brings us to the idea that, contrary to what we’ve been thought, evolution isn’t linear but cyclical. You can quantum-leap by connecting back to the previous cycle. The objective of this article isn’t to bring solid proofs to convince skeptics, but rather, to bring enough solid pointers to stimulate your own memories if you have past lives in those areas so that you can access your own wisdom and knowledge.
Everybody heard of Atlantis. Most believe it is a myth, while the most famous philosophers in history believe it is real. Many have glimpses of past life memories in Atlantis. Where was it located? Right here: Fingal’s Cave in Scotland. These pillars of vitrified rock were the foundation. The foundation stones extend from the Hebrides all the way to County Antirm in Northern Ireland, where they appropriately refer to the formations as “Causeway of the Giants”.
Here’s some information about vitrified rocks. Modern science cannot yet reproduce this type of architecture, which you also see in …Read More