There is an astral field inter-connecting everything in the world, and the movements of energy within that plane affect your thoughts and behaviors in many ways. The concept of psychic attack happens whenever someone projects negativity onto you. If your intuitive perceptions are open and someone in a different country gets angry at you, you can literally feel the aggressiveness affecting your state in the moment. This brings a new dimension to the old debate as to whether emotions come from thoughts or thoughts come from e-motions (energies in motion).
Now, the concept of psychic attacks from dark forces is a topic very few people and even teachers talk about. Some say it’s nothing more than your own excuses manifesting externally – which is true in many cases. Others say that dark forces are part of duality which is an illusion, and dark forces should not be a reality. Theories are nice, and this is where we have to make the difference between theory and reality.
The reality is that various high-conscious people who are playing a big game such as myself, Kevin Trudeau of the Global Information Network, my Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian and many other Alchemists, are dealing with psychic attacks from dark forces on a regular basis. In extreme cases, Jacques once had a psychic attack that paralyzed half of his body for months, for me it once turned into a physical attack from a random guy of the Montreal Chinese mafia right when I got into a bar, …Read More