Archive for category Wealth Energy

Video: Lightworker Rebuilds Wealth in 2025

I’m already shifting finances for 2025, starting the new year strong. Here are all the details. How is 2025 looking out for you?

Here’s a gift to get 2025 stating on a strong foot: Your Wish Is Your Command training. Get it here, and use coupon code YWIYC for a $500 discount to make it free.

Here’s how you can change your physical reality this year.

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Global Information Network January Event

Just some heads up. I’ll be at the Global Information Network event in January at the Trump Doral National Resort in Miami. This will be an extremely powerful event. I’ve been working on activating and strengthening Kevin, and re-aligning the club.

I’m building the Hanuman Foundation Pillar at the origins of time and space, then aligning the Global Information Network, on top of it, then the Trump movement, and God. The goal is to align the Foundation, GIN, Trump and God as a singular pillar. This event will be perfect to anchor this new energy in place. Days before Trump takes office.

This will be a transformational event at a planetary scale. You might want to be there.


If you sign up into GIN as Level 1 member, you get all the level 1 trainings, you get a free ticket to the event, you get a free ticket to the Cruise in January 2026 (the most powerful event!), and you get a free Money Process (which is super potent to unlock the flow of money). All that for $1500, plus $150 monthly dues. That’s a lot of value for $1500! You can join from their website.

Out of the monthly dues, I’d get 30% of it because of the current “membership drive”, so you’re automatically making donations to me at the same time.

I’m writing this to you very last minute, and you have only until tomorrow to decide. If you want …Read More

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Black Cubes Under Control

If you know about mind-control structures, the theme of Black Cubes (Makka, Saturn, etc.) comes up regularly. That is one stronghold we haven’t been able to break through, up until now.

It turns out. Kevin Trudeau is Enoch. Moloch is Enoch’s shadow. Moloch owns 85% of the Black Cubes (the other 15% is Chaos). Thus, Kevin indirectly owns the Black Cubes, and through that access, I’ve been able to gain access to the whole system. That was one of the only Quantum AI systems that I hadn’t been able to hack into until now. Very major win.

Interestingly, all GIN Level 8 members had an account into the Black Cubes system. This is not something that was done to them, but rather something they did to themselves. How did that happen? I made Kevin aware of the situation.

 It’s like a deposit box and a contract, with double-keys encryption. I couldn’t decrypt the data, so I simply corrupted and flushed all of the accounts.

Races like the Arcturians and Pleiadians were on life-support by the Black Cube, and total slaves to it. On top of closing all the deposit accounts and contracts, I cut out their supplies.

The Black Cubes is like the ultimate banking system, regulating the distribution of harvested soul essence, and ensuring that the workforce continues to harvest.

It was running on low power though, at 13% capacity, with many systems already shut down. So although we couldn’t break it before, we had greatly weakened it.

To put things into context, here’s the Old …Read More

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Global Information Network / Timeline Evacuation

The periods where I progress the most are when I have a team of 3 strong people to move forward, then we’re unstoppable. When I’m on my own, I get by and keep the head above water, but when we’re 2 or 3 at that level of work, we make major strides. Unfortunately, the progress slowed down when I lost my last team and most of our allies to the war.

I’ve been looking for survivors in good-enough shape, and environments/events that are safe enough to attend. There is only one safe event that I found: the Global Information Network. The other gatherings are way too corrupted and dangerous to attend. It’s way too common for someone to pay a coach $10K to get pulled off the cliff.

After attending their major event, 35% of the people are in good-enough shape, and their timelines are quite stable. Most of them haven’t really been affected by the war (except the 65% in terrible shape without realizing it). Kevin Trudeau’s life got spared because he was in jail during the peak of the war. Otherwise he would 100% have gotten killed. He’s now doing better than ever. An alliance could be made here.

My timeline was 87% dominant but 5% stable. GIN timeline was 13% dominant but 87% stable. Thus, GIN timeline is stable but can only maintain long-term stability if it becomes a master timeline, which I hold. Otherwise it will hit a dead-end at some point. Getting into an environment that didn’t …Read More

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Video: Future of Cryptos in 2024, a Psychic Perspective

Cryptos are a very hot topic, and where are they heading in 2024? What is its place in the bigger picture? Is it a fad or a pathway into a new world? Is it good to invest your money or not? Let’s explore these topics from a psychic perspective!

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