As I’m back from my 12-day road trip across Northern Thailand, some people are asking me: what did I learn while traveling? I did observe and realize a few interesting things, which I’ll talk about here. In this trip, I went to Lampang, Phrae, Uttaradit and Sukhothai provinces. I visited 2 power plants: Mae Moh and Sikirit dam.
First, it is amazing how each city has a completely different energy. I’ve said before that Thailand was under heavy energetic attacks over the past 10 years up until recently, and that the younger generation had lost their roots, and that 35-year-old people look younger than 25-year-old people because of that. Thailand is a Buddhist country and thus should have a lot of knowledge of the soul, but that has been mostly lost in Chiang Mai and many of the places where foreigners are going to. Thailand turned into an emotional garbage dump where foreigners go to escape their problems and dump their emotional baggage there, and this has caused severe problems and is why they’re tightening on immigration policies. And I’ve heard Pai turned into a hippies town. Situation is stabilizing since the past 1 or 2 years.
So as I went to Lampang, it turns into a ghost town after 5pm as everything closes. The guy working at the hotel was eager to show me around town, and then the main bar and club of that small city are full every day of the week. Met some people who got drunk …Read More