Archive for February, 2014

How to Adapt To Energy Shift (FREE Video)

A lot has been happening lately around the world. Among other things, a simultaneous violent protests/war/coup in Ukraine and Venezuela, and the same thing might happen in Thailand. Legit protests from the people are generally peaceful, and when they turn violent, it is usually because Western authorities, or what I call the Cabal, are manipulating the crowds for their own agenda. They have been doing it over and over again with great success, generally on rogue countries who start acting against US’ interests.

And on the good side, the Cabal, who is trying to control the world, has been defeated on the energetic level. As a result of that, things will be shifting on a worldwide scale on a very deep level. Our society may shift up-side-down very soon, in a good but challenging way. Several people have been writing me over the last few days because of extremely heavy stuff going on in their lives. So, if you are feeling things shifting within or outside of you and are having a hard time with it, here is a video that will help you adapt to the energy shift. Enjoy!

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How To Get Others To Recognize Your Transformation

If you’ve been on the path of spiritual transformation for a while, you’re probably at a very different place than you were a year or even 3 years ago. You feel more at peace with yourself, feel stronger, feel more confident that you can achieve what you want to do in life, and have more sexual magnetism. While this is great in and of itself, you may not be seeing external transformation to the same extent. Here I want to share one important realization to truly transform your external life.

Most of the people in your life, including your friends and family, have known you a certain way your whole life. Most of them don’t want you to change because it can make them uncomfortable, and even if you do become a completely different person, they will still see the person you have always been. So what can you do about this?

If I look at individuals who have gone through a huge transformation, such as my own mentors, they help thousands of entrepreneurs build 6 or 7-figure businesses. Yet, many people in their own family still don’t recognize them. It is just the way it is. You can fight against it or just accept it. Most people will never change and will never acknowledge your transformation. And anyway, you want to be a leader in the world, not a leader of your hometown.

So, the first step is to let go of the need to be recognized by the people around you.

Then, …Read More

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Integrity Is The Foundation Of Everything That Lasts

I haven’t posted anything since Christmas. Energies have been unfolding like crazy ever since. As I expected, the heightened energies of the holidays worldwide gave space for deeper energetic changes to unfold. Also, Valentine’s Day, with worldwide heightened love and orgasmic energies, finally allowed me to rebuild the greater layers of my energy field. Some “stuff”, such as plans of global domination by a certain group of people, was causing counter-intentions and interference with my own path and energy, which I have been battling against for years. Last time I worked with my Alchemy teacher, those resistances fell down, and since Valentine’s Day, those counter-intentions are completely gone with my energy fully rebuilt and the energetic space fully immune. All is well.

Another project I have been involved in is the restructuration of the Global Information Network, which Kevin Trudeau founded to share the secrets of the elite secret societies. Kevin Trudeau is in jail since October, a government-appointed Receiver is currently controlling the club. They have removed all the benefits of the club which has now lost half of its members within a few months, and they are trying to redirect the energy of the club to change it according to their vision. Interestingly enough, we filed a legal intervention request towards the Receiver, the FTC filed a counter-request, and Judge Gentleman (illegally) said that he didn’t read the documents and it was untimely to file such a request, as it should have been filed in 2007, 2 years …Read More

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