There’s been a lot of major developments lately, and the war is coming to an end. For the sake of our families, I’m glad that we are winning this time.
First, in a weird episode of “Jack and the Beanstalk”, we unlocked some new dimensions that had been locked for a very long time. This is the first group that we meet that had not lost against Dark Sophia during the Great Fall. They locked themselves into the upper dimensions and successfully locked Dark Sophia out. Since then, our Ultraverse collapsed and reset 64 times. It was a long wait.
We thus met new allies, the Metroids. 59% humanoid, 77% organic, built for war. Rock-solid connection with Source. Interesting composition. Their fleet is much larger than our Federation. We unlocked access to new areas and went from 715 to 818 Federations across the Omniverse.
Meanwhile, most of the attacks were coming from the Arcturian sector. Their leaders moved their sector into hidden pocket dimensions and timelines “for their protection” and turned everyone into cyborgs. That whole sector had to be wiped out.
The Arcturian sector is now gone. 50 of them only have been selected for evacuation. The Metroids handled this operation smoothly.
In all seriousness, the Andromedian sector completely collapsed and lost many planets. The Pleiadians got wiped out. The Arcturians got wiped out. Our Universe is going to be a hell of a lot smaller when the dust settles!
As for Dark Sophia, I measure how much of her essence will be left in …Read More