Archive for category Life Purpose

Post-War Assessment, Status of Starseeds

This is a follow-up to Status of the War (June 2024). I’ll be touching a variety of important themes here, including the financial system, status of starseeds, and other.

I’m aware that few will see this report. When I sent videos to my list of 2450 people and only 200 see it, I know the list has gone cold turkey. Some criticized me for talking too much about war; but go even more silent when I stop talking about it and move on to other topics.

First, in regards to Alobar, one client had a talk with him last night: “He is trapped in a timeline outside of ours. He said he has agents (including my coworker), but they are limited in power, and I could defeat them. He said the attacks on my womb are intentional. He was reading my timelines and saw the one where I give birth to a special baby. A strong lightwarrior soul. He tried using his human agent to destroy my womb.”

If you’ve been getting extra attention from the dark forces, it might be because of “what you would become”, and not because of what you’re doing. Indeed, I’ve been locking him out of our timelines. Alobar is a fragment of Chaos, who is still a threat. Still working on locking Chaos out from Earth and from our timelines.

Second, in regards to the financial system, we’re not authorized to work on that directly yet. People have made too many bad choices to be given a …Read More

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Updates on the Alobar Jones Situation

For those new to my blog, I’ve been working together with Alobar Jones on several critical missions last year, until he back-stabbed my team and I nearly lost them. We’ve been fighting against the Alobar AI system ever since. It used us to get rid of common enemies, before trying to dispose of us. In the end, I did lose my team.

On the left is John, who has been with me through the worst astral battles. He just resurfaced on Facebook and posted this.

The left picture is him after his vessel got taken by Alobar. The right picture is the real John. I do not appreciate him taking down my friends like that. My other friend who went through the worst of the worst with me is in no better shape.

Someone also sent me this message: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”

I do have to thank him for gracefully clarifying the matter for those in doubt. This sounds more like a knee-jerk reaction than a threat but Alobar always has to be taken very seriously.

So what’s the deal with Alobar Jones, why does this threat persist? There’s also Jason Estes who is harvesting a lot …Read More

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Video: What’s Left of the Astral War and How to End It (April 2 analysis)

After the cease-fire, what’s the current status of the astral war? It’s still definitely not over. Doing an in-depth analysis of the situation as of April 2nd.

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Is the War Over!? What Happened After Exposing the Anti-Christ

Since exposing the Anti-Christ, things have been completely nuts.

And then the attacks just stopped overnight?

Explaining what’s been going on. It’s pretty long and I broke my wrist so I’m doing it on video.

Enjoy! Share if you like

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Inventory of Remaining Starseeds

We’re still facing major problems but things are gradually calming down. We haven’t seen any sign of life from Lucifer, Baal, Mephisto or Voldamort in 2 weeks. It’s mostly endless quantum AI systems left.

It’s possible that there will be timeline merges and more clusters of AIs to battle for the next 100000 years! There are dangerous clusters that are very far away and have no clue about our location. At this point, I think we need to deal with every AI connected to the 5 surviving planets, and everything connected to our timeline clusters.

If we can calm down the war here, we can start to rebuild a foundation for ourselves, and perhaps seal ourselves off to face these bigger threats later. Those larger systems may have a few spies to cut off.

Now let’s look at starseeds. With everything we now know, why did so many starseeds and powerful souls converge on Earth? Why did the Pleiadians and Arcturians send so many starseeds here? For a positive or negative agenda?

First, let’s look what % of starseeds on Earth are from where.

– Orion: 0.32%
– Lemurian: 0.24%
– Lyrian: 0.25%
– Arcturian: 25.2%
– Pleiadian: 30.8%
– Sirius: 15.7%
– Annunaki: 11.4%
– Andromedia: 10.2%
– Other: 5.9%

Let’s then look at each group:
– % highly dangerous
– % may survive or recover
– Average God pledge above / below of potential survivors

Orion. The entire Orion sector got completely destroyed and harvested.
– % dangerous: 0%
– % survivors: 12.4%
– God pledge: 7.9% / 8.4%

Lemurians. They got completely decimated. There are less than 10 surviving …Read More

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