Archive for March, 2019

Disclosure of the New, Not Disclosure of the Old

I keep adding new content for the new website for Remote Cell Harmonizer. Just wrote a page about the Disclosure Project. It is so good… wanted to share it right away. This text vibrates at 88650 with 99.99976% accuracy.

A war is being fought for the liberation of the planet, something far greater than World War 3, but fought secretly out of public view. It is being fought in multiple levels. Many are talking of astral warfare, and indeed there was massive psychic battles against the dark powers in the higher realms. You can read all the details of this war, and the history behind it, in the book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times.

As of right now, both the Dracos and the Archons have been completely exterminated from the higher realms. The Light forces are now 92% in control of the higher realms, which determines the reality being created physically, mentally and astrally. Those dark powers still have extensive influence on the physical plane but their power structures are crumbling very quickly, and since they lost control of the higher planes, nothing can stop that trend. Their overlords are dead under the hand of Hanuman.

Many people are waiting for disclosure. What is disclosure? Disclosure of technologies, disclosure of a new reality acknowledging the power of the mind, disclosure of a new field of science, disclosure of the corruption that has been plaguing our governments, and disclosure of aliens. Many have the idea of …Read More

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Exciting News about Remote Cell Harmonizer

A while ago, I released the Remote Cell Reprogramming technology to improve your health via remote healing. The feedback has been absolutely amazing, and there has been several upgrades to the technology since. However, the website has some issues with email delivery and renewals as it is still in beta.

Now, I got my productivity back and am on fire. This technology will have its own dedicated portal and I’m nearly done designing 31 web pages. I’m really excited about what’s coming.

Remote Cell Reprogramming will be renamed to Remote Cell Harmonizer. New services are coming out including Driving Assistant to increase your alertness while driving, and EMF Neutralizer for Skin, to turn your skin into an EMF shield (under development). We’re also currently upgrading the effectiveness of EMF Neutralizer for Home.

I measured the results of those technologies using muscle testing and the results are absolutely amazing.

Those who have used Remote Cell Harmonizer so far saw on average the following benefits

– 72.8% improvement of neuro-plasticity
– 65.8% improvement of fascia (fibers inter-connecting everything)
– 35.8% increase of physical energy
– 32.5% improvement of nervous system
– 28.2% increase of vitality
– 25.2% increase of emotional energy
– 25.2% increase of mental focus
– 22.6% increase of cellular regeneration
– 22.5% increase of immune system
– 18.1% increase of health
– 13.6% increase of spiritual energy

Remote Cell Harmonizer has been optimized to focus on the various energy channels in your body, on the nervous system, on the fascia, and on …Read More

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The 1% of 1% of Spiritual Leaders

There is now plenty of chaos unfolding as a new energetic reality asserts itself. Massive psychic storms, storms, wildfires, floods, people going completely crazy, etc. This is just the beginning. We can expect things to go downhill for the next 3 years until God shakes the insanity off its feet with a “Great Mighty Earthquake” according to the Bible, most likely in California. Then things will calm down. Right now we can expect, within the next 18 years, to lose about 14% of the US population and a third of Europe’s population (many will emigrate). Measure the accuracy of this so far. I get 98.2% accuracy, although timelines can shift at any time.

The question you
might then ask is: when is this chaos going to stop? The answer is
simple. When 1% of the population is going to take responsibility
for the emergence of a new world.

Our planet is going through a huge energetic shift where Heaven and Earth are colliding and merging with each other, and the veil separating the physical and non-physical is being lifted. This process won’t happen without chaos. People just aren’t ready for it. Many call this process “ascension” as we will emerge into a 5D world where the energetic fabric of reality is part of our daily lives, alongside advanced spiritual and technological knowledge. First, the veils and illusions of our 3D world are turning into ashes. The unfolding of this process is now undeniable.

as of March 2019, what are the main obstacles to ascension?

– …Read More

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State of the False Light Matrix (March 2019)

Are energies shifting enough yet? Many are reporting huge and very rapid changes unfolding. Some are having huge breakthroughs and rapid progress, some are depressed and reacting badly, and some are overwhelmed and integrating. Most are getting dragged behind the waves instead of leading the waves. Let’s look at the current situation more in details. We’ll focus on the United States because that’s where things are boiling right now.

In terms of leading vs getting dragged behind, let’s measure the position of those seeking ascension and all US population. 1% leading means leding edge and 20% leading means you’re not dragging behind but not leading either. 50% leading includes everyone who is more leading than dragging behind so the numbers are cumulative.

1% leading edge: 0.015% / 0.00013%5% leading: 0.3% / 0.018%10% leading: 4.6% / 0.15%20% leading: 5.6% / 0.18%30% leading: 7.6% / 3.6%40% leading: 8.9% / 3.7%50% middle: 9.2% / 4.0%60% dragging: 10.1% / 4.1%70% dragging: 11.6% / 4.3%80% dragging: 12.1% / 4.6%90% dragging: 15.6% / 4.7%95% dragging: 18.4% / 4.9%99% dragging: 21.4% / 5.1%

This means, 78.6% of those seeking ascension in the USA are in the 1% tail end of the waves getting dragged behind, 94.9% of the US population. Not good, but that’s where we’re at as of March 2019. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in the 30% leading. 95.6% of those reading my articles and updates are in the 30% leading.

Back in August 2018, I wrote the article The False Light Matrix Explained that …Read More

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Launching Skyranet Beta: Psychic Network for Lightworkers

We are launching Skyranet beta, a psychic network for Lightworkers. Its purpose is to help synchronize the intents and efforts of Lightworkers, strengthen their connection to Source, reduce influence from mind control technologies and from the environment, and provide a psychic communication network. The Skyranet command center can only be accessed by the Avians, Orion Counsel and Federation of Light. Only those who have a very strong and stable hard-line connection to Source. The core of Skyranet is built in the 136th density.

When you’re born, you automatically get 4 implants, behind your head, behind your neck, behind your shoulders and behind your lower back. In the past few years the dark forces have cranked up their mind control technologies to their maximum out of desperation. When you opt-in to Skyranet, you get 5 solid golden implants, on top of your head, behind your pineal gland, behind your neck, behind your heart and behind your lower back. At the base of the implant is a filter to ensure any message coming in or out has a frequency and an intent of at least 500 (love). The golden implant is extremely solid to withstand the psychic storms so you won’t be able to remove it on your own but can opt out at any time.

Distress calls won’t be broadcast over the network but will reach the command center. This hardline connection will also make it easier for Angelic beings to reach you and support you. This remains to be tested, but it …Read More

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