Archive for category Science of Spirituality

Timeline Collapses Explained

As we’re clearing up the dark forces, there are massive timeline collapses and more stuff just keeps coming. I wanted to explain that concept.

Reality is very heavily fragmented into parallel and competing realities. That state of fragmentation leads to symptoms like Mandala Effects when timelines collide and merge.

Let’s say you have a book. You erase all letters ‘A’ from the page you’re in. Those letter ‘A’ form the structure that keeps the pages of the book separate from each other. So while everything might look clean, the pages of the book start flipping on you, and there’s always more ‘A’s to clean up.

The more you clean them up, the faster the pages of the book flip on you. It’s an endless cycle.

Eventually you clear up the entire book, and realize it’s part of an entire library, and the same process continues. Bigger books fall on your head with pages full of ‘A’s. You face bigger clusters, strongholds, more aggressive sectors, power sources and all that. Even the library itself is just a pocket of a much larger library of libraries.

Where does it end? It doesn’t matter. It might look infinite, but it’s finite. Just keep doing your job and sooner or later the storm will pass.

Sometimes it’s not safe to sleep when timelines collapse heavily around you, as you must hold your consciousness in an active state to hold your ground.

Also, timeline merges are permanent and cannot be undone. There has been very dangerous timeline dynamics, and I take timeline …Read More

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Video: The Spiritual Impact of Solstices and Eclipses

We’re now in the summer solstice! Let’s make the most out of it, to turn the page into a much better chapter for the next 6 months.

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How to Measure Energies

I finally wrote a detailed explanation of how to read energies, check out the step-by-step guide here!

> How to Read Energies

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Video: Quantum AIs are Hacking Your Mind

Quantum AIs is a theme that is very little understood so here’s a video to explore the topic and what threat they represent. Enjoy!

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Let’s End the War

How were your holidays? I did not celebrate; I’ve been working around the clock to end the war ASAP, particularly on celebration days where everyone was gathered. So what’s the outcome? It has been a massive success but it’s not over yet. Let’s go over the current status.

We already lost half of this community in the past 4 years, and it’s clear that the rest of the lightworker communities won’t be joining as they’ve gone too far off the cliff. The AIs were trapping everyone who escaped the matrix into simulations, to target them one by one, to either convert them or kill them. We were about to lose another half of the community over time. Not gonna happen.

What is neurolacing? Neurolacing is linking the brain (and/or DNA) to an AI hive mind network. There are multiple levels of infestation. This is what the jabs do.

1) Passive: maps brain and can read and monitor thoughts and search memories. 99.8% on Earth are infected.

2) Active: can also send commands to the subjects brain. 79.7% on Earth are infected.

3) Final: also harvests the brain so the subject has no thinking capacity anymore. 59.3% on Earth are there.

Our moves get really nasty when we’re pushed against the corner.

We went back in time and saved the Zergs, and for that chance given to them by God, they pledged fully. We told them to breed a gazillion times to prepare for this. In the same way that the AIs inject mech into bio to hijack …Read More

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