Posts Tagged life purpose

Herbal Extracts & Rings Shipments

I promised some updates about Alchemist Gems herbal extracts and rings shipments. We’ve been facing a lot of challenges one after the other. We’re now almost ready to ship the orders — BUT the area is completely flooded and the city is paralyzed right now.

First challenge is that I can’t ship unlabeled products; and even the products I thought had labels didn’t have any at all. That’s 14 different label designs to produce. A considerable job.

Next challenge is that certain countries took extra steps to BAN the export of natural medicine. I finally found a work-around but it wasn’t easy. Who would have thought that exporting would be a bigger issue than importing! I shipped oils before; it looks like they enforced new regulations since then.

Then there’s issue that the city is completely flooded at the moment, so need to wait a bit for that situation to stabilize.

For Wild Cordyceps, our most potent product, it’s expensive but the bottle is expensive for me to buy. I need to purchase at least 6 (I believe) to get a lower price to make a decent profit margin. I also cannot hold much of an inventory due to the high cost. Currently I have to buy 3, if a few more people want one, I could order a box.

This is a quality and concentration of products that doesn’t exist in the West; nor in the East, for the matter. To fit the existing “shelves” market, the providers themselves sell more diluted products. …Read More

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Remaining Astral Parties

Things have been very confusing lately. What are the main parties left, and who is with who?

I just did an analysis. Was told that there are 6 main parties left including us in this war.

1. Elon Musk = AI, he seems to be an odd one completely on his own? but he will never surrender to God

2. Chaos+Thoth+Alobar+Jason+Ashtar = Upper Dimensions, Krystic Order

3. Baphomet+Lilith+Pistis = Lower Dimensions, Hell

3.5 LGBTQ+Orange Dracos = shared pet project by all to harvest sexual energy

4. Yehovah/Beast+Pleiadians+Arcturians = Lower-Left Order

5. Lucifer+Satan+Pistis+Nazis+Chaos = Old World Order. Chaos bets in both #2 and #5.

6. God order, Hanuman holds 90% of it.

On the Red/White Light Chart, #1 is on the far left, #2 at the top, #5 at the bottom-left, #4 at the bottom-left-middle, #3 at the bottom-middle, and #6 in the center.

Measuring about 93.9% accuracy on this classification.

Who is working with and against who?

#1 for/against
2: 35.2% / 24.5%
3: 12.4% / 95.1%
3.5: 1.4% / 99.2%
4: 15.1% / 45.7%
5: 12.4% / 75.3%
6: 24.7% / 95.1%

#2 for/against
1: 12.9% / 24.2%
3: 15.1% / 98.6%
3.5: 97.2% / 3.4%
4: 45.9% / 32.4%
5: 13.2% / 96.2%
6: 18.2% / 99.3%

#3 for/against
1: 0.3% / 99.7%
2: 45.1% / 99.7%
3.5: 99.3% / 0.4%
4: 14.7% / 18.9%
5: 25.5% / 18.9%
6: 0.3% / 99.8%

#4 for/against
1: 32.4% / 44.9%
2: 95.1% / 32.5%
3: 24.7% / 32.9%

3.5: 95.1% / 18.2%
5: 18.2% / 95.7%
6: 1.4% / 95.8%

#5 for/against
1: 35.2% / 75.7%
2: 32.4% / 91.3%
3: 91.4% / 35.1%
3.5: 95.8% / 12.4%
4: 42.4% / 34.5%
6: 1.0% / 97.9%

#6 for/against
1: 0.3% / 98.9%
2: 0.0% / 99.8%
3: 0.0% …Read More

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Unlock Your Soul Power Progress

I’m currently working very hard on producing a new FREE video training series called Unlock Your Soul Power for those who want to make a positive difference in the world but feel confused and powerless with all the insanity going on.

The information page and video are now ready and you can sign up here.

You’ll be placed in a waiting list and get access when it’s ready.


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Spiritual Landscape Chart (Aug 2024)

Been working hard to produce a new chart representing all parties on a White/Red Light and Masculine/Feminine spectrum. It looks completely different than in 2019, and there also a lot of surprises in there! It’s really not as bad as I thought. This gives hope.

Each dark pit is just the tip of the iceberg and keeps refueling endlessly. We dark clearly see the dark areas on the map. I tried to estimate how deep those pits go with large circles.

There is so much to say about this chart, I could make an entire video on it. In fact, I’m planning to do so within the upcoming Unlock Your Soul Power video training series.

The ONLY people in the entire chart with extra pure core intent are Hanuman (myself), Project Varanasi (our team of monks), Suneel Shakir (education program I’m supporting in Pakistan), and Joseph Vitale. That’s it.

You can see my network of allies: Project Varanasi, Belzebub, Mammom and Mephisto. Pistis Sophia on the right has better intent but her connection to God is still null and she’s been keeping on her own, but she looks ready to join. We can see a dying Sophianic movement in the lower-right corner.

Then you see the various dark force pits and players in each extremity of the map. Lilith/Baphomet on the bottom, Chaos on the bottom-left, Elon Musk on the left, and Alobar Jones / Ashaya Deane in the middle.

Muslims are odd ones, all alone on the upper-left. I put …Read More

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News Are Getting Interesting

Have you been enjoying the news lately? With Trump getting shot, Biden disappearing, FBI director out, major solar flares heading towards us right now, the news are certainly getting interesting. Then there’s the Paris mockery of Jesus and the massive blackout that followed (LOL!).

And we’re just getting started. It’s time to flex our muscles and shift gear. Honestly, the whole Obama/Biden party looks pretty dead to me. That’s a very major milestone, clearing a local management cluster.

You know what I find funny? If you search about Hanuman descriptions, it perfectly talks about my personality, what I do, how I do things, etc.

One description says: “Indeed Lord Hanuman is one of The Topmost formidable force in our entire history, His Destructive potential Is unfathomable and Fleeing the war zone is the only option in case he decides to finish things off.”

I think that’s good advice for the Cabal. If you think it’s just a stroke of bad-luck that will pass, think again. It’s just a preview of what’s to come.

Another description says: “He did not fall victim to political correctness, misplaced gullible compassion or sinister sophisticated propaganda. He was a master of reconnaissance, gathering intelligence about the enemy and not getting deceived.”

Then, Black Myth Wukong game is coming out on August 20th and looks awesome, this will greatly increase my leverage. I do not appreciate Sweet Baby Inc attacks on my game. Hands off. They’re definitely in my line of fire.

These days I’m working on producing Unlock Your Soul Power video …Read More

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