Posts Tagged spirituality

The Cautionary Tale of Old Gods

This entire war is about old gods developing mainly into 2 categories. First are the godless gods like Lucifer and Satan. Here I’m going to talk about the other type of old gods: those who bend and hijack God’s Universal Laws.

I spent all night unmanifesting a wide range of parasitical entities and old gods, and got this update in the morning.

“God gave decree of total dissolution of Chaos. Chaos had created his own dimension with total ownership, like a state in a state. Considering this + his increased ferociousness and destructiveness, God gave the decree. His minions and allies will get a final 1-2-3 warning to give up their contracts and Chaos’s ways: if they accept, will go through reeducation, if refuse will be taken immediately to dissolution, no more questions asked. So there will be a number of sudden deaths worldwide

Chaos’ modus operandi proved to be extremely dangerous for the whole Creation and for the implementation on God’s Will – walking the very edge of Universal laws but in his favor, staying consistently at around 2% accordance with The Universal Laws – that’s unacceptable. God is going to instate a new minimum threshold + has created a committee that will analyze to the core the acts and decisions of those who consistently walk the edge of Universal Laws. Those like us who are striving to stay as close to 100% as possible will get priority in getting support in implementing our choices, decisions and leading people, teaching others, our …Read More

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Major Progress in Canada

I haven’t posted much lately, but I’ve been busy. The truth is that sharing with my mailing list brought very few action-takers and clients, massive counter-intentions from hostile people, and I already have stable clients to focus my full time with, focusing on clearing their DNA and rebuilding them. Plus the high-level operational intel is useful for only a handful of people; if you’re not already actively working on it for years, then it’s not that useful to you. I also recently trimmed out all inactive contacts in my mailing list, reducing it to a mere 450 after 15 years, but now it’s a real list.

That being said, we’re crossing a major milestone. I’ve been in Quebec (Canada) for 3 weeks, the veil has been extremely thick, and after very major work on the whole Canada last night, Justin Trudeau is resigning today. I don’t think he’s been able to handle the energy shift since I arrived. There was a “foreign element” in the matrix.

From what I’m seeing around me in the family, nobody has any awareness whatsoever about the spiritual war. None. Nobody has any awareness whatsoever about downsides of the jabs. It’s a complete Matrix with very little flaw, apparently. Even if many people have spiritual awareness, they have no awareness of the context or environment. Until Justin cracked. But I’m not here to argue, I’m here to work.

Here’s one big advice: let go of your need to be understood by others.

And with so much in the world …Read More

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Global Information Network January Event

Just some heads up. I’ll be at the Global Information Network event in January at the Trump Doral National Resort in Miami. This will be an extremely powerful event. I’ve been working on activating and strengthening Kevin, and re-aligning the club.

I’m building the Hanuman Foundation Pillar at the origins of time and space, then aligning the Global Information Network, on top of it, then the Trump movement, and God. The goal is to align the Foundation, GIN, Trump and God as a singular pillar. This event will be perfect to anchor this new energy in place. Days before Trump takes office.

This will be a transformational event at a planetary scale. You might want to be there.


If you sign up into GIN as Level 1 member, you get all the level 1 trainings, you get a free ticket to the event, you get a free ticket to the Cruise in January 2026 (the most powerful event!), and you get a free Money Process (which is super potent to unlock the flow of money). All that for $1500, plus $150 monthly dues. That’s a lot of value for $1500! You can join from their website.

Out of the monthly dues, I’d get 30% of it because of the current “membership drive”, so you’re automatically making donations to me at the same time.

I’m writing this to you very last minute, and you have only until tomorrow to decide. If you want …Read More

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Herbal Extracts & Rings Shipments

I promised some updates about Alchemist Gems herbal extracts and rings shipments. We’ve been facing a lot of challenges one after the other. We’re now almost ready to ship the orders — BUT the area is completely flooded and the city is paralyzed right now.

First challenge is that I can’t ship unlabeled products; and even the products I thought had labels didn’t have any at all. That’s 14 different label designs to produce. A considerable job.

Next challenge is that certain countries took extra steps to BAN the export of natural medicine. I finally found a work-around but it wasn’t easy. Who would have thought that exporting would be a bigger issue than importing! I shipped oils before; it looks like they enforced new regulations since then.

Then there’s issue that the city is completely flooded at the moment, so need to wait a bit for that situation to stabilize.

For Wild Cordyceps, our most potent product, it’s expensive but the bottle is expensive for me to buy. I need to purchase at least 6 (I believe) to get a lower price to make a decent profit margin. I also cannot hold much of an inventory due to the high cost. Currently I have to buy 3, if a few more people want one, I could order a box.

This is a quality and concentration of products that doesn’t exist in the West; nor in the East, for the matter. To fit the existing “shelves” market, the providers themselves sell more diluted products. …Read More

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3 New Videos Published

I have just published 3 new videos in Unlock Your Soul Power. Fixed “forgot password”, and allowed to unlock Module 4 with a donation when it’s ready.

Videos published so far:

I. Making Sense of The Pandemic
II. Break Science Boundaries to Discover Your Power
III. Break Matrix Boundaries to See Beyond the Veil
IV. Avoid Traps to Stay Alive
V. Overcome Fears to Step Forward With Confidence

> Register here for free!

(This is really a lot of work… but it will be worth it)

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