On Wednesday, Kevin Trudeau, founder of the Global Information Network, is back into court and the FTC wants to lock him in jail. Here’s the news coverage. I really have to step up and say what’s really going on, because there so much propaganda and disinformation around this. I’m absolutely 100% willing to put my name and reputation on the line to defend this man, and you’ll understand why by the end of this article.
Why is he put in jail? He got sued with 37 million $ for his book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About, because he said in an infomercial that the cure was easy and the judge read it and said it didn’t sound that easy to him, so it’s false representation. He got fined 37 million $ in order to refund the 12 million people who purchased the book! Only problem is… nobody wants a refund and the government spent over 10 million $ of YOUR tax money to silence him.
Here’s what his clients think of him.
So what’s really going on? The government getting crazy and spending incredible sums of money to silence someone for ‘scam’ who is totally supported by his clients? Here’s the obvious key: it has nothing to do with what’s being discussed on the surface. Just like Julien Assance’s rape lawsuit, it obviously has nothing to do with rape either. Who did he “rape” anyway? I never heard anything directly or indirectly from these women. With a quick search in Google, I did find one of these women at a diner with Julien 2 days after he supposedly “raped” her.
The truth is very simple. There is a small group of people who own the media, energy companies, pharmaceuticals, the food chain, the Federal Reserve and a good part of the government. Whenever someone reveals information this group of people doesn’t like, they will find or create any excuse possible to arrest that person with a lawsuit (while skipping laws) while simultaneously attacking them with media coverage to damage their reputation. The core principle of a democratic society is that you are innocent until proven otherwise, but the US government has dropped that principle a while ago. Now, you are guilty unless you can prove your innocence. I’ve gone through that kind of law philosophy once at the US Immigration, and at first I was really surprised to realize this, and it’s not a fun experience to go through.
So the real question is: why is the government going so crazy on this man to spend over 10 million $ over a 15 years period to try to arrest him?
1. The elite class (all judges, presidents, billionaires, etc.) are part of various secret societies, and he was part of “The Brotherhood”. Once you’re in, you cannot share anything of what’s going on. He left The Brotherhood because he didn’t agree with their belief that the elite was genetically superior and should control the rest of the population, and he’s sharing the insider information and knowledge openly.
2. He exposes openly the scams going on with the drugs and pharmaceutical companies, and provides various natural cures.
3. With everything he’s sharing, he’s causing people to massively distrust the media and the government.
4. He’s empowering people to take back their freedom. IRS scandal revealed the government is particularly targeting those promoting freedom and patriotism.
These are all good enough reasons, and no it has nothing to do with his book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About, besides the fact that the government proved they really don’t want you to know about it.
Quite frankly, the 10 million $ the US government has spent on silencing this whistle-blower should be invested in uncovering and resolving the NSA surveillance scandal. After all, it’s YOUR tax money. Should it be spent on silencing people or on having more transparency and freedom of speech? It really doesn’t matter what a person is saying, the basis of a free society is that we should defend each other’s right for free speech no matter whether we agree with each other or not. Like Kevin Trudeau said himself, “I will ferociously disagree with you and I will ferociously defend your right to say it.”
Then, there are lots of other people who reveal information about the government, about pharmaceuticals, vaccines and all that stuff, and who provide natural cures. Why are they targeting him? Because none of the others have his level of public television exposure and his power of influence. Everybody else is sharing information on a small scale while keeping their head down. Plus, Kevin Trudeau knows too much about how the system really works from the inside.
I’ve seen pretty much everything that’s out there when it comes to working with the Laws of the Universe, and what Kevin Trudeau shares in Your Wish Is Your Command and the Global Information Network is the only thing out there I fully agree with. It doesn’t cover the things I’m teaching with Alchemy but it is very complimentary and perfectly fits with everything I’m teaching myself. Take any other program or teacher out there and I will pin-point you serious flaws in it.
Quite frankly, the only reason I’m not in his shoes right now is because I don’t have his level of exposure. He’s doing very important work: he’s clearing the path.
There’s a reason why his customers have way more trust in Kevin Trudeau than in the government and media. It’s important for you to know the truth. The truth will set you free.
As Kevin Trudeau says himself: “It’s not over until you win.” I know that Kevin going to jail is a phase he has to go through, and I’m really curious as to what will come out of it.
By the way, here’s a reading of Kevin Trudeau’s energy field. This is a reading of 1 month ago because his energy is considerably lower in jail.
In the first chakra, he has a very deep presence and authenticity. His personality extends to the cosmos. His projected personality extends to the cosmos.
In the second chakra, his sexuality and creativity are wide open and are a force driving his forward.
In the third chakra, he has tremendous inner power that scares authorities. His self-confidence extends to the stars. His ability to resolve conflicts extends to the moon.
In the fourth chakra, his heart has a facade that can make him appear as a con artist. His self-acceptance extends to the moon. His emotional intelligence extends to the stars.
In the fifth chakra, his communication extends to the stars.
In the sixth chakra, his grounding to the physical world extends to the moon.
In the seventh chakra, his connection to stillness extends to the moon. His connection to the force of life extends to the stars.
Polarity reading
Physical: Masculine extends to the moon. Feminine none.
Emotional: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the moon.
Spiritual: Masculine extends to the cosmos. Feminine extends to the cosmos.
Here’s a FAQ explaining the Energy Profile Reading.
He has one of the most powerful energy field of all the people I know.
If you want to know more, contact me and I’ll give you a free copy of his program Your Wish Is Your Command and you’ll have a much better idea of what’s really going on.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Norman Roeber on June 28, 2013 - 1:13 pm
Great article in support of KT!! One note – he did not put Kevin in jail. The FTC wants him in jail, but the hearing is still going on. The judge ordered him not to leave the Chicago area and the hearing will continue on Monday.
#2 by Dorothy on July 2, 2013 - 3:30 pm
Each of us who have been touched emotionally and energetically by K.T. are blessed. Eitenne – your bold article stating that you discern truth and an extremely powerful being in the person we know as Kevin Trudeau is bulls eye accurate. Norman, as a long time member of G.I.N., you certainly are appreciated in flowing power and love to K.T. His bold stance is for the cause of FREEDOM!! He demostrates the epitome of COURAGE. May we each find the personal fortitude to stand shoulder to shoulder energetically for and with K.T. as he blazes the trail to ultimate harmony, peace, freedom, as spiritual awareness on planet Earth.
#3 by Etienne Charland on June 28, 2013 - 1:51 pm
Thanks for the clarification. I fixed the article.
#4 by Joe Spoletini on June 28, 2013 - 2:15 pm
Kevin say's in his books and in his audios that by leaving the society that he would be fighting golith sure enough it has come to past.
#5 by Colleen Wilson Millett on June 28, 2013 - 8:46 pm
Thanks Etienne. I met you at Be the Change and would like to know more about this. I am a fan of KT and wasn't aware of this new stuff going on.
#6 by Chris Schmidt on June 29, 2013 - 2:42 pm
Great Article!
Again I'm trying to get people together to follow my worldwide approach to support KT. Here's my idea again:
Someone has to fight the fight!
Folks, I just chanced on the campaign "Stand with Edward Snowden" on http://www.avaaz.org/.
Jesus Christ, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Edward Snowden, Kevin Trudeau – criminals or freedom fighters?
Sure we donate to standwithkt.com on a regular basis. But isn't there more we can do to support Kevin in his legal case?
Let's discuss how we can bring it to public so that everybody out there can see what's happening to the right of free speech in the US and all around the world.
I'm thinking about to use http://www.avaaz.org/ for a campaign "Stand with Kevin Trudeau".
What do you think?
How will we as the Global Information Network support the guy who started rolling the ball and laid the fundament for our movement of freedom loving people?
We are a huge group of smart people worldwide.
These days it's easy to get public notice.
Berlin Wall has fallen. Arab Spring was possible because people stood up for their rights. Look what's happening in Turkey right now.
If enough people stand up for their rights, you cannot stop them.
Together we can stand strong. Someone has to fight the fight.
Think about it.
Someone has to fight the fight!
Pingback: Kevin Trudeau Review: Whistleblower or Scammer? | Spiritual Self Transformation
#7 by Dawn Voss on July 1, 2013 - 3:06 am
I am so very extremely excited that I could write an article and a photo for you to present on court date about The Weight Loss Cure "THEY" Don't Want You to Know About by KT. Because I know 100% that it works because I followed the protocol you wrote and I list 60 pounds in two months. I love you so very much Kevin Thrudeau. ♡♥♡ Thank you so very much for the million of things you have done for millions of people and I was so extremely excited to help you as much as I can. ♡♥♡
#8 by Dawn Voss on July 1, 2013 - 3:14 am
I told Kevin Trudeau that I would come and stand as a witness at court for him, if he needs me too.
#9 by Cheryl Hampton on July 1, 2013 - 3:21 am
So did I! I would help in any way I can for Kevin Trudeau.
#10 by Dawn Voss on July 1, 2013 - 3:22 am
Kevin Trudeau is a champion and he needs many people to love him and to help him through this. He Can and He Will and I know in my heart He Did already win. As much as he has taught us we need to take it and apply it to our heart's and live action for Kevin Trudeau. I love you so very much Kevin Trudeau. You brought me out of a disaster of abusive messed up life with my ex and all I can do is give you a favor back to help you in court. ♡♥♡
#11 by Andrew Roeber on July 1, 2013 - 3:29 am
He most certainly has and continues to put his genuine heart into us via training and whistle-blowing, taking the hits.
#12 by Andrew Roeber on July 1, 2013 - 3:33 am
What if the Snowden thing is a smokescreen intending to actually weaken the US, to level out the playing field? If the elite control the people by #1 controlling the media, why would this be on the news?
#13 by Dawn Voss on July 1, 2013 - 4:06 am
From me talk about The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau. A founder of GIN is doing the injection shots right now to Kenneth. ♡♥♡
#14 by Joshua Seymour on July 1, 2013 - 1:31 am
Fantastic article Etienne! Thank you for support KT and standing up for our freedom of speech! As a GIN member, I’d love to collaborate with you at some point in the near future. I sent you an invite to a Google+ community that you might enjoy. The founder of that community has a created a technology that Eli Rook and KT both use.
#15 by Angela on July 6, 2013 - 1:03 am
OMG!! I could pick this article apart. Wrong on sooooo many levels. And once and for all , Kevin was never in a secret society. And he certainly isnt loved by everyone. YWIYC is all borrowed info. Get your stories straight.
#16 by Etienne Charland on July 6, 2013 - 6:05 am
The goal of this article is to separate facts from opinions. Putting opinions aside, do you have any solid information or personal experience to back what you’re trying to say?
#17 by Andrew on July 14, 2013 - 9:53 pm
Angela, your statement can be picked apart too. I’m sure the author doesn’t want someone with low vibration to be commenting on his article. You have your opinions, and so does the author of the article. And don’t come back and argue and go back and forth and back and forth. I have yet to get someone real to actually prove to me they were scammed or ripped off by KT. But I do know there are people who became successful by KT, 10 to every supposed person that was ripped off.
#18 by George Wynns on July 6, 2013 - 1:10 am
Thank you Etienne for this really nice support of Kevin. He deserves it, and you obviously put a lot of work into this. You are absolutely correct that the federal government is acting outrageously in spending millions to try to ruin Kevin when it is simply cooperating with the vested interests that want to sell us more drugs, unhealthy foods, and oppression.
#19 by Will Trueman on July 29, 2013 - 6:40 pm
Kevin has impacted my life so much. His perspective, and his positivity, and ability to speak the truth is so impactful. What he teaches in his book Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About and More Natural Cures makes sense and that is why the government, big oil, and big agribusiness companies are so scared of him.
#20 by avery on August 1, 2013 - 8:06 pm
This clearly is by someone who has not even done one search . On Amazon the book clearly is not liked . Kevin is a conman , into scamming gullible people . As with the law of attraction anybody who thinks such a scammer is a hero obviously is a scammer/ liar themselves .
Read the court documents Kevin created GIN to keep from paying the fine
See the Truth below court documents
The Law of Attraction scammer/liar is inside anybody who is associated with Kevin
Thanks for exposing what you are also Etienne Charland
Good luck
Here’s Amazon listing No Complaints are you F’n Blind Haha !!
#21 by Etienne Charland on August 2, 2013 - 1:39 am
That’s what I covered in-depth here
I’m really curious as to who spends their time browsing the internet to post such comments.
Avery, here’s your Energy Profile Reading. You rank 112 on the Hawkins Scale which is between Fear and Desire.
In the first chakra, you live in constant fear and financial struggle. You’re just doing your job and following orders. Your personality extends 3′.
In the second chakra, your sexuality and creativity are heavily repressed with shame.
In the third chakra, you don’t really have any power for yourself, you’re just a commodity for others. Your self-confidence extends 1′. Your ability to resolve conflicts extends 6″.
In the fourth chakra, your heart desires more and doesn’t know where to look. Your self-acceptance extends 2″. Your emotional intelligence extends 1″.
In the fifth chakra, you’re trapped and don’t see any other roads than getting propaganda jobs like this. Your communication extends 16′.
In the sixth chakra, your grounding to the physical world extends 3′.
In the seventh chakra, your connection to stillness extends 1′. Your connection to the force of life extends 3″.
That’s all I need to know.
Read the book Energy Profiles Explained (FREE) to understand how the energy field works in-depth.
#22 by avery on August 3, 2013 - 1:51 am
[Comment Deleted]
#23 by Etienne Charland on August 3, 2013 - 4:42 am
You can comment about Kevin if you have personal experience with him, but don’t attack me when you have no experience with my work whatsoever.
#24 by Jessica on February 24, 2015 - 11:35 pm
Well technically he does have a little experience with your work, from your “reading”…yeah, I am sure you can read people from the internet lol! Oh, and if his book is so good why does it not have any actual cures?
#25 by Andrew on November 19, 2013 - 7:30 pm
Avery, one complaint for every TEN THOUSAND books sold would be a ton of complaints. It’s like if you sold ten thousand books and got one complaint. I know you can get it. Also, seeing that his books threaten Big Pharm and the FDA’s cash cow, of course there will be complaints. You can hire firms to pay people to write what you want on the internet, even to skew the search results in this near Hitlerian society.
#26 by David Bragman on August 3, 2013 - 8:09 am
I worked with Kevin Trudeau for a couple of years. I was a studio engineer at Nightingale-Conant during the late 80's until I got shit-canned 16 years ago. I recorded Mega Math and Mega Speed Reading. I condensed Mega Memory from 6 a hour program to a 2 hour program. In order to do that, I had to get Trudeau's OK for the edits, as stipulated in his contract. I had to work through his attorney, because he was in the Federal pen for credit card fraud. I recorded the training tapes for the Nutrition for Life multi-level marketing scheme he was involved with.
I was the low man on the totem pole at Nightingale, and Kevin Trudeau was part of the shit detail I had to deal with.
He told me one day, just as an aside, "I spend most of my time in court with lawyers."
The speed reading program with Howard Berg was really bad. This was in the day they were publishing 6 cassette programs. Side 12 was Kevin pitching his other products. The program needed a lot of editing, but I was told to push it through fast, and skip the editing. Some distribution company heard it and refused to sell it the way it was, so I was told to re-edit.
There was time to do it over, but not time to do it right in the first place.
When I joined Nightingale-Conant in 1987, there were about 250 employees. It was a well respected motivational and sales training tape company, the best. I was proud of the stuff I worked on, and I learned a lot.
When Trudeau got out of the pen, he and his cellmate Jules got involved in Nutrition for Life, an Amway-style pyramid scheme scam, and we produced the tapes they sold.
Not we, I. I recorded him in Studio A for 2 or 3 years, I don't remember many details. Jules did a Yoda impression that he thought was hilarious. I had to record this crap, it was my day job. Trudeau did TV infomercials with Danny Bonnaduce about some health products around that time. Nightingale housed the Trudeau Marketing Group in the building for a while, and the morale slid downhill.
People were laid off from Nightingale in a few waves. Mike, Rose, Roger, Steve, and many others. When I was laid off in March of 1997, they fired 50 people that day. The personnel director had a sign on his desk that could be moved around to say, "Have a nice day," or " Take a hike."
I took a hike. I'm still pissed off and bummed. It was a good company, and buying into Trudeau's bullshit cost them their reputation and a lot of jobs, mine among them. I think there are about 35 people working there now. Trudreau is long gone from Nightingale, and they don't even sell his stuff anymore. He does that on his own.
Before you buy from Kevin Trudeau, read on the internet about the complaints against him.
I'm not making this shit up. Thanks for letting me rant.
#27 by Kevin on August 9, 2013 - 10:07 am
Hello Mr. “David Bragman” your first sentence tells us all we need to know about you and your mental state: “…until I got shit-canned 16 years ago.”
#28 by Andrew on October 10, 2013 - 2:29 pm
LOL Kevin. Yeah, there is a lot of missing information in David’s story also. I’ll see if he wants to listen to the YWIYC to get him out of his 16-year rut.
#29 by Denise Hill on October 15, 2013 - 6:40 pm
I love Kevin Trudeau. He tells it like it is. I love everything he stands for.
#30 by Fairmount Fair on January 31, 2014 - 9:27 am
Kevin has actually attended the Bilderberg Group meetings in the past so he was inside track all the way. He started to frequent the Alex Jones show and I think this got him in trouble. I wonder if he is being railroaded for his sharing of knowledge of entitlements and "free money."
#31 by Etienne Charland on February 15, 2014 - 10:44 am
Fairmount, Kevin Trudeau has been put in jail since October.
#32 by avery on February 15, 2014 - 10:24 am
I never did authorize a reading as it was an invasion of privacy.
Seems your ego may have got in the way
And if you really believed you are spiritual it is my opinion you would not have feared my comment and deleted it or maybe it exposes your weaknesses
#33 by Etienne Charland on February 15, 2014 - 10:40 am
So you’re still monitoring the GIN Facebook page? (because you’re obviously reacting to what I posted there yesterday)
Putting Kevin Trudeau in jail is also a violation of privacy and a violation of freedom. Which gives me permission. Whether you like it or not doesn’t change anything.
For the sake of transparency, here’s the reading of your level of integrity on the Hawkins Scale
Personal Integrity: 431
Relational Integrity: 225
Integrity Towards Society: 15
#34 by avery on February 15, 2014 - 12:21 pm
FB page ?
As i stated i do not authorize a reading of my energy
so that supposed reading of integrity to society must be yours as you were not following my wishes
I didn’t mention anything about Kevin Trudeau , you seem to be misguided there too ,but in reply to your comment , two wrongs make a right ?
The govt violate’s privacy so you can too ?
I follow people who appear to be out of integrity (but claim they are not ) and so far you seem to be
I would rather like you to be shown you are
#35 by Etienne Charland on February 15, 2014 - 2:49 pm
You come back here after months, the very next day after I demasked several people who are trying to lead the club according to a private agenda, on the GIN Facebook page, with energy readings. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. You didn’t even believe in such readings before that.
Welcome to the 3rd Millenium. With the awakening of intuitive perceptions, your energy field is now part of the public domain, whether you like it or not. The government spies on every single one of us, but we can get as much information about them through psychic readings. And I don’t care why you work for them or what your agenda is.
Don’t bother responding, this is the last post I’m approving. This website is for those who want to improve their quality of life, not for those who want to whine and hold onto their past. Move on.
One cool thing about your comments is that the more we discuss this, the higher this article ranks in Google. I would like to thank you for that. This article has become my most commented article ever and I even got paid clients who found me through it. Pretty cool.
Pingback: Integrity Is The Foundation Of Everything That Lasts | Spiritual Self Transformation
#36 by avery on February 16, 2014 - 8:50 pm
Dov Baron
For those of you who do not know: I spent many years traveling and studying with many great teacher from many different religious philosophies. (among other things) And one thing I became crystal clear on was this: Everyone gets and Ego and as a result “Everything you learn, your ego learns”. And there is nothing the ego enjoys more than fooling you (and anyone else who will buy into it) that it (the ego) either doesn’t exist or that you are more enlightened than someone else…
Reality check folks: If you are telling yourself that you are better/ more enlightened than some else, that’s your ego! However, if you are telling yourself that you are not as good as someone else, that’s ego too. Your value is intrinsic and the only one who can take it away, is you believing your own shit.
Value yourself highly but don’t take yourself to seriously. After all on your death bed, you maybe the best punch line there is.
#37 by Etienne Charland on February 16, 2014 - 9:04 pm
Ah, now this post has some substance in it. If you have something philosophical to discuss, this is the place for that.
I agree with everything you are saying here.
Question is: what can you do to make your life better, and the life of those around you better?
Here are a few suggestions for you
1. Quit your job
2. Forgive your father
3. Go travel, anywhere
#38 by avery on February 21, 2014 - 12:27 am
Actually i will pass as you didn’t reply with any substance and you somehow seemed to have missed the point about ego and being enlightened
A person who thinks they are so enlightened that they “think” they can read a person who has an intention of not being read is disrespectful and not very spiritual in my opinion and you were very off
I don’t have a job
My dad is the best person in the whole world
And i travel two out of 12 months or more traveling
And if you love YWIYC/Kevin Trudeau then somehow you are missing what i have to offer as it was/is your wish
#39 by Etienne Charland on February 21, 2014 - 8:06 am
I totally agreed with your last post, there was nothing to add.
Judgements are not spiritual. There is no such thing as good or bad. There are only actions coming out of love or out of fear. I have no judgments towards you and have nothing to hide. The reason I read your energy is because it serves a greater purpose, to uncover what’s really going on with all this. Uncovering truth has nothing to do with judging.
With a TruTester, a $25 simple device, anyone can differentiate what’s true and what’s not. Let’s run your 3 questions through kinesiology test, which anyone can validate on their own.
Clear False.
Clear False.
#40 by Etienne Charland on February 25, 2014 - 12:39 pm
Here’s how government agencies manipulate online opinions. They are doing this intensively for Kevin Trudeau, which is why there is so much negativity online about him.
“Western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse”
#41 by ConMan on March 18, 2014 - 6:13 pm
It is funny, the people he conned are still defending him, even though he admitted to lying after being sentenced.
You people need to stop breeding.
#42 by Roger Francoeur on March 23, 2014 - 1:27 am
we should investigate the investigators
#43 by jeff on July 3, 2014 - 7:23 am
Question. ….kevin’s Info is wonderful and life changing, how come he cant raise himself out of the jail situation, I am sure he vibrated himself into that situation unless ofcourse its leading him to something better
#44 by Etienne Charland on July 3, 2014 - 2:51 pm
Because being there serves a purpose; which we probably won’t fully know until years later
#45 by jeff on July 3, 2014 - 5:20 pm
Nice thought, so he was aligned and in the sweet-spot and what happened after that cant be bad, right? Kevin has taught Alot of good stuff and it makes alot of sense…if I dont manifest something, its because I am out of alignment or not following thr principles correctly….I set out to manifest one hundred thousand dollars this year but havent made even Half of it yet….and its July, doubt and fear set in but I re-listened to Kevin’s teaching and I am working with smaller believable goals till I get there….anybody experienced this before????
#46 by Etienne Charland on July 3, 2014 - 5:27 pm
One piece of advice. Get the very best support you can to support you in moving forward towards your goals.
#47 by Shawna Garner on July 10, 2014 - 12:52 am
I too have been blessed by reading Kevin's books, and I just have to wonder how many of the negative online comments are from 'real' people that know enough about him to have an informed opinion! The onlypossoble 'real' comments, I would think, would come from those that haven't awakened yet, and are successfully brainwashed by our media and govt. I am so thankful to Kevin T. for risking his life,liberty,& reputation for us 'genetically inferior/99%' folks that make up 99% of our country!! Thank God for people like him-willing to break the silence for US. And thanks so much for making sure that a genuine article gets out there, that is well informed of Kevin T.'s true mission and the true reason they've locked him up! I cannot believe they may get away with this-I "am MAD AS HELL AND IM NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH IT ANYMORE"!!(A la Kevin T.) Truly, I wish there were something I could do to help-I would do it in an instant! I will b writing as many people as I can that are involved in this. Beyond that…help to spread the truth and the light!! Thanks for a wonderful article:)
#48 by shawna on July 10, 2014 - 1:53 am
Kevin T’s Natural Cures book has had an amazingly positive effect on my life. I have been reading and researching endlessly for quite a few years now, but it wasn’t until I read his book that it all seemed to come together for me. It just clicked into place… No more doubting or questioning-i got it! It wasn’t just his words alone, but also the wealth of information he shares for us to follow that others have written or filmed. These are great sources and served to fill out the bigger picture for me. I will forever be grateful to Kevin T for risking his life, liberty, and reputation for US(me)! We have a former Presidential candidate recorded, referring to us dismissively as the other 99%, and yet still not everyone wants to believe what’s right in front of them. It’s so appropriate to me that it’s called ‘awakening’, because that is truly what it feels like-woken from a hypnotised/brainwashed state- to the point that I marvel at my previous unknowing!Thanks to those like the author of this article and Kevin T, more people are realizing we are being used and abused on a massive scale. I hope with all my heart that this persecution(of K.T.) doesn’t have to succeed in order to serve the larger purpose of our awakening! He has my support in any way possible-as does anyone else fighting the good fight!
#49 by Michael Gabriel on April 28, 2020 - 10:02 am
what’s the connection of facebook, Youtube and other platform has to do with parastatal Elite. because, anything that bring awareness to the public with authenticity is always deleted. what’s going on!