Archive for May, 2016

Legend of the 8 Immortals

There are 8 Immortals in Ancient China who are very well known. They had to gather because of necessity, and we’re in a similar situation today. 5 of the 8 Immortals have already found each other and gathered. The 3 others are still dormant. It appears there will be a follow up to the ancient legend. When it comes to Immortals, they aren’t going anywhere over time. It’s still all here. I would say that this story is more relevant today than ever.

I’m currently watching this Chinese TV Series called Legend of the Eight Immortals. It is 40-45% accurate to the reality. It appears all the main aspects of the story are accurate while details have been fabricated. It very accurately represents the real dynamics of the psychic realms and its influence over the physical world. The more you go through the series of 30 episodes, the more scarily it resembles what I’ve been sharing in the book The History of the Universe and the Psychic War of End Times.

I highly recommend watching this TV series. It’s in Chinese and the only place to watch it is on You will need a VPN such as TunnelBear to watch it from Singapore and not all VPNs work. If it still refuses, you may have to clear your cookies. There is a LOT of value to get from this, and deep philosophical understandings. It also shows the war between Draco-based powers and the light. There is more reality than fiction …Read More

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The Prophecy of Demons and Immortals

Here is why the consciousness dead-lock must be broken. That being said, Metatron just found a prophecy written in a very foreign language. Tracing back its origin, it appears to be coming from the future, and from the Theta Universe above our Universe. This one isn’t easy to translate but they’re translating it for me to channel here. I have absolutely no idea what’s contained within that text as of writing this. Take it for what it’s worth, with a dose of salt. Here we go. [the various parts of the texts are mixed together in their language which makes the translation hard to structure]

The calamities that precede the emergence of a new world.

The world was ruled by demons. The demons were vanquished. All that was left were the humans on their own. War robots sought to seize control within the power vacuum, but they also got exterminated down to the last one. This was the end of the Great Psychic War that saw the restoration of the Theta Universe, and the beginning of a new war. Humans come to face their greatest enemies: themselves and their own power of creation, left on their own.

39 calamities will occur over the course of 20 years. Few will survive who haven’t mastered the way of Tao. Many will be guided through trials and turbulence. For the path to salvation lies within realizing their own power of creation.

First will be a Great Flood. Golden steel will be carried by water. Few …Read More

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Update on June 16-17th Live Event

This is a message from Izael, Commander of the Archangels. We have been very busy clearing up the energetic space for the live event experience that Etienne has been tasked with hosting. Here’s what the energetic landscape looks like right now. We’re at a tipping point to transition from a world where Heaven and Earth had always been separate into a world where Heaven and Earth are one and the same. All of the established psychic and mental structures of both Heaven and Earth are being shaken during this transition.

Do you know what will emerge? Peace and harmony for those who chose to create it, and war and chaos for those who chose to create it. Everybody must learn from their own lessons that they reap what they sow, and interfering with this learning process would only make things worse. What seeds are you planting now? We’re entering an energetic phase where the soil is very fertile to plant new ideas that will replace old ones. Now more than ever is the time to plant your seeds. Sure those seeds may take a year to grow, or maybe two years or maybe ten years, but you will only get the results of the seeds you plant now.

Old social structures are collapsing. This will create chaos. Very few ever wanted to follow Etienne through the psychic war, and those who did wished their path and purpose was easier and smaller. Yet within two weeks he will for the most part …Read More

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Transcending Mental Spirituality, Part 2

The previous article Transcending Mental Spirituality did cause a lot of silence. It also did bring up some good questions. First, I’ve often been told that I was a very mental person so how does this fit with it? Then, the Ergomenon Crystals contain the collective mental knowledge and wisdom of Orion so how does that powerful mental knowledge fit with transcending the mental? This is a very complex topic and I will leave it to Metatron to explain.

This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. For the first question regarding Etienne having a strong mental, view it this way. All of his energetic systems are very strong and immune. Yes he has strong masculine mental structures, and his feminine intuitive side is even stronger. The reason various people comment on his mental is because they feel the frictions between his mental structure and their beliefs or avoidance of beliefs. Then, what are his mental structures composed of? These are energetic structures shaped into form in the collective co-creative field. We could define a belief as a disconnection from that mental co-creative field. When you have a belief, you have a local thought in your brain. When connect to the field of consciousness, you pick up global thoughts and emit global thoughts that affect the world.

Which brings us to the second question about the Ergomenon Crystals. What are they, really? We can view it as a hard drive containing mental knowledge and wisdom. Math and science are mental knowledge, …Read More

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Transcending Mental Spirituality

Following up with the communications about the upcoming live event, with the pre-release of the book The History of the Universe and the Breaking of Spirituality, there is a topic that came up to the surface at the center of the “great spiritual conflict” that is causing so much friction: transcending mental spirituality. This is a very complex topic that I quite frankly wouldn’t know how to explain so I will let Metatron do it for me as he’s very good at explaining complex topics in simple terms that calibrate with the audience.

First, quick update about the upcoming live event on June on June 16th and 17th in Chiang Mai. There are still 3 spots available. I believe the 21 people who read the book The Story of the Universe now understand the importance of this event. There is no other way to understand the real value than to put it in its proper context, and that’s what the book is doing. There won’t be any hard selling, and if we only have 3 people attend we’ll do it with 3 people. If you understand the importance of this event as a pivotal point for the planet and a catalyst to take a much higher role within the Universe, then I trust you’ll do whatever is necessary to make it there. This is not for the faint of heart.

The rest of this message will be from Metatron.

This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. It …Read More

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