Posts Tagged sexual polarity

Spiritual Landscape 2020 and Beyond

I’ve barely been able to do any work since coming back from Thailand in March, and a lot has been unfolding. Dealing with the Satanist Cabal, the Nazis, the Negas, Diablo & Lilith, then now the “agency” launched a fleet to attack Earth a few days ago. When is this going to stop? We’re eliminating the groups one after the other, and we’re getting very effective at it. This is getting incredibly boring and repetitive. Who is next? Many lightworkers have been fooled by the “agency” into fighting for the wrong side.

I have a pile of Soul Alignment Readings to do; doing it once in a while when energies are a bit lighter, but please be patient.

There are obviously very deep shifts taking place, and the new landscape is starting to take shape. This is what I want to share with you today. The spiritual landscape for 2020 and beyond.

First, as I kept repeating for years, lightworkers failed to fill the power vacuum left by the removal of the Dracos, so whenever we take out one group, another group comes through time to fill the vacuum. Last time was UniMatrix stepping in to fill the vacuum. In response, the Galactic Federations have stepped in to fill that power vacuum.

At the same time, 95% of energy workers are forking off into a 20-30 years karmic cycle. I don’t know yet what’s next for me, but these 95% who failed to fill the power vacuum, and who were spared from the virus …Read More

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Orion Symbol of Abundance

This symbol came to me the other day, and I thought I’d share it. This one is particularly interesting. It represents Creation through God into Abundance. The vibration is 93 million, so you can definitely tune into the energy of the symbol. It is still actively being used on around 64 old Orion planets, so it is an aggregate that is very active and alive. Unlike Reiki that had weak aggregates that got polluted beyond use after the symbols got leaked online, this one will remain intact.

Start at the top. The dot represents the point of singularity, “God”. The small curve represents the humbleness of God. The vertical line represents “God descending”. The curve left represents “for creation”. The line going right represents “into abundance”. The bar in the middle represents the veil separating the physical and astral planes.

So the whole symbol represents “God descending through the veil for creation into abundance”. Very powerful aggregate.

This actually look like Chinese, with a symbol representing a concept, and in fact, is at the origin of the Chinese language. So I asked a Chinese-speaking person whether there was anything similar to this symbol in Chinese. Unfortunately, there isn’t much. The closest symbol is very similar but up-side-down: 子. It means “child”. It can also be used as a unit of measurement and means “one”.

This seems to indicate distant roots. They saw the symbols written somewhere, not knowing which way is up and which way is down, and tried to interpret them. They got …Read More

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Group Program Is Ready!

After the email I sent out asking whether there would be interest in a group program to learn how to do the energy work that I do in a group setting at a much lower investment point than working 1-on-1 ($200/month), about a dozen people responded with their interest. So here it is, after originally launching the Year of Enlightenment 3 years ago, I’m doing it again.

This is a limited-time opportunity. I’ve only launched this program 3 years ago and once started, you won’t be able to join. You have a 1-month window of opportunity to get on-board for the year.

>> Read all the details here

As a note, after changing my prices from $197 to $200, the very next day, I saw someone who wrote on Facebook that pricing with 97$ or .99$ is drawing people who are stupid enough to think the $3 or 1¢ difference is going to make a difference in their budget, and it creates a relationship with this “implied stupidity”. The title of his article was “how to attract smart people”. It perfectly reflects what I’ve been feeling about it, and I immediately felt a huge relief after changing the prices to a flat $200. It might result in less sales, but will attract smarter people, and overall create better relationships. As for full payments, instead of discounting the price, I decided to give juicy bonuses. I’ll also note that personally, for energetic reasons, monthly payments are more useful, for reasons that I’ll probably …Read More

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Natural Grounding Player v1.4 is Ready!!

>> Download Here

It has been exactly a year since the last release (February 26th), and today’s solar eclipse is the perfect time to release Version 1.4! This is a MAJOR release with every aspect greatly enhanced. It is now a series of applications to manage audio and video files.

Please leave your review on SourceForge!

The Natural Grounding Player now gives more flexibility as to which videos to play and has a great UI overhaul.

The Yin Media Encoder is now an independent application and no longer requires working with files in a single folder. This will make it much easier for video enthusiasts to upscale their SD videos into HD. It now does the processing in 16-bit and has many more options.

The 432hz Player allows playing audio playlists with live auto-pitch from 440hz to 432hz to make it more harmonious with the heart. At first you don’t notice too much different UNTIL you switch back to 440hz, and THEN you can’t go back from 432hz. There is no other option on Windows to auto-pitch to 432hz with this quality and precision. Changing the play speed by -1.82% doesn’t count as ‘precise’.

The Powerliminals Player allows playing 10, 20 or even 30 audios simultaneously at various speeds. [Perfect for playing Powerliminals!](

The Audio Video Muxer allows changing file containers, merging audio/video streams from separate files, and joining multiple video files of same format **without re-encoding. All operations are lossless.**

Warning: This version will replace your database. To preserve your custom videos, mark …Read More

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Updated Bio / Astral Team

I haven’t written much lately, but have been very busy: moving back to Canada and cleansing the area, moving back to Mexico and activating some pyramids, etc. The inauguration of Trump has been a very intense energetic transition. Plus, I found that warning about things mostly creates fear and resistance while the events themselves create questions, so I’m better to let events unfold. Some people told me they now printed the blog posts history to go through it again as all the questions have already been answered.

I’m also going through a rebranding process, as I have outgrown the brand of Spiritual Self Transformation. You’re going to see changes gradually unfold.

For now, my bio has been updated, as well as a page describing the astral team I work with.

View the new bio (page vibrates at 83,705) and the astral team (page vibrates at 179,512).

The Book Accuracy List is also coming very soon on the Satrimono Publishing’s website… just got a technical detail to solve (running SQLite database on Linux). This list measures the accuracy and vibration level of a wide variety of popular books. There is also a page describing with great detail how the readings are done and how to do it yourself. This is by far the best guide on how to measure energies. I’ll update you once the website is running.

For now, view the new bio and the astral team.

Other changes that will take place: the Strategy Session will become a Spiritual Laser Focus …Read More

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