What is the False Light Matrix? I’ve been mentioning it over and over lately, and it is a complex topic. What makes it difficult to describe is that it is pervasive in our daily reality, making it nearly invisible to most people. Darkness is a lot easier to recognize, but False Light is generally seen as the real deal, what people strive for and dedicate their lives for. For that reason, it is deeply part of most people’s foundations and thus is a lot harder to remove or correct. Disconnecting from the False Light Matrix requires a very deep psychological shift, and often will only happen after a sequence of catalyst events where the False Light shows its true nature. Because of the complexity of the topic, I will leave Metatron write the rest of this article through channeling.
This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. The topic of False Light Matrix has drawn a lot of attention lately, both in the physical plane and in the astral planes. We’re at a convergence point in the evolution process where the Light is overthrowing and destroying the False Light. This is causing a great deal of challenges and pains on the physical plane for a lot of well-intended people and truth-seekers. This is a regrettable side-effect of this ascension process we’re all going through.
In order to get more clarity as to why current events are unfolding, and how it can directly impact your life, we need to understand the False Light Matrix …Read More