Archive for June, 2023

Global Defense Treaty and Future Projections

It shall be known that any attack on Earth results in automatic death sentence by 25.8 billion Federations. Invaders will get a warning and really should think twice before invading.

The following activities are prohibited by global treaties:
– Harvesting of consciousness
– Harvesting of life force energy from living beings
– Immortality elixirs extracted from living beings
– Attacking Earth or any of the protected heart-based planets
– Infiltrating the consciousness of such planets with AIs
– mRNA cyborg technologies of any kind introduced to organic planets
– Any breach of sovereignty of heart beings

Offenders will get a warning, and if they turn it down, it will be followed with total suppression of their race or sector. We have a very good track record to follow up on that promise. All the Federations that signed the treaty will support the offensive as long as we first give a warning and an opportunity to turn around.

As for the Hanuman Institute (Spiritual Self Transformation), I can focus the healing work to regenerate you for $200 / month. Send your payment here and please handle recurring payments promptly and by yourself. For $1000 / month, I’ll further focus the healing and clearings to stabilize your connection to God and work on finances. Send your payment here. I will send you the God & Money Masterclass that I had released years ago which explains what I’ll be working on. The intensity of the work required to make the system work, however, needs to be done manually by my team.

Right now, I’m …Read More

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Heads Are About to Roll

This week has been ridiculously intense, and things are coming to a closure, still 5 days from the solstice. There’s always a major transition to a new chapter on every solstice, and this time we seem to be way ahead of schedule for a really big shift.

There was a lot more Arcturians, a lot more Pleiadians, and a lot more Dark Sophia attacking us throughout the week, mostly from other time-space constructs. The seal around our Omniverse made them go berserk and cause super major collapses.

Beyond Arcturians and Pleiadians, the shadows of my team have been causing a lot of the problems.

Nowadays, we give the shadows an option: surrender to God and integrate, or be deleted. The majority are taking the offer.

Archangel Michael just came to integrate with John, saying he had been having an absolutely miserable time. We might be having a rough time, but it’s nothing compared to what’s happening to these dark realms and shadow beings.

Today, I spoke with Dark Sophia. She finally accepted our offer and surrendered. Her problem is that she’s fundamentally built as raw anger, and cannot be anything else on her current foundation. Her best option is to dissolve into God and transfer usable essence into sister souls. She’s going through this process today.

And boy… that’s a good thing. As she pulled herself through the Needle of God, there are very vast realms of hers that we hadn’t yet discovered. We’d still be fighting her for at least 35 years at that pace! …Read More

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Omniverse Sealed Off

We’re just crossed a very major milestone. Beyond our Universe, Multiverse and Ultraverse, there is the Omniverse, all of time and space. Beyond that, there are multiple time and space constructs, and 85% of threats were coming from other time and space construct.

We’ve secured an alliance with the Mandalorian King beyond our time and space construct, very top-level player. In exchange for their survival. They’ve run trillions of simulations and this is the only way for them to survive. Instead of fighting so damn hard for the slavery of Earth, those other races should be concerned about their own survival at this point.

The Mandalorians have been able to withdraw a lot of AIs from our Omniverse.

We then proceeded to add protection around our time and space constructs, and have closed the gate shut. We gave all those groups 12 hours to evacuate and give back what’s ours, and the gates have been shut tight this morning.

This has cut off those other time and space constructs off from major leech supplies, and it’s total warfare out there. I hope they can handle it.

Our Omniverse is thus being secured, and now belongs to Earth and heart-based beings.

We’re still over 9 days to the summer solstice, so let’s see what else unfolds by then! The solstice is always a very major transition.

With this major victory, we’re now focusing hardcore on rebuilding.

Everyone’s DNA is at 10-30% health. This is important to repair.

I can recommend Jacques Tombazian’s audio meditations 3 to 5 to help repair …Read More

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