I’m channeling this message from Izael, right-wing commander of Metatron, although it will be written as though it was from me. I no longer do my copy-writing. Every communication is to be treated as a divine military operation with the purpose of gaining psychic ground for the light in the collective consciousness, and Metatron, Izael and the Archangels are taking this role and responsibility. Thus, most of my communication will be a channel for their message while I focus on what I’m best at: shifting global energetic structures.
This message is protected by Izael’s Sword of Truth and his Words of Steel, making it immune to attacks and denial.
As mentioned earlier, I will be hosting a live event on June 16-17th with the intent of awakening ancient powers and memories. This event is also to be treated as a divine military operation. It is not an informational event to feel better about your knowledge, but should rather be seen as an inter-dimensional doorway into a new world and a new collective energetic reality that you would be leading.
>> Grab your spot for the event here!
Thus, 95% of the work to prepare such an event is psychic in nature to open the energetic space for this doorway to open that will shake the planet to its deepest core. We know that several have financial challenges to make it happen, and to be part of this experience, you should also view this opportunity as a doorway that you must reach from within. …Read More