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Quebec Imposing Values Charter

Talking about value conflicts, Quebec now wants to impose the values of the majorities as “national values” and set secularism as the national religion. Protesters are now hitting the streets against racism. Let me bring my perspective on this.

The government, Pauline Marois, wants to define a Values Charter that would stand right next to the Charter of Rights and Liberties and serve as the foundation for future policies. They say “the state has to be secular” so all visible religious signs and dresses should be prohibited for all state employees. As for the cross above the judge, let’s leave it because it’s part of our folklore.

First, people get really confused about this because there really are two different intentions. One is to impose the values of the majorities onto the minorities to protect the national identity, the other is to have a proper work dress code. They really should split the project between a Charter of Equality and Conformity and a Work Dress Code. This would make the debate much easier.

Many years ago, I thought like them that Atheism was the absence of religion, until I realized skeptics were people who would put everything into question except their own beliefs. My definition of religion is a “fixed set of beliefs and values”. According to that definition, secularism is as much of a religion as Catholicism or any other religion. Some also argue that Secularism is the most closed-minded of all religions.

Values really are something personal and shouldn’t be defined …Read More

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Force of Life Monthly Training

There are exciting changes coming up. As I announced earlier, I won’t be selling the Force of Life Blueprint anymore. However, I’ll be creating a monthly program called the Force of Life Monthly Training which you will get for FREE ($47 per month value).

We will explore new topics every month to get out of depression, live a life you love and step into your greater path and power. You will also have the chance to ask questions at the end of each live training, on top of getting the recording and transcript.

The next training will be on September 21st at 1pm PST, 4pm EST, 10 pm CET.

Register here for the Force of Life Monthly Training. It’s free.

In addition, I have added a page on the website to apply for a strategy session for those who are ready to take their lives to the next level. You must first get your Energy Profile Reading before applying for a strategy session.

You can gather as much information as you want, and in the end, it’s all about what are you going to do with it?

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Syrian Conflict: Are People Thinking?

I can’t believe how stupid some people are. According to latest polls, 59% of Americans are against an intervention in Syria, leaving 41% of the population who are not against it. 41% of the population is a whole lot of people who are not thinking at all! First we’ll look at the facts of what’s going on, then look at why many people chose not to think on their own, and then I’ll talk about some of the other stuff going on these days.

What shocks me is that US officials and media completely bypassed logic or proofs and simply presented pre-made conclusions and some people now actually buy into it. What proofs are there that the Syrian government attacked its civilians with chemical weapons? None whatsoever, and looking at the situation, it really doesn’t make any logical sense either. The US government never presented any proofs of it either. They released official documents of “proofs” that contained nothing more than pre-made conclusions and official statements without actually including facts or proofs. After losing the vote of war in the UK, they are taking a step back to do a better propaganda campaign. Their plan of propaganda is to completely bypass logic and get enough authorities or countries to approve the conclusions. If they are so eager to rush into a war with Syria, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t have orchestrated the chemical attack in the first place.

The secret to the law of attraction is not about what you think, …Read More

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Anatomy of Value Conflict

In the last articles, I talked about what value conflicts are, and the difference between your true essence and your false ego. Too often, when transcending their false ego, spiritual people also disconnect from their true ego/essence.

I will also say this: values are part of your false ego. Values are when your conscious mind values one thing less than another and create a separation between them. When you are in your true essence, you are simply standing in your truth which is unique for each individual and for each path. You are fully standing in your truth when you fully value truth and reality on all levels.

Many people view value conflicts as when they have different values than someone else, and although that’s a valid definition, we’re talking about something completely different here. When it comes to spiritual growth, value conflicts are when your conscious or unconscious minds devalue part of truth because it doesn’t quite fit with other parts of truth. Such value conflicts create strong and invisible filters that distort your view of reality.

In the previous article, I talked about 5 types of value conflicts: Conscious Conflict, Unconscious Conflict, Valuing Outcome, Subconscious Avoidance and Subconscious Denial. For the sake of simplicity, I will call them Type 1 to Type 5 value conflicts. These are actually up to 5 layers building on top of each other, meaning there is always a conscious conflict underneath an unconscious conflict that will become visible once you take out a layer. …Read More

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True Essence vs False Ego

Stillness is about transcending your ego. The force of life is about connecting with your true essence. The difference between both is the greatest unsolved mystery keeping most spiritual people penny-less and keeping most others away from spirituality. It is the biggest “unconscious avoidance” value conflict that everybody has in some form or another. It’s worth exploring this deeper.

Traditional spirituality and stillness meditation is about transcending your ego. The goal is to silence your mind and detach yourself from any self-identity in order to be fully in the present moment without any attachment to the past or to the future. This brings an enlightened state of peace and oneness with the universe. Just think about Buddha or Tibetan monks.

Connecting with your true essence means to be fully connected and aligned with your emotions, physical body and sexuality to bring more life to all those around you. It has much more grounded presence and motion to it. Rock-stars are very connected to their true essence, so are conscious entrepreneurs. They are people who have a big vision and who want to have a positive impact on the people around them and in the world.

When you look at these two facets of life for what they really are, you can think of every single conscious person you know and put them in either one of these 2 categories. There are currently very few people on the planet who are fully connected to both. This is one of the greatest guarded secrets that …Read More

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