Posts Tagged alchemy healing

Hospitals Aren’t Safe Anymore

The Juggernaut Attunements are proving to be quite the entertainment! Spend over a full day non-stop on a first client just to open the 2 God connection centers. Buried into 23 layers of hidden realities with God connection at 0.00005%; couldn’t even find the inner buildings after a full day of work. I’m seeing a lot of people with that same weird energetic pattern. 2nd client, upon touching it, I instantly got attacked by an army of very aggressive AI spiders in the heart, plus had to deal with an Archons fortress in his crown. Then in the same day, 3 people on Facebook flipped. How people react to the shift, and how it translates into physical reality, remains to be seen, and we’ll know soon enough.

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about today. We were looking at hospitals, and we’re measuring that in most places, hospitals now have over 50% non-human staff (often 60-90%). These aren’t safe environments anymore. Best-case scenario, you’ll get energetically infected. You can also get your soul trapped or swapped, or physically poisoned. Indeed, many people who went to the hospital recently reported horrific experiences. There are also tons of trapped souls roaming around the hospitals!

Which comes back to an advice I was given by the people who very first introduced me to energies, which I didn’t understand at the time: if you want to be healthy, stay away from hospitals. In practice, I think that means alternative healers will become …Read More

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World Updates Interview Series

I haven’t been posting much updates lately. Our focus shifted from working on our planet into working on the Multiverse and Ultraverse as a whole… kept us pretty busy.

Still nobody else than Hock Yeoh accepted to interview me on this whole mess… now with everything that unfolded, where to even start? How to talk about the Ultraverse situation to people who can’t accept the Earth situation? Plus, most people who were putting my information to use were impostors, so it would have been counter-productive to give out too much intel. Most real Lightworkers have been too crippled down to really use this information anyway.

Now, the Ultraverse demons have been banished out of our Multiverse, 73% of the Ultraverse collapsed (!??), and we’re making HUGE progresses.

The best way to bring this information out will be via a series of interviews with Hock Yeoh.

Here’s the first interview! More coming soon.

Also, we released many Journey to the World videos and completed the first phase of the project; which didn’t go at all as expected. We’ll still need to go around the world though.

>> Watch the Journey to the World videos here

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Interview: Galactic Federations, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Last Saturday, I did a 3h interview on Super Soldier Talk with James Rink, myself representing the Orion Federation, and Marko representing the AnLePleida Alliance. It’s already at nearly 5000 views.

We talked about the 12 dimensions, about the Federations, about the current situation on Earth, and about the timeline shifts. The part where we both shared how we recovered our memories may be a hidden activation gem.

We did a super powerful group meditation at the end, so you may at least want to catch that!

The message was super well received this time.

We didn’t get to most of the topics we wanted to talk about, so we’ll be doing another live interview next Saturday at 2pm EST.

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Gemstones & Alchemy Rings Now Available

After massive initial interest (and 5 rings already being sold), I decided to go ahead and make custom rings available with models for men and women.

After an initial survey, people said that the main criterias they were most looking for in gemstones and rings are: energetic vibration, emotional resonance, and quality/price ratio. These rings rank sky high on all 3.

I’m doing special energetic attunements on all rings to greatly increase their power and cleanse them. Most gems are lab-created (natural gems are also available but much more expensive). What I found is that when looking online, 90% of lab-created gems feel completely dead. I’m not sure why, maybe they’re plastic, resins or something else. The gems I have are actually rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. The difference is that they are purer than natural stones, and thus have even clearer energy. Lab-created gems also have a tendency to feel shallow, and I’ve done special work to remove that shallowness. I’ve been very successful at it, as you can see in the pictures.

So far, the gems available are Yellow Topaz, Amethyst, Red Garnet, Golden Topaz, Peridot, Ruby, Blue Topaz, Aquamarine, Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Green Sapphire, and Pink Sapphire. I also have a few gems of natural amethysts and may have some real natural aquamarine next week (this thing is $200 per carat!). If you want a natural gem, ask me and I may be able to find it. My kung fu teacher’s father had a gemstone factory and jewelry shop 20 …Read More

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The History of Daoist Alchemy and It’s Dark Side

I’ve been busy in China studying Wushu / Tai Chi / Gigong, trying to understand the Daoist philosophy and background, and trying to recover some memories of ancient Chinese history. I haven’t posted in a while because there was a lot going on. They don’t actually teach Daoist Alchemy at the school I’m at in Wudang (or at most of the other schools), which is actually a good thing. I’ve been getting into a lot of clashes with other Daoists, and it took me a while to figure out why. I joined a Facebook group on Daoist Alchemy and most were attacking me saying everything I do is BS, although I did get a lot of good information from them.

The one person in the group who really knows what he’s talking about (vibration of 8000), practicing Daoism according to ancient Wudang traditions, wanted to teach me, but instead blocked me from Facebook. I read his website, pointed out a few things that were inaccurate, he said that doing astral travels and working in higher planes was causing my Qi to leak and thus I shouldn’t do it. I said there’s a war going on in the higher planes and lots of other beings who rely on my presence, stopping to do my work up there is simply not an option. We just parted ways and he blocked me. It took me a while to figure out what actually happened there. Most of the information in this page comes from psychic …Read More

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