Posts Tagged masculinity vs feminity

Analysis of Demonic Donors

As I’m preparing Unlock Your Soul Power training, I’ve come into very interesting data. I just completed writing module 2… already at 46000 words so far, jam-packed with information. This is like writing an entire book. You can register to be added to the wait-list, and ideally contribute financially to help cover the expenses and unlock a bonus module.

Btw I just hit a massive pot-hole on the highway to Playa del Carmen. I didn’t just lose 2 tires this time; 2 rims completely broken in half. These are more expenses to cover on top of preparing this video training and preparing the oils product labels. Any support is very welcomed! Once this video training is ready, and Alchemist Gems business is properly launched, then I’ll be able to say that I have a business. Meanwhile, I’m pretty damn busy.

When you look at an entity or a movement, the donor is the mega-soul that it is built from or that backs it up. I started analyzing the donors of various actors. This brought very surprising data.

Let’s look at the donors for the Pleiadians, Arcturians, virus, jab, Chemtrails, and LGBTQ

As we can see here, the Arcturians and LGBTQ+ are 2 things where all the main demons are still strong and collaborating together. There is still a lot more to deal with than I thought.

LGBTQ+ is their fuel source, and although I suspected Baphomet was behind it, all of them are heavily invested in it. It’s their food source, harvesting …Read More

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The Death of Thoth and March Updates

What a year! We’ve been battling my shadow for months, Dark Sophia for months, Dark Lucifer for months, and then Thoth for months. I am pleased to announce that Thoth is officially dead across all timelines. On the exact same day as the Ukraine war escalated. Curious timing. There remains just a few tiny fragments roaming around, to keep a watch on. I get the bragging rights for killing Thoth, who was WAY above my level. It’s like playing a computer game and killing the lvl89 boss with a lvl25 character.

There remains my shadow (Satan), Lucifer’s shadow, and Sophia’s shadow to clear across all timelines. I worked the whole week to clear Sophia’s shadow on all levels, which is further causing a massive collapse of dark forces. I’m now working on my shadow below ground, as 85% of the aggressive energies in Mexico are my own soul energy.

This collapse of dark forces is causing timelines to collapse and merge, healing the timeline fragmentation. This means that you’ll be facing weird shadow versions of yourself merging with you, and it’s a fight for survival as to which version of yourself will survive. Many people are struggling with this. Honestly, the best support to deal with those merging timelines is to have stable anchor points with Juggernauts. Other than that we’re all on our own path. We had 48 billion timelines. It’s now at 200 million timelines. We’ll have 565000 timelines left within 2 months. Fasten your seat-belt.

My coaching practice is also …Read More

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Red Light of Creation vs White Spiritual Light

There are lots of things shifting. We had a lunar eclipse that was particularly brutal. Sunday my laptop blew up (probably the power supply or battery) and energies were super super dense, yesterday was super light and flowing. Things alternate between super super heavy and light & flowing.

I’m also going through major shifts, closing a major chapter and waiting for what’s next. I’ve withdrawn my astral position and energetic presence, so 15000 other energy workers are instead taking that weight on their shoulders. 5% of energy workers will work on building things forward, while 95% will go through a karmic cycle to learn to deal with things and address reality without fear.

I’m also getting to a place where I’m fed up of spiritual people. I’ve had my dose of dysfunctional behaviors, people wanting attention instead of help, people with completely screwed up thinking around money and power, people doing nothing with their gifts, and people not dealing with reality.

Up until now, my path was 75% White Light and 25% Red Light. It seems my path is shifting towards 65% Red Light and 35% White Light, to compensate for a world that is tilting too much on the White Light side.

Which makes this a perfect time to write on this topic that is way overdue: White Light vs Red Light.

Most spiritual people are focused on the White Light, which is your connection from your crown into Oneness. Most entrepreneurs are focused on the Red Light, which is your connection from your …Read More

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Sexual Energy for Physical Training

I’ve found another application of the Female Sexual Ejaculation Air audio that comes with the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals: physical training. I already wrote a series of articles about the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals: What are the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals, Energy readings of Powerliminals and Applications of Non-Rivalry.

You can also get the first Non-Rivalry Powerliminal for free here, although you’ll want to purchase the package to get the full benefits.

So, I experiment with all kind of crazy stuff. What did I do this time? I leave these Powerliminals playing even when I’m away from home as it keeps affecting my environment. This time I’ve put the two Non-Rivalry Version 2 audios (Powerliminal and Air), 2 bonus Alchemy healing meditations included in the package, plus Female Sexual Arousal Air and Female Sexual Ejaculation Air, and then left for my Muay Thai training.

What did this do? First, a lot of the attacks coming through my environment were neutralized so my energy was better protected to begin with. Then, interestingly enough, it gave me a great supply of sexual energy to fuel my training. I did one hour of Muay Thai, and then did the next class of muscle training for another hour, and I wasn’t dead afterwards, and I recovered very fast. Thus, these sexual energy powerliminals are GREAT for physical training, even when you play them at home on loop while you’re gone. I was doing 3 classes of Muay Thai per week. If I switch into 3×2 classes per week, …Read More

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