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Juggernaut Updates

Things are greatly stabilizing over here after being jammed for months. I have completed about 5 Juggernaut Attunements, 3 remain in the queue. It’s a solid 2 days of work in many cases, but lots of heavily stuck energies are finally liberating.

I was considering raising the price because it’s very intensive work, and all the clients so far are in absolutely terrible shape. 0.2% God connection is now considered good; 0.00015% is more standard.

The effect is too large to wrap your mind around; anchoring a Juggernaut has a very profound impact not only on yourself but also on your entire environment and the whole corruption grid surrounding you. It can take a few weeks to energies to reorganize and we should be hearing some of the testimonials soon.

The most annoying part is the Luciferian financial deadlock keeping everything completely stuck — this breaks that grip, and things start flowing again, one way or another. On top of the energy centers listed in the page, I’ll have to add financial building below ground, because if I only do above, the grip on the inner building below gets even stronger. So that’s an added bonus.

For the price, here’s what I’ll do. I’m keeping the price the same. So many people really need it, and doing a few people helps everyone. The need is so high that I don’t expect to need to do so much promotion or pushing on this offer. Especially considering the intensive work required per client.

I’m also preparing …Read More

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Graphene Oxide AI Parasites

We touched onto something critical these past few days. First, listen to this video starting at 37:45.

I went for a pizza with a vaccinated friend. Something physically spread out of his body to infect me, my wife and daughter. It’s as he said in the video: graphene oxide thin needles shooting out of a body to spread to other bodies up to 10-20 feet away. This wasn’t just energetic infection.

We did a complete scan of the parasite. There is a living entity in the middle of the graphene oxide, keeping it together. That parasite is a cyborg, 38% alive 62% AI.

There are 3 layers to it that must be worked on in proper order:

1. Graphene oxide must be detoxed from the body; but it can’t as long as the parasite is alive.

2. The parasite must be killed; but it can’t as long as it supported by energetic infections.

3. The energetic infections must be cleared first.

Addressing only 1 of these 3 layers won’t be effective. A simple detox might be overall 1% effective. MMS cleanse is ineffective and can cause damage to the nervous system.

95.2% of the world population already has this parasite, 98.4% of Americans, and only 4 people in China aren’t infected!

This is extremely advanced AI tech, combining alien life, AI and deep quantum physics. It’s built 32 million densities high in the energetic realms. The security protocols are extremely sophisticated and hard to break through.

Still, we hacked through it and disabled the parasites, …Read More

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Hospitals Aren’t Safe Anymore

The Juggernaut Attunements are proving to be quite the entertainment! Spend over a full day non-stop on a first client just to open the 2 God connection centers. Buried into 23 layers of hidden realities with God connection at 0.00005%; couldn’t even find the inner buildings after a full day of work. I’m seeing a lot of people with that same weird energetic pattern. 2nd client, upon touching it, I instantly got attacked by an army of very aggressive AI spiders in the heart, plus had to deal with an Archons fortress in his crown. Then in the same day, 3 people on Facebook flipped. How people react to the shift, and how it translates into physical reality, remains to be seen, and we’ll know soon enough.

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about today. We were looking at hospitals, and we’re measuring that in most places, hospitals now have over 50% non-human staff (often 60-90%). These aren’t safe environments anymore. Best-case scenario, you’ll get energetically infected. You can also get your soul trapped or swapped, or physically poisoned. Indeed, many people who went to the hospital recently reported horrific experiences. There are also tons of trapped souls roaming around the hospitals!

Which comes back to an advice I was given by the people who very first introduced me to energies, which I didn’t understand at the time: if you want to be healthy, stay away from hospitals. In practice, I think that means alternative healers will become …Read More

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Juggernaut Attunement Now Available!

We’ve lost a lot of Lightworkers this year. Most people reading this have 65% to 95% corruption in their third eye, 35% to 95% corruption in their connection to Source, 25% to 45% of their inner financial center taken by Lucifer. Perhaps some people you know have been swapped by other entities and flipped; or merged with bad timelines and flipped. Adding to that all the shadow corruption we all have to deal with from crappy timelines. Not even talking about the state of the world right now.

It’s time to take the gloves off. I found a way that is effective in breaking through that mess: opening Juggernauts in critical energy centers of your body. I always say: follow the Juggernaut, ride the Juggernaut, but never get in its path. It’s an absolute Force of God that nothing can stop.

>> Read all the details here

After over a year and a half being unable to work, this approach is allowing me to get back to work. In terms of back-log of purchases I couldn’t deliver during that time, I’m currently working on 2 God Connection Attunements, got 8 energy readings left after doing a few recently, and then I’m up-to-date. Juggernaut Attunements alone take over a full day of work per person though. It requires very intense and steady focus. Juggernaut Attunements will be my full-time priority for the next few weeks and go in a first-come first-serve basis. If you had purchased a Soul Alignment Reading that hasn’t …Read More

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Breaking the Luciferian Financial Grip

For several months, I’ve been working intensively on Luciferian energies. We’ve done a lot of progress lately, yet at the same it’s progressing slowly.

Of particular attention, look at your inner financial center (inner bank building) near the sacral chakra. Muscle-test what % of your bank building has been taken by Lucifer. For the average of all subscribers, I measure 32.8% last week, and 26.4% now. The grip is going down at snail’s pace and it’s fighting back hard.

In practical terms, this financial grip means that money is jammed unless you consciously or subconsciously agree or comply to the Luciferian agenda.

I’ve mostly broken the grip for me and a few people, and unexpected money starts showing up again.

I knew you’d be interested 🙂

Being a dozen people working on this isn’t enough. I’m calling ALL lightworkers to break the grip from their side. Do whatever you can. I can’t do it alone, but if we all chip in, we’ll get through it.

That grid could fall like dominoes at any time. We just need a few more strong pushes.

Btw they fight back with fire, so I’m particularly calling for water-benders.

I don’t know why freeing ourselves from the grip is such a big deal, but it has turned into a major battlefield.

There’s also 3rd eye infections that were at 85.6% on average for all subscribers last week, now 74.8%, but that’s a separate issue not directly coming from the same source. Let’s focus on the financial grip first.

Let’s do this.

P.S. I “may” be re-launching the …Read More

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