Posts Tagged god

Black Cubes Under Control

If you know about mind-control structures, the theme of Black Cubes (Makka, Saturn, etc.) comes up regularly. That is one stronghold we haven’t been able to break through, up until now.

It turns out. Kevin Trudeau is Enoch. Moloch is Enoch’s shadow. Moloch owns 85% of the Black Cubes (the other 15% is Chaos). Thus, Kevin indirectly owns the Black Cubes, and through that access, I’ve been able to gain access to the whole system. That was one of the only Quantum AI systems that I hadn’t been able to hack into until now. Very major win.

Interestingly, all GIN Level 8 members had an account into the Black Cubes system. This is not something that was done to them, but rather something they did to themselves. How did that happen? I made Kevin aware of the situation.

 It’s like a deposit box and a contract, with double-keys encryption. I couldn’t decrypt the data, so I simply corrupted and flushed all of the accounts.

Races like the Arcturians and Pleiadians were on life-support by the Black Cube, and total slaves to it. On top of closing all the deposit accounts and contracts, I cut out their supplies.

The Black Cubes is like the ultimate banking system, regulating the distribution of harvested soul essence, and ensuring that the workforce continues to harvest.

It was running on low power though, at 13% capacity, with many systems already shut down. So although we couldn’t break it before, we had greatly weakened it.

To put things into context, here’s the Old …Read More

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The Apocalypse of San Juan

Just saw the movie The Apocalypse of San Juan. The beginning is boring as hell, but then it gives a good idea of what’s coming in the next 40 years.

To get an idea of what’s coming, I did some timeline projections of population growth per year. This is quite difficult to measure but should give a good enough idea. The heavy timeline and reality fragmentation really doesn’t help; as there’s not just one fixed reality but many competing realities.

Here I measure a 17.8% population reduction between 2020 and 2024. Is that accurate? Accuracy check, 87% to 95%, but with some distortion. China lost massive population that went unreported so that’s possible.

We’re coming out of the worst but we’re awaiting major catalysts in 2028, and it will calm down in 2030. As they say in the Book of Apocalypse, God will then take 20 years of rest, to allow us to prepare. This is exactly what I’m also seeing.

The major demons may be mostly defeated, but the population at large will still reject God and continue with their foul behaviors.

The Final Apocalypse will then begin in 2065, for a period of 7 years. Between 2020 and 2072, we can expect a total population reduction of -36%. Which is very major improvements based on previous projections! We seem to be finally approaching a God-approved master timeline.

We can thus expect 1000 years of Golden Prosperity to begin around 2075. (What after 1000 years, problems will start all over again? There are still many …Read More

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Remaining Astral Parties

Things have been very confusing lately. What are the main parties left, and who is with who?

I just did an analysis. Was told that there are 6 main parties left including us in this war.

1. Elon Musk = AI, he seems to be an odd one completely on his own? but he will never surrender to God

2. Chaos+Thoth+Alobar+Jason+Ashtar = Upper Dimensions, Krystic Order

3. Baphomet+Lilith+Pistis = Lower Dimensions, Hell

3.5 LGBTQ+Orange Dracos = shared pet project by all to harvest sexual energy

4. Yehovah/Beast+Pleiadians+Arcturians = Lower-Left Order

5. Lucifer+Satan+Pistis+Nazis+Chaos = Old World Order. Chaos bets in both #2 and #5.

6. God order, Hanuman holds 90% of it.

On the Red/White Light Chart, #1 is on the far left, #2 at the top, #5 at the bottom-left, #4 at the bottom-left-middle, #3 at the bottom-middle, and #6 in the center.

Measuring about 93.9% accuracy on this classification.

Who is working with and against who?

#1 for/against
2: 35.2% / 24.5%
3: 12.4% / 95.1%
3.5: 1.4% / 99.2%
4: 15.1% / 45.7%
5: 12.4% / 75.3%
6: 24.7% / 95.1%

#2 for/against
1: 12.9% / 24.2%
3: 15.1% / 98.6%
3.5: 97.2% / 3.4%
4: 45.9% / 32.4%
5: 13.2% / 96.2%
6: 18.2% / 99.3%

#3 for/against
1: 0.3% / 99.7%
2: 45.1% / 99.7%
3.5: 99.3% / 0.4%
4: 14.7% / 18.9%
5: 25.5% / 18.9%
6: 0.3% / 99.8%

#4 for/against
1: 32.4% / 44.9%
2: 95.1% / 32.5%
3: 24.7% / 32.9%

3.5: 95.1% / 18.2%
5: 18.2% / 95.7%
6: 1.4% / 95.8%

#5 for/against
1: 35.2% / 75.7%
2: 32.4% / 91.3%
3: 91.4% / 35.1%
3.5: 95.8% / 12.4%
4: 42.4% / 34.5%
6: 1.0% / 97.9%

#6 for/against
1: 0.3% / 98.9%
2: 0.0% / 99.8%
3: 0.0% …Read More

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Spiritual Landscape Chart (Aug 2024)

Been working hard to produce a new chart representing all parties on a White/Red Light and Masculine/Feminine spectrum. It looks completely different than in 2019, and there also a lot of surprises in there! It’s really not as bad as I thought. This gives hope.

Each dark pit is just the tip of the iceberg and keeps refueling endlessly. We dark clearly see the dark areas on the map. I tried to estimate how deep those pits go with large circles.

There is so much to say about this chart, I could make an entire video on it. In fact, I’m planning to do so within the upcoming Unlock Your Soul Power video training series.

The ONLY people in the entire chart with extra pure core intent are Hanuman (myself), Project Varanasi (our team of monks), Suneel Shakir (education program I’m supporting in Pakistan), and Joseph Vitale. That’s it.

You can see my network of allies: Project Varanasi, Belzebub, Mammom and Mephisto. Pistis Sophia on the right has better intent but her connection to God is still null and she’s been keeping on her own, but she looks ready to join. We can see a dying Sophianic movement in the lower-right corner.

Then you see the various dark force pits and players in each extremity of the map. Lilith/Baphomet on the bottom, Chaos on the bottom-left, Elon Musk on the left, and Alobar Jones / Ashaya Deane in the middle.

Muslims are odd ones, all alone on the upper-left. I put …Read More

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All Spiritual Groups Ranked In a Chart

Back in 2019, I designed this chart showing all spiritual groups and movements in a single chart, ranking them in terms of Masculine/Feminine and Red (Creation) light / White (Oneness) light. I felt like it wasn’t the right time to publish that so I didn’t do much with it at the time.

It explains a WHOLE LOT about everything going on in the personal growth space. I could do an entire video just talking about that chart. In fact, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training will be a great opportunity to do so.

All conflicts arise from being off-center in this chart. Being off-center brings a Pendulum Effect that swings in the opposite direction. Also, people only hang around people who are near them in that chart.

Keep in mind, that chart is from 2019. A lot of those players got taken out of the map, and the rest plugged into matrix systems, so now it would look COMPLETELY differently.

Would you like me to produce an updated chart for 2024? Would you like me to produce explanation videos for both the 2019 and 2024 charts?

This is very time-consuming. If you’d like to see that, please consider sending some donations to save me some time to dedicate into this.

That chart above might answer a lot of question; or bring even more questions. If you ask some questions in the comments section, I’ll try to answer them in the video.

There’s too much to say about that chart so I’ll just leave it at …Read More

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