“You Know You Have a Higher Purpose You Are Not Living”

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Year of Enlightenment

We’re just about to launch our first ever group training program. It will allow you to get tremendous transformational value during a full year at a fraction of the cost. However, it is limited to only 16 people because we’ll be doing a lot of direct energy work and I have to be able to work on each person individually and track your progress.

The program is called Year of Enlightenment. It is a year-long commitment to live at your highest, to integrate regular healing practices into your lifestyle and to be in a track of continual exponential growth. Enlightenment is not a destination, it is a path, and real magic happens when you follow that path for an extended period of time.

During this group trainings, we will go through the healings and meditations I’ve been doing with 1-on-1 clients to
– Clean up your energy field and get out of repression
– Live a lifestyle you truly love
– Step into your power and live a bigger life
– Make money doing what’s most aligned with your soul

While the Force of Life Monthly Training is more theoretical, the Year of Enlightenment will be very experiential. I will teach you powerful energy healing techniques and we will apply them in groups. You will also get assignments to do on your own during the month, as well as a community to support you along the way.

The Year of Enlightenment program includes
– 1 group call per month for 12 months + recordings. …Read More

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The Umbrella Effect

In the last article, The Dark Path of Personal Growth, I quickly mentioned the umbrella effect. Let’s explore what is the energetic umbrella effect and what impact it has on your life.

When someone walks a new path off the beaten paths, he has to clear up lots of energies and challenges along the way. It also opens up a whole new energetic space. Every author creates an energetic umbrella with the books and philosophies they write. That is why when authors have massive breakthroughs, their readers also evolve very quickly. When the author goes through challenges, his readers also go through challenges.

Kevin Trudeau was serving as an umbrella over the Global Information Network. All the legal battles were directly on him while the club was allowed to thrive. Now that Kevin is down, the Global Information Network is next in line to receive the attacks and pressure. The Global Information Network serves as an energetic umbrella above me and above 10000 other members. If the club goes down, then the members and individuals are next in line.

Think of what is happening in journalism. First the whistle-blowers such as Bradley Manning, Julien Assange and Edward Snowden get attacked and sued as “spies”. Then they attack investigative journalists as “aiding the enemy”. Then they attack the people supporting them. In such a battle, every time a layer of umbrella goes down, those under get attacked next.

In my case, as an Alchemist, I face tremendous energetic battles to remove the conflicting intentions …Read More

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The Dark Path of Personal Growth

On October 21st, I went to Washington to meet Kevin Trudeau the day before he went to jail. His energy was surprisingly clear and aligned. Right after his 1-day seminar, he rushed into a plane to go to jail. Since then, he went to court for his criminal case of “willingly” misrepresenting the content of his book on television. Although they failed to prove him guilty, the jury decided to still call him guilty and throw him back in jail, although we still don’t know for how long. Now that Kevin is down, the Global Information Network, which I and 10000 other members are part of, is next in line to be attacked. If GIN goes down, then we the people are next in line, through what I call the umbrella effect, which would be a whole other conversation for another article. I haven’t written anything lately because I was busy doing tremendous energy work around this whole situation. Things are looking good now, and the club will survive and thrive.

I was a bit unsure about flying from Cancun to Washington for a 6-hour seminar, as I’m used to events lasting several days. Turns out I was already saturated after 6 hours. It was GREAT stuff. There is one topic I came to understand which I want to share with you today: The dark path of personal growth.

Some people follow a light path of personal growth, while others follow a dark path, just like in Star Wars. What’s the difference? …Read More

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Build Financial Stability

There is something interesting I have noticed recently. It seems like no matter how much money I earn, there’s nothing left at the end. We’re going to explore what’s going on financially, why it matters, how that relates to you and what can be done about it. It seems to be a problem that a considerable number of people actively improving their lives are experiencing.

One of my coaches, Eiji Morishita, got me to realize that I’m outspending whatever income I have. Since increasing the income only amplifies whatever financial pattern in place, an increase in income can actually lead to higher debts! He learnt this the hard way, and I’m grateful that he shared it with me. I just have to acknowledge when something isn’t going right. If I’m outspending $6k a month, I could see myself in the future outspending $100k a year or even a 7-figure yearly income, which many people actually do. When you have extra income, you can always get a new high-end training program to increase your income, get a new home, a new car, new equipment, take another trip, and outspend whatever income you have and even increase your debts. Most of my money has been going towards paying off past commitments hoping to earn future income, which is not a healthy relationship to money, at least not long-term.

He told me, my next step is not to get more high-end training to increase my income. My next step is to build financial stability. This …Read More

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Energetic Density, Bending the Laws of Physics

So much has been going on lately. I just moved out of Budapest and settled in Playa del Carmen in Mexico a few days ago. I was a sponsor at the Enlightened Business Live event in San Diego and that event was legendary. I could write a whole series of articles just on that. Energies have also been shifting tremendously the whole month. Although I could immune myself against energetic attacks, I was severely affected by the way realities are now colliding. We had to find a creative solution to this, and we found one: bend the spiritual and physical laws, or work with a different set of laws. Warning: this article is extremely advanced.

There is a concept which I had never heard of before: energetic density. There are 7 density levels and the spiritual and physical laws are different at each density level. If you wonder where this information comes from, most of it is downloaded from the source itself.

Plants and minerals are 1st density.

Animals are 2nd density.

Humans are 3rd density.

Psychics and healers are 4th density beings, which allows all psychic and telepathic abilities.

Master Zhou, who can heat metals and move objects, is a 5th density being. I now believe this density level allows all abilities related to moving and altering objects. That would explain why I could do lots of extremely advanced things but can’t directly alter any physical object in any way. That also explains why Master Zhou can do things no other Qi Gong master can …Read More

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