Wow, results with the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals are showing up fast!

“I am playing the non-rivalry air ver 1 right now on loop in my bathroom where many conflicts seem to happen. The main conflicts literally appeared before me, expressed their issue, and then seemed to calm down and get wrapped in a golden light, almost like a cocoon. Fascinating stuff!” -Todd

>> Get the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals here

These audios have been playing in the background of my laptop day and night for 80% of the time in the past few months. It doesn’t mean you’ll get results as fast as Todd as the experience is different for every person. Just try it and see what happens for you.

Here are the energy readings of each powerliminal audio. I’ll measure in this format: Embodied Heigth*Depth / Expressed Height*Depth, where each reading is on a 0-10 Hawkins Scale. Then I’ll also show both values by multiplying Height*Depth*.11=Force. The effect of an energy grows exponentially when we multiply height and depth. I’ll measure the non-rivalry on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Then I’ll show the total of all 6 forces. Lama Dondrup was applying it on a physical level. It works just as well on the emotional and spiritual levels.

Non-Rivalry Powerliminal (version 1)
Physical: 4.3*5.2 / 4.4*5.2 (2.5 / 2.5)
Emotional : 4.2*5.6 / 4.2*5.7 (2.6 / 2.6)
Spiritual : 4.8*6.0 / 9.2*9.3 (3.2 / 9.4)
Total: 22.8

Non-Rivalry Air (version 1)
Physical: 4.2*5.3 / 4.3*5.6 (2.4 / 2.6)
Emotional: 4.3*5.4 / 4.5*5.6 (2.6 / 2.8)
Spiritual: 5.8*9.4 / 4.9*9.6 (6.0 / 5.2)
Total: 21.6

Non-Rivary Powerliminal (version 2)
Physical: 8.2*7.5 / 9.2*5.3 (6.8 / 5.4)
Emotional: 9.2*9.3 / 8.7*7.5 (9.4 / 7.2)
Spiritual: 9.3*9.8 / 9.8*9.9 (10.0 / 10.7)
Total: 49.5

Non-Rivalry Air (version 2)
Physical: 9.2*9.3 / 8.2*8.5 (9.4 / 7.7)
Emotional: 9.2*9.0 / 8.4*5.2 (9.1 / 4.8)
Spiritual: 9.9*10 / 9.9*9.8 (10.9 / 10.7)
Total: 52.6

The Non-Rivalry Air 2 was recorded during a live meditation within the Year of Enlightenment group where the collective energy got VERY high. Immediately after, I recorded the guided powerliminal version before energies fell back down. What’s interesting is that although the overall energy is about the same between Air 2 and Powerliminal 2 (52.6 vs 49.5), the repartition of the energy shifted as conflicting energies started falling back down. My physical energy got compressed which pushed all that force into the emotional level, allowing me to get into an even higher emotional non-rivalry state. So playing both at the same time gives a strong effect on the physical level and also on the emotional level; a combined state that I couldn’t reach myself. I haven’t yet been able to get into any higher state than this, and once I do, I will for sure produce version 3 which will be added to the package (at no additional cost).

>> Get the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals here

Now let’s look at the fun part, the female sexuality powerliminals 🙂 Here I will simply read “female sexual energy” in the same format.

Female Sexual Arousal Air: 4.2*9.3 / 9.5*9.8 (4.3 / 10.2)

Female Sexual Ejaculation Air: 9.8*9.9 / 9.8*10 (10.7 / 10.8)

If you wonder who is in those recording, it will forever remain a secret. And yes the recording is real female ejaculations that could fill a cup; played on loop.

>> Get the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals here

This package includes future Powerliminals that will be produced later, and a series of 4 live calls on money. I don’t yet know when these will be done but it will be done for sure.

That’s it for now. Enjoy those *POWER*liminals!!

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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